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Reviews-Yuri's Revenge

Published: 11/23/2001 at 1:37 AM
Author: Ojomym

A Good Expansion...Lacking Key Points-When it came time for Yuri's Revenge to hit the shelves I was pumped.  I was out there and got it the second day it was on the shelves.  I even had to check a few different stores because my favorite gaming store was sold out!  Anyway I get it home and pop it in, run through the quick install and I'm going.  Overall, I liked it but wasn't very impressed.

     The game play was good and it definitely made the Ra2 more interesting but there were a few major flaws that turned me off about the expansion.  The multiplayer aspect of the game is great, and the multiple new units add a lot of spice of the already awesome game.

     Westwood did an excellent job with the Yuri side of the game.  The new units are spectacular.  Some of my favorite were the gattling tanks and the Chaos drones.  Using Yuri's psychic power against your opponent in a slow, control the-map game is definitely the way to go.  A good mix of Lashers, Gattling tanks, maybe a few magnetrons and one or two masterminds and you've got an unstoppable force.  Also keep 4 to 6 chaos drones in the mix or on their own, possible combined with some other fast tanks, to completely dominate the map and slowly windle your opponent down.  There's no way your getting off with a tank rush against top players with the Yuri side though.

    As for the allies, many of the new units kicked ass.  Easily the most useful new unit was the Robot Tank.  A hovering, Amphibious, anti-mind control tank is perfect for countering Yuri's psychic army.  Off course you'll have to protect your power but that shouldn't be hard with the ally's advanced defenses.  Other new additions included the Battle Fortress, the Guardian GI, and the Navy Seal.  This adds to the already massive allied army, which in my opinion was already a bit to large.

     Once again, the Soviets get Gypped in this expansion.  For new units they got Boris and the Siege Chopper...that's about it.  They got a few new structures, such as the Battle Bunker and the Industrial Plant (which is almost out of the question for someone playing on a tight budget, despite how much it helps).  The new spy plane evens of the technology a bit, but the soviets are still basically in the dark.  In my opinion, if the allies have so many units, the soviets should have gotten a piece of the pie too.  I think the robot tank should have been a soviet addition, because against Yuri, any who isn't a soviet expert doesn't stand a chance

     As for the drawbacks of the game, Slow loading times and lack of Single play Yuri missions made me give it the three stars that I did.  For one thing, the loading times are significantly slower than Red Alert 2, making the wait an annoying hassle.  Also, I was EXTREMELY disappointed that Yuri didn't have his own campaign or his own set of countries, with their own special abilities.  This way, Yuri has no chance of winning the war, you can't even play as him!

     Another point about the game I didn't like was the story line.  I thought it definitely lacked realism.  I mean c'mon, battles on the moon?  A time machine?  With the time machine, there's no way you can loose, cause if you do, you can just go back and try again.  Am I right?

     As for the Solo play missions that were on the CD, they were extremely challenging and I enjoyed them a lot.  Many of them pit you against a massive Yuri force, and you must try to build up your base while being bombarded by Yuri forces.  The missions were definitely done well.

     Overall, the  multiplayer game play is fun excepting the fact that Yuri has no countries of his own and the loading times are atrocious.  The story line sucked and lacked realism severely.  As for the Solo missions, they were god but where is the Yuri campaign!  All and all a good expansion.  -Ojo