Here are the reports for June of 2001. To
report a cheater, use my report
form or e-mail me. -Ojomym JMD007
D/C's Nobase
Player's Name: nobase Cheater's Name: JMD007 Settings Were: 50/7/0 Cheat Performed: D/C Details of the Battle: We were playing a game with no bases. he had very few units left after completely destroying the CPU almost single-handedly. I rushed him with everything and he D/Ced E-Mail Address: Screenshot AAAmaster D/C's MDSjax Player's Name: MDSjax Cheater's Name: AAAmaster Settings Were: 12/5/9999 Cheat Performed: d/c Details of the Battle: i tank rushed him and then he d/c when he had five units left E-mail Address: zhuible D/C's MDSjax Player's Name: MDSjax Cheater's Name: zhuible Settings Were: 12/5/9999 Cheat Performed: d/c Details of the Battle: he destroyed most of my baase and when i went to tank rush him he d/c E-mail Address: Travrlzl D/C's MDSjax Player's Name: MDSjax Cheater's Name: travrlzl Settings Were: 12/5/9999 Cheat Performed: d/c Details of the Battle: i tank rushed him he sold every thing and then d/c E-mail Address: XnukelonX D/C's MDSjax Player's Name: MDSjax Cheater's Name: xnukelonx Settings Were: 12/5/9999 Cheat Performed: d/c Details of the Battle: tank rushed him and the he d/c E-mail Address: Ragemode D/C's MDSjax Player's Name: mdsjax Cheater's Name: ragemode Settings Were: TG dont remeber the rest Cheat Performed: d/c Details of the Batlle: E-mail Address: Funseeker Controls NKOslder's units
Hello guys,boy have i got a good 1 for ya.I played Funseeker tonight, beat
him easy, but somehow he got my units to shoot up my base.He took out both
my weapons factories with my own units.What is this game coming to.How can
someone do this& how can you stop it.If you guys know anything about
this plz. write me back, i still cant believe it,thanx, NKOslider.
Drib1 DC's NKOslider
On Sat, 9 Jun 2001 15:00:46 -0700 (PDT) Yahoo! GeoCities WebMonitor mail <> wrote: >Sent from Mail Form posted at: > >(Your name) NKOslider >(your email) >(Cheater's name) drib1 >(What they did.) hid stealth & d/ced >(Your starting spot.) Bottom left >(Opponent's spot) Bottom right >(Bases) On >(Crates) On >(Tiberium) Off >(AI) Off >(Your side) GDI >(Their side) NOD >(Scene) Desert Madness >(Credits) 9999 >(Units) 12 >(Tech level) 7 >(Description of match) All he had left was a stealth, he hid it then d/ced. Smith006 DC's NKOvoices
Hey slider, macmark and ojomym, how u all doing? I have a cheater to report-and slider, ur going to like this one!!! I was talking to my brother today (aaamaster) and he said that he was talking to slider and he said u(slider) had said smith006 had cheated on u, by breaking a 10 min bt. Well i was sitting in westwood with my room open, and guess who came in..... smith006 I thought to myself 'right well ill have to get him back for Slider' He begged me for a 10 min bt, i accepted and my brother told me that he wud attack with hellies at the start (just like he had done to slider). I thought i wud build a barracks and rocket guys to b safe and he said to me 'dont worry i dont cheat' i laughed. he brought over 3 humvees and attacked my barracks about 2 mins into the game, i killed them! Then i decided if he was going to cheat then i wud, i went in with engineer-got killed, then he attacked with his medium tanks, and luckily i had enough tanks to save me, i took out he weapons factories and he said 'u wont win' i said 'y not?' and he then said 'take this' and d/ced. I thought to myself-wot a b@$tard, i waited till the time went down to about 200 seconds left, and for some reason, the game reconnected?!? i managed to finish off the rest of his base, and got the win!!! :) Hope u can post this guy on ur websites, wot a loser-i hope i got him back for u slider? lol Catcha guys l8er, and good luck in ur future games!! P.S cud u email me back if u get this NKOvOiCeS Knmtorran dc's MrNoddie
money 9999, units one, tech 7, knmtorran/nod, MrNoddie/nod, ai off, tib on, crates on, bases on, desertmadness, he attacked and killed one of my harvestor with a group of recon bikes, I retaliated and began destroying his harvestors, he started scream "ht ht", I told hiim that ht was over the second he attacked mine with his recon bikes, he said f--- you and dc.__________MrNoddie birdvprey outsyncs MrNoddie
winterwonderland, unit count one, credits 9999, ai off, tib on, crates on, birdvprey/gdi, Mrnoddie/nod, tech 7, 6-4-01 2:15 am. He built five orcas then tried to map out my base, when he couldnt with his minigunners, he out syched, he got the win for it. Bloody westwood needs to punish theses sheep dung headed bloats, It appears to me since I been playing that westwood rewards cheating, on the web page they claim they have software to detect who dc,s, if that be the case then why do the bloats that dc on me get the wins for it? I have only had one legitimate lose this month, yet it shows four loses. appears to me westwood rewards those cheaters. __________MrNoddie danadog dc's MrNoddie
unit count zero, tech 7, credits 999, bases on, crates on, ai off, tib on, tiberuim gardens, dandog/gdi, mrnoddie/nod, 6-3 1 am, the game was almost over, I had 12 light tanks five flame tanks, an apc loaded up with engineers, three recon bikes, three long range missle launchers, laser towers(5) and 13 turrents, they had no base defenses just about 13 tank meduim tanks , 6 hummers and an apc with no engineers, they then dced. ______MrNoddie Screenshot ripcnc dc's MrNoddie
credits 9999, zero units, tech 7, ripcnc/nod, Mrnoddie/nod, ai off, tib on, crates off, bases on, map green acres, 6-3 4:40 am, I smeared the little blunt, he sold his construction yard, I got his landing pad and proceeded to pick him apart like vultures on his dead corpse, the little chap said I was lucky and then dc'ed, I thought it a might bit funny. R.I.P ripcnc. _______MrNoddie Elpaladin eraly resigned Mrnoddie
Money 9999, zero start units, tech Seven, Elpaladin was Gdi, MrNoddie was Nod, Ai off, Tiberuim on, crates on, bases on, map green acres, date 6-1 11:30 pm, he was losing so he early resigned. ____Mrnoddie Davidpax dc's Mrnoddie
Green acres, unit count zero, credits 9999, ai off, tib on, bases on, crates on, david pax/nod, mrnoddie/nod, 6-2 2:58 am,tech 7, he saw my force and dc. ____Mrnoddie Mem7792 out syncs MrNoddie
money9999, units none, tech seven, green acres, Mem7792/nod, MrNoddie/nod, ai off, crates on, bases on, 6-2 6 am, he out sync to get the win, he built a bunch of bikes then out sych. _____MrNoddie Thor916 dc's MrNoddie
credits 9999, units zero, tech 3, thor916/gdi, mrNoddie/nod, ai off, tib on, bases on, tiberuim gardens, 6-2 7 am, I began taking over his base so he dc'd. ___MrNoddie pkeast outsync MrNoddie
9999, zero start units, tech 7, Pkeast/gdi, MrNoddie/nod, ai off, tib on, crates on, bases on, tib gardens, 6-2 4pm. just mapped him out and was about to destroy his construction yard when he out sync. OH and a little after game chat. <Mrnoddie> why'd you do that? pkeast : whats your deal?? pkeast : you pissed me of <Mrnoddie> your outsychnic me @%#!& pkeast : off pkeast : ya thats right pkeast : no newbie beats me We were kicked out of the channel by the channel owner |