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Oracle of Seasons Story

Princess Zelda, as the one to hold the triforce of wisdom, she also had the power to control all four seasons that swept across Hyrule. However, she had been kidnapped by Ganon, once again, who had already attained the triforce of power. With these two pieces of the triforce, it lead him to having only one more to gain. Upon hearing of this, Link sets out on a journey to stop Ganon and his evil plans. However, after Ganon finds out about Links plan to thwart him, he quickly splits the triforce into eight separate pieces. These pieces ended up being scattered across Hyrule.

Another problem presents itself. The relic to control the seasons of Hyrule, the Rod of Seasons, has been lost in another dimension. An unfortunate consequence to this is that the seasons of Hyrule have been scrambled. Link has no choice but to search for the Princess, Rod of Seasons, and to stop Ganon.

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The Cavern - 2000 - 2001