Humm-Vee Rush
By: Ojomym on 3-18-01
Humm-Vee rush is a great strategy to use against both NOD
and GDI opponents. When done correctly you can
eliminate any unsuspecting victim. Settings for this
strategy are 3/5/9999. Deploy your CY, scout the enemy
and build...
...Sell your CY for the money and build Humm-Vees like mad.
When you first get your barracks in you may also want to
build a few grenadiers for defense or a quick rush.
Your Humm-Vees will take care of pretty much anything, but
if you see your opponent starts building tanks, you should
too. Basically attack when you think you've got enough
to wipe him out and hit critical structures like power or
Airstrips/Weapons Factories. Good luck and have fun ;)
NOTE: Added 12/01/02 by Ojomym: Although this strat can be used against both GDI and NOD, its actually more effective against NOD because most NOD players tend to build cheaper, faster units, like the humm-vee is for GDI. The difference between the Humm-Vee and NOD's cheap units however, is that the Humm-Vee's can tear through anything NOD will throw at you (accept tanks of course, in which case you should build tanks). The only problem is that although nod's units are weaker, he can usually get them off faster, especially if he doensnt build a hand before his airstrip. To counter this, like mentioned before, build some grendadies and scatted them as they attack so as they wont blow each other up when they die. However, a better sulution to NOD's spead is the Guard tower. If you feel your being rushed, slip a couple of guard towers into your build order, and as always, expand towards the tiberium. If everything goes well, sometimes you wont even have to sell your cy for the cash. Overall, I've found that the Humm-Vee rush is stronger early on against nod. Combined with guard towers and grenadies, Humm-Vees can completely hault a NOD rush and in many cases, turn the battle right around with you on the offensive. As the battle progresses however, its wiser to build tanks than Humm-Vees. This way you can keep nod at bay with your Humm-Vees, Guard Towers, and Grenadier, while your building an unstoppable armored division. I hope this update helped, just a few things Id noticed while playing and I though would be worthy to add. Enjoy! -Ojo