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The Triforce Mystery

Ok, many people have setup up "rumors" about the ability of the Triforce being in Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time. Well, i'm not much of one to believe in these rumors but it is true that you can "see" the Triforce in the game. Many may be dissapointed with it (the triforce is shown in the distance and is very small) and will say that it isn't there. However, if you believe it, here's how:

You must be Adult Link, have the Silver Gauntlets, and be in day time to do this. First, go to Zora's Fountain, behind King Zora in Zora's Domain. Next, go near to the entrance of the Great Fairy Fountain to the right(if you don't know where this is see Magic Abilities). Now, lift up the Silver or Grayish Stone in front. It will open a hole down to an underground passage. Go down the passage and walk on it until you reach the ladder at the end(on the path there are invisible skulltuwallas). Climb up the ladder. On the top, kill the big skullwalla and walk over to the ledge's opening facing onto Zora's Fountain. If you look to the right, high up in the trees, you will see 3 shining points in the triforce order. If you toggle the camera around to get different view you can sometimes see triangles in them.

To me, a die hard fan, it was amazing to see the triforce. To others it may not be as important. My view on it is that it is either an add-on that Nintendo put in the game for entertainment, or a coincidential glitch. Try it for yourself, what do you think?

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