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Command and Conquer Gold H.Q.

May, 2001 Reports

Here are the cheater reports for the month of May, 2001.  To report a player, fill out the report form or e-mail me.  -Ojomym

Hawkeye2u D/C's Ojomym

I decided to give him another chance after teh early resign and found out that was a dumb Idea.  Setts were 3/5/9999 Green Acres.  He was GDI and I was Nod.  He tried building a lot of Refineries early and put him away with a tank rush considering he had a good number of grenadiers.  When my attack came he d/ced, BUT somehow re-connected about a half a minuet in.  I'm guessing this is how he gets wins, re-connects after the other guy has left, that's low.


Hawkeye2u Early Resigns Ojomym

Settings were 3/5/9999 Green Acres.  I started top right and he was in teh middle.  I moved my CY down a bit and deployed and scouted him to find out he was right in front of me.  I built a quick power plant and hand of  Nod, destroyed his tank and a few grenadiers he built, and put an engi in his CY.  He surrendered then, under 3 mins.
XslahsrX D/C's MKDpower

Player's Name:    mkdpower
Cheater's Name:    XslashrX
Settings Were:    3 3 9999 GA On Off Off Off
Cheat Performed:    DCed
Details of the Batlle:   
E-mail Address:
Comments:    He go his win in the end, I just hope others can know he is a cheater that is why he is coming first at the moment.

acidpro7 out syncs acernod

Subj: acidpro7 Out sync.s AcerNod
Date: 5/27/01 4:49:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,,, Ojomymus,
File: acidpro7.JPG (61650 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

Credits: 9999
units: 1
tech level: 7
AcidPro7(blue)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Green Acres
Totally killed his but, had him trapped in his base behind his laser towers, until I took out his power plants with a few stealths. then he out synced me.



Beicola Refinery Cheats Ojomym

Settings were 10/5/9999 Tiberium Garden.  We were both GDI and he started by expanding towards the middle, so I did the same.  Eventually, It was clear I was winning the battle and had his base in the middle torn to shreds.  He aborted and killed all his units then I scouted the entire map looking for anything else.  I found nothing and put up a Comm. Center to see if I saw any green dots behind a tree or something.  I once again found nothing and realizing he could have a harvester in teh tiberium fields and searched those thoroughly.  I still found nothing and was forced to abort.  The screen shot features the radar screen and as you can see there are no green units.


Kdragon6 out sync AcerNod

Subj: Kdragon6 out sync AcerNod
Date: 5/19/01 5:53:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,,, Ojomymus,
File: Kdragon6.JPG (55382 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

Credits: 9999
units: 1
tech level: 7
Kdragon6(Yellow)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Lost arena
May 19, 2001, 4:59pmThey lost their construction yard and power plants, no landing bay, and his flamer and rocketeer rush failed, just as I went to finish them off, they out sync.



pvtrun DC's AcerNod

Subj: pvtrun DC's AcerNod
Date: 5/19/01 5:09:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,,, Ojomymus,
File: pvtrun.JPG (54375 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

Credits: 9999
units: 1
tech level: 7
pvtrun(grey)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
Map: Eye of the storm
May 19, 2001, 4:15pm
I was destroying his weapons plant when he dc'ed.



Zarda123 DC's AcerNod

Subj: Zarda123 DC's AcerNod
Date: 5/18/01 10:36:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,,, Ojomymus,
File: zarda123.JPG (50619 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

Credits: 9999
units: 1
tech level: 7
Zarda123(Red)(Nod) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: off
Crates: off
Bases: on
Map: King takes Pawn
May 18, 2001, 9:30pm
Was about to kill him when connection lost.



casparzer Out sync AcerNod

Subj: casparzer Out sync AcerNod
Date: 5/18/01 7:14:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,, Ojomymus

credits: 9999
units: 1
tech level: 7
casparzer(Yellow)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: off
Crates: off
Bases: on
Destroyed his cy and weapons plant, and flames out his army of rocketeers, then he out sync me.



AnnGeorge early resigned AcerNod

Subj: AnnGeorge early resigned AcerNod
Date: 5/13/01 10:35:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:, Ojomymus,

credits: 9999
units: 2
tech level: 7
AnnGeorge(Orange)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
may 13, 2001, 9:42 pm
I had Just nailed their construction yard with five helos when they Early resigned to avoid the lose. What A soar Loser


sweety438 dc'd AcerNod

Subj: sweety438 dc'd AcerNod
Date: 5/13/01 9:21:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Deucer Q
To:,, Ojomymus

credits: 9999
units: 2
tech level: 7
sweety438(red)(GDI) vs. AcerNod(Green)(Nod)
AI :off
Tiberuim: on
Crates: on
Bases: on
may 13, 2001, 8:27 pm
Naled there weapons plant and contruction yard then they dc'ed


FREmDHSkd Out Of Syncs NKOslider

Subj: FREmDHSkd outa syncs NKOslider
Date: 5/11/01 3:25:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (john ellis)

12/5/9999 G.A. Both gdi.Him middle me top right.He try a lucky bum rush at the start,but failed.All he had left was 1 harvy,1 grenader& a reg.gaurd tower.Then he outs sync me.Kills were 41-5 me.It say packet recieved too late.

Helovesme D/C's NKOslider

Subj: Fwd: helovesme d/c's NKOslider
Date: 5/12/01 12:15:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (john ellis)
File: helovesme.gif (114429 bytes) DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

Desert Madness 12/7/9999 I was bottom left&gdi.He was nod&top left.He try chopper rush, but ss says it all.He's a d/cer.

Serton D/C's NKOslider

Subj: serton d/c's NKOslider
Date: 5/8/01 3:19:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (john ellis)

Hi,sets were 12/7/9999 River raid.Bases,crates& tib were on, no ai.He was bottom left& gdi, i was bottom right &gdi.Kills were 22-12 me when he d/ced.All he had left was 1 ref. w/ harvester, about 5 minnis & an apc.I had full base,but no ss was taken unfortunately.
-Point Calc.

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