Here are the cheater reports for the month of
May, 2001. To report a player, fill out the report
form or e-mail me.
D/C's OjomymI decided to give him another chance after teh
early resign and found out that was a dumb Idea. Setts were 3/5/9999
Green Acres. He was GDI and I was Nod. He tried building a lot of
Refineries early and put him away with a tank rush considering he had a good
number of grenadiers. When my attack came he d/ced, BUT somehow
re-connected about a half a minuet in. I'm guessing this is how he gets
wins, re-connects after the other guy has left, that's low.
Screenshot Hawkeye2u
Early Resigns OjomymSettings
were 3/5/9999 Green Acres. I started top right and he was in teh
middle. I moved my CY down a bit and deployed and scouted him to find
out he was right in front of me. I built a quick power plant and hand
of Nod, destroyed his tank and a few grenadiers he built, and put an
engi in his CY. He surrendered then, under 3 mins. XslahsrX
D/C's MKDpowerPlayer's Name:
Cheater's Name: XslashrX
Settings Were: 3 3 9999 GA On Off Off Off
Cheat Performed: DCed
Details of the Batlle:
E-mail Address: mafija20@optusnet.com.au
Comments: He go his win in the end, I just hope others can
know he is a cheater that is why he is coming first at the moment. acidpro7
out syncs acernod
units: 1
tech level: 7
AcidPro7(blue)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Green Acres
Totally killed his but, had him trapped in his base behind his laser towers,
until I took out his power plants with a few stealths. then he out synced me.
Screenshot Beicola
Refinery Cheats OjomymSettings were 10/5/9999 Tiberium
Garden. We were both GDI and he started by expanding towards the middle,
so I did the same. Eventually, It was clear I was winning the battle and
had his base in the middle torn to shreds. He aborted and killed all his
units then I scouted the entire map looking for anything else. I found
nothing and put up a Comm. Center to see if I saw any green dots behind a tree
or something. I once again found nothing and realizing he could have a
harvester in teh tiberium fields and searched those thoroughly. I still
found nothing and was forced to abort. The screen shot features the
radar screen and as you can see there are no green units.
Screenshot Kdragon6
out sync AcerNod
units: 1
tech level: 7
Kdragon6(Yellow)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Lost arena
May 19, 2001, 4:59pmThey lost their construction yard and power plants, no
landing bay, and his flamer and rocketeer rush failed, just as I went to
finish them off, they out sync.
Screenshot pvtrun
DC's AcerNod
units: 1
tech level: 7
pvtrun(grey)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Eye of the storm
May 19, 2001, 4:15pm
I was destroying his weapons plant when he dc'ed.
Screenshot Zarda123
DC's AcerNod
units: 1
tech level: 7
Zarda123(Red)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: off
Crates: off
Bases: on
Map: King takes Pawn
May 18, 2001, 9:30pm
Was about to kill him when connection lost.
Screenshot casparzer
Out sync AcerNod
units: 1
tech level: 7
casparzer(Yellow)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: off
Crates: off
Bases: on
Destroyed his cy and weapons plant, and flames out his army of rocketeers,
then he out sync me.
Screenshot AnnGeorge
early resigned AcerNod
units: 2
tech level: 7
AnnGeorge(Orange)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
may 13, 2001, 9:42 pm
I had Just nailed their construction yard with five helos when they Early
resigned to avoid the lose. What A soar Loser
~AcerNod sweety438
dc'd AcerNod
units: 2
tech level: 7
sweety438(red)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
may 13, 2001, 8:27 pm
Naled there weapons plant and contruction yard then they dc'ed
~AcerNod FREmDHSkd Out
Of Syncs NKOslider
Subj: |
outa syncs NKOslider |
Date: |
3:25:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
nkoslider@hotmail.com (john ellis)
To: AAA_blaze@hotmail.com, MacMark@t-online.de,
12/5/9999 G.A. Both gdi.Him middle me top right.He try a lucky bum rush at
the start,but failed.All he had left was 1 harvy,1 grenader& a reg.gaurd
tower.Then he outs sync me.Kills were 41-5 me.It say packet recieved too
Helovesme D/C's NKOslider
Subj: |
helovesme d/c's NKOslider |
Date: |
12:15:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time |
nkoslider@hotmail.com (john ellis)
To: Ojomymus@aol.com, MacMark@t-online.de, contests@westwood.com |
File: |
(114429 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute |
Desert Madness 12/7/9999 I was bottom left&gdi.He was nod&top
left.He try chopper rush, but ss says it all.He's a d/cer.
Serton D/C's NKOslider
Subj: |
d/c's NKOslider |
Date: |
3:19:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
nkoslider@hotmail.com (john ellis)
To: Ojomymus@aol.com, MacMark@t-online.de, contests@westwood.com |
Hi,sets were 12/7/9999 River
raid.Bases,crates& tib were on, no ai.He was bottom left& gdi, i was
bottom right &gdi.Kills were 22-12 me when he d/ced.All he had left was 1
ref. w/ harvester, about 5 minnis & an apc.I had full base,but no ss was
taken unfortunately.