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Below are various quotes/conversations that involve Julian. Julian has had his fair share of quotable lines since the show first aired, unfortunately I only started writing them down in mid-March


(Julian tries to seduce Eve at the hospital)

Eve to Julian: “If you don’t take your dirty hands off me, I will remove your fingers with a scalpel.”

(Julian continues to seduce Eve)

Eve: “You’ll never touch me again Julian, never.”

Julian: “Come now Eve, what do the children say? Lighten up”

Eve: “I’m not at all the woman that you knew back then.”

Julian: “Looks like an Eve, feels like an Eve.”

(Julian speaks about Charity)

Julian: “Yes as you know the board meeting was postponed because Sam and Grace’s niece went around the proverbial bend.”

(TC finds Julian and Eve together at the hospital)

TC: “If you need to call this hospital for board meetings, don’t bother my wife.”

Julian: “Oh, I understand.”

TC: “Well you damn well better.”

Julian: “Well, enjoy the rest of your day.”

(Julian telling Eve what do about their situation)

Julian: “All we have to do is stick to our story, deny the whole thing, when it doubt, deny.”

Eve: “That’s always worked for you hasn’t it Julian?”

Julian: “Why can’t we be friends?”

(After Kay called the hospital about the bird statue)

Julian: “Course one immediately leaps to the assumption that’s the same bird statue that contains the incriminating photographs of you and me together.”

Eve: “Well it can’t be.”

Julian: “Well unless of course there’s some manufacturer out there whose glutting the market with statues of birds I’d say it’s a pretty damn good possibility.”

(Alistair and Julian are talking on the speaker phone)

Julian: “Was that my fault? Did I have anything to do with Luis and Sheridan getting together?”

Alistair: (Giggles) “It’s the one this your not responsible for.”

Julian: (in a pathetic childish voice) “That is so unfair father.”

Sheridan: “I have to admit, I was wrong about Luis.”

Julian: “You weren’t alone dear sister, Luis has deceived most of the good citizens of Harmony.”

(After the Board Meeting is cancelled due to Charity's condition)

Julian to Ivy: "What a colossal waste of an evening. I'm going home and trying to salvage the last of it with a sifter of cognac."

(Sheridan was discussing how honorable and genuine Luis seemed)

Julian: "Phony as a three dollar bill"

Julian to Ivy: "Luh, Love? (Julian giggles uncontrollably) Is that what you think will undo Father's plan? Love? Oh he'll get a kick out of that one. (Takes a drink)

(Sheridan stops by for Brandy after overhearing the imposter Luis)

Julian: "And where has my lovely sister been this evening, a return trip to the pool room, umm a bowling alley, or did you and Luis have milkshakes at the drive-in?"

Sheridan: "I'm really not in the mood Julian."

Julian: "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease you, it's a bad habit."

Sheridan: "Yeah, one of many."

Julian to Ivy: "Now where were we, oh yes, I was listening to your ludicrous ramblings about love lasting forever."

(After Ivy finds the Luis imposter mask)

Ivy: "How pathetic are you Julian? You can't keep Luis and Sheridan apart."

Julian: "Of course I can, as long as you hang tough for Ethan's sake and keep your yap shut."

(Charity is about to be committed)

Julian: "This is intolerable we can't start the board meeting without Eve Russell, she's in there holding that girl's hand."

Ivy: "Poor Charity."

Julian: "Oh what's so poor about her, all this ranting and raving and am I supposed to care about it?"

(Before board meeting about the new pediatric wing at the hospital)

Julian: "Thank you for being so generous with my money."

Ivy: "Well at least you're well endowed with something."

(Julian gives Ivy a snide look)

Ivy: "Who do you care about Julian?"

Julian: "Is that one of your rhetorical questions or shall I make you a list of those who I care about?"

(Ivy is eluding to the fact that she knows about Julian and Eve but Julian is confused)

Julian: "Could you be a tad less cryptic?"

(Charity is getting committed)

Julian to Ivy: "Can you imagine, a meeting of the entire hospital board cancelled for a patient?"

(Julian's words to Sheridan about how Luis fooled her)

Julian: "Well he flashed that smile of his and murmured honeyed words."

Julian to Sheridan: "Well fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, but with you it's been time after time Sheridan."

(Conversation about Sheridan Leaving Harmony)

Julian: "Well then don't, see the rest of the world, sail the 7 seas from Bali to Bangkok to Buenos Aires."

Sheridan: "You want me to go away"

Julian (quick response): "No not at all."