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July 2001

Below are all of the news stories from July 2001.

 More Archived News

.::New Poll     Posted: 7-31-01 at 6:05PM By Ojomym
Today I changed the Poll for the start of the month.  The new topic is "What is or was the Best battle clan of all time".  Now I haven't been around forever so I'm asking that you either leave a comment in the poll results or e-mail me if I've forgotten any important clans.  Thanks.  On another note, Congratulations to DontGivUp for being the first staff member to do work on this site!  If you look below he posted some news and is also working on the GDI Structures portion of the site.  Keep up the good work!

.::Intentional Trojan? or An Accident?    Posted: 7-31-01 at 8:41 By DontGivUp
Earlier today Ojomym forwarded this E-Mail to me regarding the Trojan Horse and Backdoor Subseven

"ElPaladin again,

      To clarify some points from my earlier email, concerning CnCHacked:

      First, the virus was a Backdoor.Subseven, which allows people to hack into your computer, and an attached program that screws up your run directory, which basically prevents you from opening your programs in Windows.

      Im Happy to report that my computer was easily fixable (and I suck at computers), by following instructions on removing Backdoor.Subseven at Norton.Com. Now, MacMark is NOT gonna believe this, but it was probably not intentional, and I did not find any missing or damaged files. Beasty and ELVIS were also both very helpful in solving my problems... offering advice which turned out to be true. Their newest versions are also clean of viruses (good guy sources working close to Beasty and ELVIS let me know - TAKE THAT MACMARK HAHA!).  As for the virus itself, its origin was allegedly a glitch in the program itself, and HAS BEEN fixed for all newer versions of CnC Hacked.

      So anyway, this is to clarify my previous statement about the CnC Hacked v2.1- while it was contaminated with a Backdoor.SubSeven, the virus is easily removed, and is not the threat it was originally thought."

So as you can see it does not appear anymore that the Backdoor Subseven and the Trojan Horse were intentionally put in.  But a few questions still remain.  Are there new as of yet undetected iruses in Version 3.0? Who are the "secret good guy sources" ELPaladin talked about? 

.::Beasty Eludes MacMark     Posted: 7-30-01 at 10:00PM By Ojomym
MacMark Has posted on his site that his actions have caused the removal of Beasty420's illegal Hacker site.  He may have removed some but beasty continues to publish his site on web providers such as and Geocities.  He seems to have a new URL every few days and advertises regularly in Wchat.  He claims he is unstoppable and MacMark has lost...

Play your games for My tournament, Time is almost up!  I have received virtually NO E-mails telling me if someone has won or lost.  If I don't get any e-mails soon, I will jsut stop hosting my tournament if no one wants to play.  I am not going to just move everyone up due to how hard they tried to contact their opponent.  PLAY YOUR GAMES!

I'll Be putting up a new Poll tomorrow so if you haven't voted on this one then now is the time.

.::New Scroll Box     Posted: 7-24-01 at 4:51PM By Ojomym
I put up a new scroll box on my site that I will use to display important information.  I got the original code from MacMark's Page and modified it to fit my page.  I also posted a cheater report that has been sitting in my mailbox for a few days.

.::Westwood Hacked     Posted: 7-23-01 at 6:47PM By Ojomym
I received an email from EIpaladin explaining the dangers of the Westwood Hacked Version 2.1 Program.  Do not download Westwood Hacked.  it contains a Trojan virus and a Sub7 file which allows its creator, LordSSB to see and download files on your computer.  Be Careful!  Here is the email...

"it is ElPaladin

  Recently I was offered the version 2.1 of the CnC Hacked program by LordSSB... I took it, regretfully, as it totally wrecked my computer. Im writing this now from another family computer on Internet Explorer's AOL Everywhere... :(

  The version supposedly fixes bugs that the first one had (version 2.0)... though I didnt notice any bugs with that one... upon downloading the program, my Norton Antivirus detected a file which was of questionable nature... I took the advice it gave me and isolated and deleted the file, but... there is a but... the problem did not go away, and now all but a select handful of insignifigant applications are locked up and unnaccessible: Here is what it says when I go to open a file:

  <Windows cannot find 'C:\WESTWOOD\WWONLINE\WCHAT.EXE'. You may have typed the name incorrectly in the Run dialog, or another open program cannot find a system file. To search for a file, click on the Start Button, and then click Search.>

   If you want to remain playing Command and Conquer on your computer for very long, I suggest you DO NOT download version 2.1 of CnC Hacked, or any future files."

.::Change, More Updates     Posted: 7-23-01 at 4:15PM By Ojomym
As you can see I changed the look for the index page a bit.  The update windows are different.  I also made some updates today including the GDI units section and The archived news.  More updates coming soon.  I'm trying to finish the Game Info section now.  Ill also be hosting a tournament between NKO and ODB.  Look for that soon.  Send me your tournament results for my tournament as well.

.::More on Blink vs. Evo1u1on     Posted: 7-23-01 at 4:02PM By Ojomym
I received this E-mail from Blink yesterday announcing his retirement from the game...

"Hi, just letting you know that i will be quitting cnc forever.  The only reason i am doing this, is because of acended.  If he can d/c, then lie to cover himself up, then get macmark to believe him, then cnc is a sad game and the cheaters can win.  So since everyone believes a cheater, i will never play again cuz someone can just d/c again, then cover it up by spreading lies.  Its not worth it to me.  I thank you if you believe me that i didnt d/c.  You all know me well, i dont have to cheat.  So all my talent in this game means nothing since cheaters can just cheat right and left.  Farewell, i'll be in chat every once in a while.  Have fun and gl with the cheaters"

I also received this E-mail from him today giving more proof he didn't D/C...

"Here is the proof i didnt d/c.  I can prove evo1u1tion lied.  Look at what he said.  NIGHTdude1313: i attacked from the bottom taking out his berraks
NIGHTdude1313: and 2 powers
NIGHTdude1313: he had 3 turrets left          
--------------He lies here
NIGHTdude1313: i had a harvy go in first      ----------All lies
NIGHTdude1313: destracted his turrets
NIGHTdude1313: and then i got them w/ my tanks
NIGHTdude1313: then his little fleet shown in picture showed up
Mac Mac Mac, look at the picture.  Look how low the blue power meter is at.  That is way too low for 3 turrents.  If i had 3 turrents, it would be a lot higher.  So this proves he lied about that.
Also, look at the forum.  Like masterid said, i am a good playa.  I wouldnt send all my guys at about 5 minis.  I would only send about 2 flames to take them out. Also, there is nothing of interest or for me to protect up there.  Look, nothing in sight.  Why would i care if he sent minis up there, unless they were his only guys. I'm the one who took the pic, not him.  I have evidence, u are just ignoring it.  Plus, do u know how easy it is to make up a conversation like that.  Cmon, the pic shows the proof.  I couldnt have had those 3 turrents and he couldnt have any more guys.  Or i wouldn't send tanks after minigunners.  I hope this shows u that i am the good guy, not the d/cer and lier evo1u1tion is."

Also if you visit MacMark's Forum you will see many cases that have been brought up.  A few of these have been things like:  Blink had more kills, he was ahead in the game,  Why would blink go after a stray pack of Minigunners?,  UNC believes that MacMark has somthing against the OS clan because of the cold hard proof blink didn't D/C.

.::C&C Held Hostage!     Posted 7-19-01 at 2:24PM By Ojomym
I was asked to post this screenshot and explanation but the source has asked to remain anonymous.  here is the information I have Received.

That is the screenshot I received and here is the information.

The screenshot pictured is of WW Hacked, LordSSB (aka ELVIS in WChat) told me to give this to you Ojomym to post on the internet. This program is what allows for people to Boat Rush... it is currently posessed by Beasty and LordSSB only, though more people have their own versions.

      This is only of a demo version (v1.0) and it is disabled. The real version will come out if certain demands by Beasty and LordSSB are met:

      - Recently, LordSSB and Beasty420 feel as though some of the stuff on MacMark's page about them are lies (or so I've been told by them) and they wish for all false reports in their eyes to be removed...
      - MacMark may post no future lies about them

      If these demands are not met, V2.0 will be released by LordSSB and Beasty for all to use, effectively ruining CnC.

      All this rests on your shoulders MacMark, better not blow it...

The next move is yours MacMark...

.::Boat Hack Revealed!     Posted 7-15-01 at 6:25PM By Ojomym

This is pry old news for all of you and I would have posted this earlier but the whole thing with Blink and Evo1u1on messed me up.  Here are the screen shots of the boat hack and visectord cheat/hacks.

Gunboat Button/Visectord Visectord Button/Gunboat

Also, my tournament is underway so play your games!  Also, the conflict between Blink and Evo1u1on has generated a lot of posts on my polls and forums.  Check them both out today and tell everyone what you think.  You can still take the Blink vs. Evo1ut1on Poll Below.
.::Cheaters, Tournament Begins!     Posted 7-13-01 at 12:17PM By Ojomym
I received an interesting report from BlinkOS the other day.  He includes a screenshot that shows Evo1ut1on D/cing on him.  After, I received a text conversation from Evo1u1on showing Blink Admitting to the D/C.  View the whole story ion the cheaters section but as for now,  Tell us what you think on the Cheaters Poll! ***THIS JUST IN :)***  Read the convo Evo1u1on sent to me claiming Blink was at fault.  Viewers Beware, the content of the conversation is very Explicit, read at your own risk!

Also, the tournament starts today!  I updated the rules and will be E-mailing all the tournement players today!  Start playing and e-mail me your results.
.::Players     Posted 7-10-01 at 7:49PM By Ojomym
I once again put more players on the players names section and also updated the current tourney members.  THERE ARE ONLY TWO SPACES LEFT!  Grab them while they are still open!  There have been tons of reports of the boat hack and I should have a report and screen shot up real quick.  Huge return on the poll, biggest I've ever had.  Keep voting!  So far heliwper is in first placed followed close behind by macmark, hehe.  Also haven't been getting many posts on the forum, post something guys!  The message boards are a great place to ask questions about anything C&C!
.::Players, Tournament     Posted 7-09-01 at 3:13AM By Ojomym
I put some more updates on players today and added three new members to the tournament.  SPaces are almost filled so sign up today!
.::Players     Posted 7-08-01 at 8:13PM By Ojomym
Made a huge update in the player names section.  I posted all the VIP and OS names as well as some names I've been picking up.  Thanks to the NKO page for all the VIP names and, well, the OS page for all the OS names.  Enjoy the names and don't forget to sign up for the tourney!
.::Cheaters, Rules and the tournament     Posted 7-08-01 at 3:30PM By Ojomym
I made some updates to the tournament rules today, now players using two names in the tournament will be kicked out.  Here is a the update in the rules...

4.Using Multiple Names: If you are caught using multiple names in the tournament you will be disqualified. Depending on the situation I may only disqualify one of your names.

E-mail me if you notice any one who is registered twice under a different name.  Because of the rules change if you are already registered twice, just tell me and I will remove only one of your names as opposed to two because you were honest.  Also updated Cheaters to Include
KANE420TM.  Also posted another name in the tournament, there are about ten spaces left in the tourney so sign up before it's to late, spots are filling fast!  
.::Tactics, Cheaters     Posted 7-06-01 at 5:50PM By Ojomym
Today I put up about 7 new Tactics on the page cause I'm getting tired of having to show players tactics as opposed to just giving them my URL.  Even though I posted the tactics I still need more!  Send in your tactics today!  Also, updated the tournament list, although there are still some spaces left so sign up today and we can get going!  Today I also put up a new cheater report.
.::Updates, C&C Top 100     Posted: 7-05-01 at 10:53PM By Ojomym
I did some more work on the site and was able to update Players the tournament, and I put of the Hall Of Fame.  Still a lot of spaces left in the tourney and we can get started as soon as they are filled.  Sign up today!  In other news, I received an E-mail from MacMark which shows that the C&C top 100 will be returning, lets hope soon...

MacMark: that's bad news :(
Wiil the Top 100 for C&C be back some day?

Sonic: It will be back, a friend of mine will be setting an even better one on his
server soon. I'll post more details when I get them.
.::Tactics and Cheaters     Posted: 7-05-01 at 8:45PM By Ojomym
Today I played a little C&C and got disconnected only once, by a guy named Woodman76.  I highly recommend not playing him:)  He hid a stealth tank then D/Ced.  I took a couple of screen shots today as well.  Below is the shot of Woodman76's D/C and a screen shot of a newbie, experiencing a barricade of his base, lol. He aborted when I started the barricade so i finshed it and took the shot.  Send your tactics!  I know a lot of you have great tactics, so send em in and ill post them!

Woodman76 Newbie
.::Major Updates, Staff     Posted: 7-04-01 at 1:49AM By Ojomym
AGHHH!  WOW, I did a lot of work tonight.  I put up Archived News, Official News, Forums, Cheaters, Players, Maps, tactics, Guestbook, Tournament, and rules.  Phew!  Time for a C&C break!  Also, congratulations to The Barrack's new staff members, GaretJax and DontGivUp, who will help me out with my site a bit.  Thanks guys!  Special thanks to DontGivUp for pointing out the typo, that will be your specialty, LOL.
.::No More Banning, 4th Of July     Posted: 7-04-01 at 12:00AM By Ojomym
I received the official news today from MDSdntgiv.  He copied a Blip of the Westwood news section that shows how Westwood will no longer ban cheaters.  Here is the info he copied me...

"We are actively removing players caught violating our rules on the Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun ladders.  If you have any comments or
questions about our tougher policies,
please visit
Tournament and Contests message board

This is not good for Gold.  Keep reporting cheaters if you guys want to still play fair games...  As for today, HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!  Yes, the grand day when we celebrate our independence.  I'll be attending a few parties today so this may be my only update.  Happy 4th and remember, dont drink and drive, you may spill your drink!
.::Site goes up     Posted: 7-03-01 at 2:33PM By Ojomym
OK, I'm putting the site up and I added the point calculator and Poll.  You can still visit all the old sections but they will not look the same as the main page.  I'll try to get the other sections the same ASAP.  I was going to re-do the site a ways in the future but I had the design done and decided to put it up today.  I'm also getting some extra staff members to help me with updates and uploads, etc.  Enjoy!  
.::New site look     Posted: 7-03-01 at 11:54AM By Ojomym
Got the new look up for the site.  Hope you guys like it.  The full site wont be up for a while.

Made By Ojomym