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Touched My Soul

Heaven Online

There's a land where I go when I need to share
that's not on a map, yet exists everywhere.
A land of names without faces, a curious place
A modern creation thats called cyber-space.
There's all sorts of people with cute litle names
Like Pookie, and Sandman and Rosebud and Flames.
Some are just snobs and some are real fun.
And some of them just want to find someone.
But both good and bad they all play a role.
Still each one unique, but part of the whole.
We talk and laugh and wonder why.
We flirt and hug and sometimes cry.
We can't be heard and can't be seen.
Yet, there it is, right on our screen.
But all in all the most curious part
Is the power it has to open our heart.
To share with a stranger those things we've concealed
Which to our closest of friends we'd never reveal.
Our deepest regrets and most troubling fears
The scars in our life which bring us to tears.
What gives them the power to reach into me
and show me the truths that I never see.
How do they manage to open my eyes
And make me confess the deceit and the lies.
I don't understand this magical spell.
But I know that without it my life would be hell.
This must have been planned by the Creator up above.
Cause there's no place on earth where you'll find as much love.
When I need direction I know I can find
those angels from heaven just waiting online.

(Author Unknown)

The "Dove of Peace" flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible. Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site, by passing it on to another continent or to the conflict areas of the world.

A friend is there when everyone else isn't,
Believing when everyone else hasn't,
Understanding when everyone else doesn't,
Loving when everyone else wasn't.


"A part of you has grown in me,
together forever we shall be,
never apart,
maybe in distance,
but not in heart"


This page is dedicated to all the wonderful, loving friends who have come into my life and made such an incredible impact on me. These wonderful friends are more precious than "gold". They have woven threads of gold in the tapestry of my life. Without their help and inspiration, I could not have done these pages or become who I am today. I have come to know and love each of them. All, in their own unique way, hold a very special place in my heart, and have "touched my soul". Without their love, understanding, guidance, patience and tolerance, I really don't know where I'd be right now. I do know, without them, my life would be void. They have helped to fill in some empty space I've had inside my heart, and I will forever be grateful for everything they have taught me! A very special "Thank You" and a warm hug to all of you (and you know who you are) for always being there for me, for not judging me, and critisizing me, for always listening to me....I owe you more than I could ever repay! Friendship is "priceless".

A very few of these friends, know some of my life story and what I have been through. I'm not looking for anyones sympathy, believe me. I was a victim, but I am now a "survivor"! I don't believe anyone, let alone a child, should be the victim of anything that will have a detrimental effect on their lives, ever! I'm proud to say, I'm a survivor of physical and mental child abuse, sexual child abuse, and physical, mental, verbal and emotional abuse, as well as domestic abuse! I've become a stronger person through years of therapy and counselling. I still have a weak side that I may never overcome, but I'm working on that every day. If, by any chance, you're dealing with any kind of abuse, and I pray your not, please contact someone who will help you. There are enough agencies out there now-a-days to help those in need. If you would just like to chat, I'll be more than happy to listen to you. You'll find links to sites at the bottom of this page to help you to get help. Please take advantage of what is at your fingertips, and dont let go. You have to be willing to take that first step to recovery, (and that first step is always the hardest to take) and you're the only one who can do it. You won't be alone, I reassure you. I know first hand about the fear you feel, I've been there!

Hold fast to your dreams, and dont let anyone take them from you. They are yours and yours alone. Only you know what is right for you.

Best Friend

Author Unknown

Once in a while, a friend is found
Who proves right from the start
To be the special kind of friend
Who really warms the heart.
Once in a while, a friendship's made
That's really lasting, too --
And that's the kind of friendship
I have known since I met you!

Shining Star

By: Cyndi

I have a very special friend
Who has touched a part of me.
This very special friend of mine
Has touched my soul, you see.

Through gentle words of love,
And the understanding of me,
This very special friend of mine
In my heart will always be.

We have so many things in common
But still we're worlds apart.
The people that we love,
Share different parts of our heart.

This very special friend of mine
Has completed my whole life.
My friend has put a frame around
The picture I call life.

My life was nothing but a picture
Without a perfect frame,
My life is so much better now,
It will never be the same.

This very special friend of mine
Has made my life complete.
Without this very special friend
I'd have given up in defeat.

This is for my special friend
And you know who you are.
For you'll always be so close to me
My ever shining star.

For Whatever Reason
By Cyndi

Why did this happen? How did it come to be?
Is there a reason behind it that we cannot see?
The bond of our friendship, can all this be real?
It can't be explained, it's something we feel.

For whatever the reason, each other we've found
Was it destiny or fate or something more profound?
The friendship we have, grows stronger each day
There's a "special bond between us" we could say.

What exactly drew us together, we may never know
But in our hearts the seeds of friendship did grow.
We confide in each other, without judgement or fear,
Miles may seperate us, but in our hearts we are near.

We have the ability to see when each other is blue,
Comforting and reassuring words that are true.
To some they may be just words on a screen,
But we know better, we know what they mean.

We're here for each other when the going gets tough
We help carry the load when it gets too rough.
You'll always hold a special place in my heart
You've touched my soul, right from the start.

Whatever the reason, we found each other that day
Friendship forever, that's the way it will stay.
The bond that we have is more precious than gold
"Those who have friends are rich" I am told.

Our friendship has a very special and undying love
A love I believe came from the heavens above.
For whatever the reason, you'll always be there
In a special place in my heart to love and to care.

The Priceless Things

Life holds so many priceless things
The falling rain--the wind that sings
Each star on high--a big full moon
And sunbeams dancing in your room
The river as it rushes on
A sunset when the day is gone

No wealth can buy a mountain tall
These priceless things belong to all
An autumn tree lends beauty rare
With leaves piled deep most everywhere
As nature wears a glowing smile
To make each day a day worthwhile

Could anything be quite as dear
As laughing children that we hear
The gift of friendship that is ours
The miracle of growing flowers
Each magic moment-treasured time
These priceless gifts are yours and mine.

TBapp22044's Home Page 3 a great web page with links to sites for children
TBapp22044's Home Page 8 this site has a host of help resources
Domestic Violence Handbook - Definition information and definitions
LINKS pretty self explaintory
Children Missing Organization a very informitive site
EMOTIONAL ABUSE TEST take this test, find out if you are abused
Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Against Domesti...a must see site!

click below for more info on child abuse and other related sites:

click below to visit an incredibly informative site on abuse:

Visit My Other Web Pages
Just Links Page
Heart Prints
It Matters To Me
Color of Your Heart
My Little Cherubs
I Want To Be Your Star
Just My Poems
For The Love of Children
Cyndi's Home Page
How Can I
Dreams, Wishes and Fantasies
For Kids Only
My Home Page
Just A Page
Do You Believe In Us
Little Things Mean A Lot
Listen With Your Heart
Country Girl City Boy
Rainbows and Wishes
Logans Page
You Are Here
If I Could
To Love You More
Where Is Your Heart
Can't We Try
Now Until Forever
A Life Lesson
More To Come
Someday, Someway

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