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Oracle of Ages Story

Link walked along and suddenly heard a voice calling him. He followed it for a while, and it lead him over to the triforce. He touched the triforce and a bright light blinded him momentarily. When he could see again, he found himself in a mysterious place. He was in a forest and he could hear a voice singing in the distance. He followed the voice through the forest and came across a beautiful woman. She was Nell, the Maiden of Time.

Link was soon shocked to find that a dark shadow appeared in front of Nell. Beran, the priestess of Darkness appeared and walked up toward Nell. She used a powerful magic that made Nell disappear from the forest. Beran had finally attained what she had been looking for. She would soon steal the Maiden of Time’s power that she desired. Link had no choice but to search and try to save the beautiful Maiden of Time.

Oracle Series Main

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The Cavern - 2000 - 2001