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About Ce-Ce and Friends

About Ce-Ce and Friends

Ce-Ce & Friends Humane Society is a non-profit, no-kill, all-volunteer cat shelter originally established in Quincy, MA. In the summer of 2005, we moved to Weymouth, MA; 11 years later, we relocated to a beautiful building in Abington, MA. Our organization is named in memory of our first shelter cat, Ce-Ce.

Ce-Ce & Friends' mission is to "make a feline at a time." We provide clean, warm, loving, and safe transitional shelter. We also provide necessary veterinary care for stray, feral and abandoned cats and kittens until caring, permanent homes are found. All of our cats/kittens are examined by a veterinarian, spayed or neutered if old enough, and Feline Leukemia and Feline AIDS tested, as well as vaccinated, prior to being placed for adoption.

Meet The Gang of Ce-Ce's Friends

  • Peggy Wright, President
  • Karin Barrett, Treasurer
  • Nancy Reed, Executive Assistant
  • Maryann Anderson, Clerk/Secretary
  • ..And some very dedicated volunteers!

  • A human friend visits with the official feline "welcoming committee" at Ce-Ce & Friends: (l to r) Rudy, Billy, and Alberta...all of whom have passed over the Rainbow Bridge, but remain fondly remembered by many

    Ce-Ce & Friends alumnus Foxy enjoys being the center of attention with some young visitors at Ce-Ce & Friends

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