
Summertime Blues

I knew him well. He and I were kindred spirits. We met the day his mother died. It was the day I saw a man who had the largest heart the world had ever seen. It was the fifteenth of July the year 1958. He was just seventeen, and he had no clue what the future had in store for him. On that day I knew that I’d seen a man that would change the world millions at a time. He would never be satisfied by anything else. He was hungry for the world. Old hurts from a hard past gave him that hunger, and the attention that his future would give him, would feed him. He would find contentment eventually, but not even that would last for him, but all of that was far in the future. Right now I was just seventeen, and living with a horrible family, my two brothers, a sister looking for anything that would destroy me, and an evil bellowing monster for an aunt.

It was a day that changed my life. It was like any other day in London. The death of my mother had determined my fate. If she were still alive I would’ve been living with her. My mother had given up her other children to my aunt. My two older brothers and my younger sister, were the children she never claimed. She’d been married, and shortly after Rebecca had been born, her husband and their father had died. The boys were twins and I was the bastard of the family, the half sister. My mother had me out of wedlock. I was the result of a very scandalous affair. Anyroad after her husband died mum sent all of her children, except me, to Liverpool, to live with Aunt Jan. She’d kept me, because I reminded her of my father, the man that she’d truly loved. You could tell that I was different. My brothers and sister all had the same dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, but I had bright auburn hair and fierce fiery green eyes. I didn’t look a thing like their father, but I was a spitting image of my mum. My mum thought of me as her special child, the child she’d always dreamed about. I’d lived with her up until my fifteenth birthday.

She’d been gone all day. She said that she was going to surprise me later on that night, but by around two o’clock that afternoon I felt strange. I knew that something terrible had happened. Nothing felt right after that and by three-thirty I felt like my heart was being ripped into shreds. I cried and I didn’t know why I was crying. By seven o’clock that night I was in hysterics, that was when the knock at the door came. I slowly crept to the door hoping it was mum, and knowing that it wasn’t. My shaking hands managed to unbolt and open the door and there stood a tall constable. My knees buckled below me and I completely collapsed and fell into darkness.

When I’d woken up it was in a white sterile room with a strange woman sitting in a chair beside me. I looked up at her and saw her stony gaze fall hatefully on me. I began to scream madly and a nurse came in and gave me a shot. It must have been a sedative. Hell it knocked me out. Whenever I woke up again I found myself in an unfamiliar room and then discovered that my mother had been murdered by some teddy boy and now I had to live with a cruel malicious woman that was my aunt. I would be forced to live with brothers and a sister that I’d never known and I would never see my mum again.

All of that had happened a year ago. Once I’d been well enough to get around and be useful, I was put to back breaking chores and the care of complete strangers. I didn’t know my aunt and I sure as hell didn’t know my brothers or sister. After that first week of living in that hell I quit fighting back. It was completely worthless, for everything that I did that was wrong only added to more work. I learned to be the slave that kept their mouth shut and lose all hope, only then did I get a bit of freedom outside of school. I did have somewhat of a life, only very few friends, Rebecca saw to that.

It was now the fifteenth of July 1958. Another hopeless day in Liverpool. It was a cloudy lifeless, hopeless day. Nothing much ever happened there, and that only made my pathetic excuse for a way of life even more unbearable, but at least it got me away from her. Aunt Jan hated me. I was the other black sheep of the family. I was the direct spawn of my mother, as she so kindly put it. I’d been forced to do many chores that day. My horrible sister, Rebecca, was the daughter that my aunt always wanted yet could never have. It was because of Rebecca that I was constantly being punished and forced to do every chore imaginable. Hell the old witch came up with things for me to do. Anything to keep me busy and out of the streets. I didn’t really care though. I always had the hope that someday I’d be free of them. Free of all of my horrible past. Of course my hope often dwindled, and I was losing all faith again. My hope was very thin stretched so taunt that anything could have broken it.

I had chores all day that day. Every possible back breaking bit of work around that home on forty-nine Menlove Avenue was given to me. I had to have them done before I could go to bed that night, and I wasn’t allowed to leave the house under any circumstances. I was so damn tired of it all that I had to leave. One more moment of that hopeless work filled day and I would have snapped. At that moment the thought of running away filled my head yet again. I couldn’t run away though, not until I was of legal age. Hell that seemed so far away to imagine. I could knock off for a couple of hours though and head over to Sefton Park. I needed to get away. I didn’t care anymore if Rebecca told the old hag that I left my work to go sag off in the park. I just needed to get away, even if it would add to my punishment, it was worth it. Just sitting by a tree smelling fresh air and not worrying for a couple of hours. It would be a bloody paradise.

I left knowing what I would have to face whenever I did get home. I ran from the house and left Menlove Avenue as quickly as possible. The day although still cloudy began to feel a bit more happier to me, because I was away from the house that was my hell. I was away from everything that hurt me. I was headed towards my usual spot in the park. A lovely shaded area by large tree. I loved that spot, something about it just drew me to it. When I headed there today though I noticed someone already sitting there.

I’d seen him wandering about the streets throughout Liverpool, before, always carrying his guitar, but seeing him there and now under my tree I felt something was wrong. I still don’t know what compelled me to go and speak to him, but I soon had myself settled down beside him. He turned his head so I wouldn’t see him, but I’d caught site of the tears trailing his face. He was shaking violently, and one of his shaky hands rose to his face and jerkily swiped at the tears. I put my hand gently onto his shoulder. His shaking ceased and he appeared to relax a bit. He looked at me, his eyes were red, from the crying, and they were filled with hurt, hatred, fear, anger, and so much confusion. I took in his features: long, sharp, straight crow’s nose; sharp piercing eyes; straight yet enticing lips; and auburn colored hair combed back in the latest Ted style. He appeared to be a Teddy boy through and through, but when I looked at him I saw so much more. He had a lot hidden deep inside of him and I wanted to discover all that was there.

“Why?” He asked and gazed up at the sky, more tears coming to his eyes.

“Why what?” I whispered, looking at him, hoping that he would answer.

“Why was she fucking taken from me? Why when I was just beginning to know and understand her and everything? Why the fuck did it happen? Why is the fucking world going on without her in it?” He snapped. His words struck me hard like a physical blow. I looked at him, trying to read his face and finding nothing.

“What happened?” I asked.

He looked up at me as though he were appalled that I was asking such a question. “None of your bloody fucking business! Why should I tell you anything? I don’t even know your fucking name, although you are a right pretty bird,” He caustically replied as his eyes rose and fell over my form.

“I’m not some twittering idiot, and if you must know the names Kathlyn. I’ve seen you around, always with your guitar, on occasion you have company. Any road, I just wanted to meet you and you are sitting in my usually spot! You are such a God damned bastard! Do you think you are the only fucking one that has problems? I live in a good home, but to me it’s a fucking hell hole. Every time someone is nice to me it is to put on airs in front of people. I have no real life, my aunt hates me and I don’t even know my brothers or sister, and my sister looks for every reason to get me into trouble! I’m a fucking slave in a mad house with a monstrous tyrant as a jailer, so you can just go to fucking hell for all I care, because I’m already there!” I burst out and then I leaped up to get away as quickly as possible, but before I could sprint away his hand shot out and caught my wrist.

He yanked me back down beside him. “Wait a bloody minute. Hell, Kathryn is it?”

I sighed, “Kathlyn, not ryn!”

He grinned at that for a moment, but then he grew somber again and continued, “M’ name’s John Lennon, and I didn’t mean to snap at ya, it’s just…” He broke off with a sigh then continued, “My mum died today. I feel like the whole fucking world is out to get me. Hell I can barely breath and everything is just falling apart around me.”

My face drained of color. Hearing this wasn’t what I’d expected. His mum had died. When he told me that I spun back in time to when that bobby was standing at my door with the news that my mother had been murdered, stabbed to death by some Ted. I lost my grip on reality and I felt all of that past and every emotion that had been kept hidden within me suddenly burst. A huge lump caught in my throat as I tried to fight back the urge to cry. Everything wanted to break through. I managed to draw it all back in that deep ravine where I kept all my emotions locked away before John noticed me.

John mistook my silence because he said, “Don’t feel bad you weren’t the drunk fucking bobby that killed her. I just ran here, away from her home whenever I heard. They wanted me to go to the hospital with Twitchy, my mum’s boyfriend, but I couldn’t. How can I look at her? She’s fucking dead. I’ll never see her again. This is worse than when she first left. At least the first time she could and did come to visit me, now hell she’s gone for good! What am I supposed to do? Before this happened I used to wish that a fucking earthquake would happen, or a revolution, just to go out and steal, something eventful. Hell now all I want is my boring life back, before this happened, so maybe I could stop it and it wouldn’t happen. I was supposed to stay with her and Twitchy this weekend.”

“It’s sometimes easier if you say my mummy’s dead, it makes it seem more real, and can help you face it better,” I whispered and felt like I was being dragged back in time to my own awful memories of when my mummy died.

“My mummy’s fucking dead!” He yelled. The tension seemed to leave his body momentarily and he looked over at me.

“How did you know that would happen?” He asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

His gaze never left my face as he awaited my answer. I looked down at the ground and began to fiddle with a few leaves lying around. He took my hand in his and with his other hand he lifted my face. A few tears had escaped my eyes. Those damn memories kept coming back. Realization dawned in his face, “Your mum’s dead too?”

I nodded shakily and took in a ragged breath. “Over a year now. I was the only kid she kept around. The others were sent to live with me aunt. I was born because she had an affair with some man. That was about seventeen years ago. A year later my sister was born. Shortly after her birth my mum’s husband found out about her affair and killed himself. After she sent my brothers and sister away she took me and we moved into a small flat in London where we lived until about a year ago. She was murdered by some Ted on me birthday and then I ended up living in that hell hole on forty-nine Menlove Avenue where I’m a fucking slave to my aunt and siblings. She treats them like her own. To her they are royalty and me I’m just some worthless street trash bastard that she is forced to put up with. I was born out of a sordid affair therefore she won’t claim me unless she absolutely has to. I am forced to do backbreaking chores day in day out and I had to run away to get this little bit of freedom. Whenever I go back there will be hell to pay. Of that I am certain,” I sighed.

“Then why go back?”

“Where else can I go? I’m only seventeen. I don’t have too many options!” I quipped.

“Everyone has options luv. Why not try and find somewhere to go. Anywhere has to be better than that. You can stay with me for the night if you want. Maybe that will worry em. Who knows maybe we can see about finding a place for you to stay,” John said softly and then placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

He got up, then bent down, took my hand and helped me up. I brushed some of the stray leaves off of my skirt and then he was pulling me along with him. My hand still tightly grasped in his. We were headed to a pub. I was a bit worried and hesitated at the entrance. He noticed I’d stopped. He looked back gave my hand a gentle squeeze and said, “It’s alright luv. I just need a bit of a drink to help me nerves. Come ‘ead, a little drink might do to loosen you up a bit too.”

I followed him in and we sat down at a table in the back. He went over to the bar and when he got back he had a couple of pints with him. He sat one of the glasses in front of me. I eyed it warily and watched him as he took a hearty gulp from his glass. I picked up the glass and brought it to my lips. I noticed that he was watching. I took a long drink, and nearly spat it out. It tasted awful. The fiery liquid burned a path down my throat and finally settled in my stomach. John was grinning at me, obviously amused by my reaction. Just to show that I could handle it I braced myself and then downed the entire glass.

His grin grew wider as he said, “Hell, never saw a bird develop a taste for the pint so quickly. Aye, you’re one in a million, luv. Want another.”

I smiled at him, “Sure, why not? Might as well get smashed, since I won’t be going ‘ome any time soon, eh? Just keep em coming.”

“That’s the spirit!” He laughed and was soon at the bar again bringing back another round.

We were at the bar for hours ordering drink after drink. We were laughing merrily and having a ball. I can’t remember much, all I know was that after awhile I ended up passing out. Next thing I knew I was waking up tangled in sheets and a nice warm safe pair of arms. I tried to sit up, but I moaned and clutched at my aching head. After a moment I heard a sleepy groan and turned to face it. There was John and his arms were around my waist. I knew I should have been worried, but I felt completely safe in his arms. Eventually something clicked in my mind and I noticed that I was in a strange bed with a man that I’d just met yesterday! I jumped out of bed to discover that I was only wearing my panties and someone’s black t-shirt. John was startled awake and he looked up at me. He patted the bed beside him and having no where else to sit I sat there. I didn’t know what happened last night. I had absolutely no recollection. John read my mind when he said, “Nothing happened, Wrynne. I was tempted, but you were smashed and well I’m just not like that, at least I don’t think I am.”

“But if nothing happened then where are my clothes?” My voice shook.

“When you passed out I carried you out of the pub and on my way home it began to rain so when I got you here I took off your wet clothes and put one of my shirts over ya. I didn’t do anything, and I tried not to look, well at least not too much. Cor, you’re beautiful luv. It was hard not to cop a feel!” He grinned wickedly.

I sighed in relief, “Thanks. I owe you a lot for being so kind. No one’s been this nice to me since mum died.”

“Ahh, now none of that. You’re special, you’re my little Wrynne,” He whispered.

“Wrynne, why are you calling me that?”

“You don’t remember anything last night. Whenever you told me your name I kept calling you Kathryn, so finally I said to hell with it and said your new name would be Wrynne, W-R-Y-N-N-E. Now luv lay back down ‘ere and we’ll get a bit more sleep, because I’m knackered, and from the looks of it so are you!” He said and then he wrapped his arms around me and playfully pulled me down on the bed.

I laughed as my head fell on the pillow. He leaned up and soon he was on top of me. Something in the atmosphere changed. He had me straddled. I looked up into his face noticing something new dawning in his eyes. I felt it to. Something was happening, something greater than the both of us. He leaned down his face only inches from mine. I leaned up and our lips met. The kiss soon escalated and grew more savage. His tongue entered my mouth tasting every part of it. My tongue met his, and soon I was exploring his mouth tasting it. Heat was rising from his body and from mine. His hands were roaming my body and it felt so good. The kiss ended with both of us gasping for air, then I noticed our position, and so did John. He bent down and kissed me again, this time I pushed him away.

“What’s wrong?” He asked bewildered.

“I don’t want to do this, I mean I barely know you, and…” I trailed off feeling flustered.

“Don’t you feel it? This was meant to happen. We were supposed to be drawn to each other. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I feel like I’ve known you for my entire life. We’re connected,” He whispered in my ear.

“I feel it, but I’m just not ready for this, and I still don’t know much about you, besides I’m saving myself for when I fall in love,” I sighed feeling the confusion everywhere in my mind.

“Fall in love now. No one’s stopping you. I know you don’t want to be alone, and neither do I. People have been leaving me ever since I was born. You and me we’re so much alike. We have to be meant for each other.”

“You’re just saying that to get into me knickers. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said as anger began to build inside of me.

“I didn’t mean it like that. Hell, I don’t want to screw this up. It feels to right. Fuck that would be the one thing that would top me. I find the perfect bird then I fuck up, and loose her.” He moaned and then fell down on the bed beside me.

I turned to face him. He seemed to be torn inside. Everything he’d ever known was being taken from him, what if I was here to be something he could hold onto. A stray piece of hair fell into his eye. I gently brushed it back with my forefinger. He grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips. He gently kissed my palm and then trailed kisses on my fingers. I took my hand away and then kissed him gently, his lips were so soft, I could have stayed like that forever.

I lifted my head feeling lightheaded and breathless. He was smiling. I laid down on my back and I felt his fingers gently climbing my stomach. I took my hand and tried to flick his away. Soon he had both hands on my stomach and was tickling me. I began to laugh and protest. As soon as he knew that I was very ticklish his fiendish hands were all over me finding every spot where I was most ticklish, I was soon shrieking with laughter. A few moments later I heard a door fly open and I looked up from the bed and saw a woman that looked like she was middle class, but she appeared to have authority in the household. Our eyes met she looked at John then back at me trying to pull a sheet over myself and blushing profusely. Then the door slammed.

I lifted the sheet over my head and looked at John noticing his sour expression. I put my hand on his back and he looked at me his expression softening a bit. He got up and began looking around the room for some clothing. I noticed that he was only wearing a pair of boxers. He found some clothing sniffed them then headed for a door that must have been the adjoining bath. I found my clothes hanging on the back of a chair by what appeared to be a desk. I couldn’t really tell under all of the clothing. I took a good look around the room. There was a framed picture of Elvis on the night stand by the bed and a poster of Bridgitte Bardot on the ceiling. A guitar was in the only clean corner in the room, clothes were strewn about carelessly, and there were some art supplies that littered the floor and dresser. I noticed a notebook lying on a shirt on the dresser. I picked it up and began looking through it. On the last used page I noticed a drawing of a girl sitting by a tree in Sefton Park. Looking more closely at the drawing I realized the girl was me! I quickly shut the notebook and placed it back where I found it. I got dressed and was just finishing buttoning my blouse when he came out of the lavatory. I quickly went in for a moment, did my business, washed my hands, and looked in the mirror. I thought I looked ghastly. I found a comb on the countertop and ran it through my hair. I washed my face and then walked out into the room. John had been sitting on the chair and flipping through the notebook. When he noticed that I’d come out he closed it quickly and put it under a pile of clothing on the desk.

“Care to take a walk luv?” He asked offering his arm for me to take.

I blushed and took it. He led me down the stairs and out the door. That’s when I noticed where he lived. I looked to the house next door on the other side of the fence. We were at fifty-one Menlove Avenue, and I lived right next door. He noticed my gaze, and nodded. We broke into a run. Once we were far from Menlove Avenue we slowed down and he took my hand. We ended up back in Sefton Park sitting under the tree just talking. He told me about his mother, how lovely she was, how beautiful her voice had been, and how she got him his first guitar. We laughed when he told me about his aunt’s reaction to his early birthday present from his mum. I told him about my mother. Her lovely face, deep brown eyes, light brown hair, wonderful laugh, and how we use to talk about everything and anything.

We sat under that tree for hours. We both lost track of time. Sometime later a voice was calling John. We both looked up to see a boy, about my age or so, hurrying towards us. He took one glance at me, but then directed all of his attention towards John. I was a bit confused until I realized that I’d seen this boy with John once or twice before walking around the ‘Pool.

“Where’ve you been? I’ve been looking for you, ever since I heard yesterday. They said you never showed at the hospital. We were all worried about you. I cancelled the show for tomorrow, I didn’t think you’d be up to playing. George rung me up a couple of times asking about you, and I tried to find Stu to see if you were over at his flat. I even checked the pubs. The bartender from the Row said he saw you last night, and you carried some bird out of the place with you,” He just seemed to blather on and on.

I couldn’t help laughing at him, “Cor, you’re an old mother hen. He was perfectly okay last night. I can vouch for ‘im.”

John grinned at me, and then he noticed that John was holding my hand. He grinned at John and then said, “Aye, mate found a way to forget your troubles?”

“Naw, I just found someone to talk to. It wasn’t like that. I don’t have that kinda charm with the lady’s. I’m not you Paul…” John trailed slyly.

“Oh, you devils!” I sighed.

“I think I can make practice today, is it still going to be at your place? I have to stop off at home to get me guitar and then we’ll be there.” John told him cheerily.

“I can come along if you like. I’m in no hurry. Oh, if we’re taking the bus we’ll have to go by and get George, you know he wants to perfect his solo with ‘Three Cool Cats’! I’ve never seen him so nervous. Whenever he gets up in front to sing it he shakes like a bloody leaf. We may as well get him smashed before he sings it, but what if he forgets the words!” They both roared with laughter.

I wasn’t really worried as we headed down Menlove, after all I was with two wonderful guys, and I was free. I walked with my head held high, and my hand in John’s. He kept stealing glances at me. Paul chattered the entire time, trying to keep up lively conversation. He joked and soon we were all laughing. We reached the door and John unlocked it and walked in. He ran up the stairs. Paul and I decided to wait for him downstairs. Paul led me to the common room and we sat down on the couch. He kept looking at me with an odd expression on his face.

“What, is there something wrong?” I asked.

He shook himself and then replied, “Oh, I’m sorry it’s just that you look like… No I better not say, John would thump me for sure.”

“You mean the drawing? I saw, but don’t tell him. I don’t think he wanted me to see it. How long has he been watching me?” I continued.

“Well, not to worry you or anything, but ever since he saw you hanging some wash out in your garden. He hasn’t stopped talking about you since. That was what a year ago I believe. Funny he never mentioned your name before. Wrynne, it’s a lovely name. He was always talking about you being an angel, because you’re so lovely, he said he’d even give up his fantasies of Bridgitte Bardot for you,” Paul whispered.

“Oh my god I never knew. Why didn’t he ever just talk to me?”

“That isn’t how John is. If he likes a bird he’ll never admit it, not even to himself, at least not till he’s confronted with it, and even then its hard for ‘im. He just keeps things inside. He doesn’t show much,” Paul continued to whisper.

Someone was clearing their throat in the doorway. Paul and I looked up to see John standing there and looking down at us. He didn’t look too pleased.

“Making a move on me bird so soon I see. McCartney you’re a bloody dog,” He growled.

“Oh we were just talking, and I didn’t know I was claimed. Besides I prefer trouble to a sweet little choir boy, any day!” I laughed warm heartedly pinching Paul’s cheek and then I walked over to John and kissed him, wiping away his every doubt.

“So I’m not a sweet little choir boy?” John pouted.

“No, but if you were I wouldn’t be falling, now would I?” I purred.

His eyebrows arched. He put his arm merrily around my shoulder and we walked out of the house with Paul trailing us. John locked the door and returned his arm to my shoulder. We were headed to the bus stop when I heard someone calling me.

“Kathlyn! Oh, Kathlyn Rose Pearson, Aunt Jan is fuming!”

I turned around to see Rebecca running towards us. John looked a bit confused, but by my expression he could tell this was trouble. He glared at Rebecca as she stopped in front of me. Her plain face smug with satisfaction. I could tell she just knew I would come home with her to avoid any further punishment, but I wasn’t, not this time. She looked at John and smiled knowing that she would have me cornered. His arm was still across my shoulder.

“Are you going to come home now? You know you’re in serious trouble. Aunt Jan is so mad at you. Oh the list chores she has for you are endless,” She smiled as she delivered my sentence.

Paul was shifting his weight from foot to foot, looking very uncomfortable. John was getting pissed. I felt the life draining out of me. I knew she was right, and I would have to go home. I turned to face John feeling completely defeated. He looked at me, he looked like he was in pain, and then anger clouded his face. He stepped up to her, she had to look up from her short frame to see his face.

“Look you bloody wench, she isn’t going home to that fucking hell hole. I won’t let her. She isn’t some fucking slave, and she deserves some bloody respect! Now you go home to that bitchy ogre and tell her to go to fucking hell for all I care. I don’t give a fuck what you think you can do, but you can’t order her around any more. She can do as she damn well pleases, and if she wants to come with me then she can fucking come with me. Now turn your dwarfy arse around go to that hell hole, and do your own fucking laundry!” John growled.

Rebecca trudged off mumbling under her breath. I was beaming. John turned to me, swept me into a tight embrace and kissed me. I came up breathless. Paul was laughing at the scene we were causing and I was laughing from sheer joy. John was laughing and telling me how daft we were. We continued to laugh all the way to the bus stop. We sat on the top level of the bus. John and Paul were smoking and we were headed over to a run down neighborhood, obviously working class. The bus stopped and a boy, no older than fifteen, with a guitar climbed up the stairs to the top level and sat beside Paul, bummed a smoke off John, then turned his dark eyes to me.

“Who’s she?” He asked.

I took in the full sight of him. He was dressed in black leather like John and Paul, and he spoke with a really thick scouse accent. His expression was hard to read as he gazed at me. I was a bit wary about him. He was scowling. I looked at John for some kind of introduction.

“George, I’d like you to meet Wrynne Pearson,” John said in a posh accent and they all had a good laugh.

I rolled my eyes and said hello to George. He smiled a genuine smile and said hello. He kept looking at me though. Like he’d seen me before, but he just couldn’t place me. His expression changed as it finally hit him.

“Hey, I know you now! You’re the bird in John’s drawing, the angel he’s always going off about. Did you pose for him?” George asked enthusiastically.

My gaze fell on John, watching his reaction. He looked like he was about to blow up. He reached over the seat and thumped George. George yelped and rubbed his arm. Paul was trying to suppress a laugh, but a fit of giggles escaped, and John thumped him too.

“Hey, watcha go and do that for. He was the one that said it! I’m just an innocent bystander,” Paul pouted.

I was laughing then. John looked at me, and he was blushing. The other two were rubbing sore arms and laughing like mad men. I laughed so hard that I collapsed on John’s lap and that got the guys roaring!

“Bloody hell, how’d I end up with such a daft bird?” John sighed.

“Fate you git!” I croaked through my laughing and tears.

Paul and George were rolling in the isle. They sat up and were wiping tears from their eyes. I could tell that John was really embarrassed. I got up as discretely as possible considering that I’d fallen into his lap, and then I kissed him. He slipped in a bit of tongue.

“Cor, Paul, ‘ow long’s this been going on? Is he going for ‘er throat or what?” George gasped.

When we came up for air John gave him the finger. George smirked and then he and Paul began to chat leaving John and me to discuss other things. John put his arm across my shoulder and drew me closer to him. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and sighed. I lifted my head a bit so that I could whisper in his ear.

“I saw the drawing. I found your notebook and I couldn’t resist flipping through it. I’m sorry. I think its lovely. I just wished that you could have talked to me. I didn’t know that you’d been watching me. I don’t mind though,” I whispered.

He shifted a bit so he could look down at me, “You went through me notebook, eh? You nosey wench! Ahh, well. You’d have seen it sometime. I thought you’d be pissed if you’d known I’d been watching you for so long. I drew that a couple a weeks ago. You know the last time you sagged off from hanging the laundry. You always sat at that same tree. I guess whenever me mum died that tree was the only place I could think of to go.”

“I’m glad you went there then. I wonder what’s going to happen to me. I mean whenever I go home there’s going to be hell to pay,” I groaned as chores began running through my mind.

“Just leave. Listen, I can talk to Paul. I think his dad may have a spare room for ya, or if not, there’s always the couch. Or maybe George, his sister Louise moved out a while ago. See you don’t have to go back there. All you have to do is get your things and leave.” John was so sure of his words.

My hopes of leaving my old life with Aunt Jan and siblings that I didn’t know resurfaced. I was so close to freedom that I could taste it. No more back breaking chores for people who never appreciated it. No more putting up with Rebecca’s unending shit, or dealing with one of Aunt Jan’s lectures and sermons. No more pranks being pulled on me by my brothers. A smile tugged at my lips and tears spilled from my eyes.

“Oh, love, was it really that hard. Once when I looked out of my window I noticed you sitting down on the porch out in the garden. You were crying and it broke me heart to see you like that. You looked so helpless. Sometimes when I went to the park I’d see you sitting by that tree crying. Don’t cry. Not anymore love, it hurt too much when I couldn’t help you,” John whispered.

I buried my face in his shoulder and clung to him. All the pain that I’d endured that year came bursting out. My throat was ripped with the sobs that escaped my lips. My body shook violently. John’s arms wound tightly around me. I cried for the beatings that I’d suffered from my aunt, and for all her cruel words to me, even for the mother that I’d lost. When I was out tears I noticed Paul and George watching me, concern on both of their faces. I wiped my face with the back of my hand and sat up.

“You know, I really can’t go home now. Not after spending the night with you. Oh John, once a few months ago I went out on a date and he kissed me goodnight at the front door. As soon as I got into the house my aunt grabbed me and dragged me to her room. She grabbed a thick switch and made me take off my blouse and she whipped me. She whipped me until blood ran from my back, and when I fell to the floor from the pain she laughed and then kicked me. Her cruel voice filled my ears as she said, ‘I’ll have no whore like my sister living under this roof. Now gather your clothing, properly cover yourself, and get out of my sight. If you bring another Ted around this house I’ll see to it that you are properly punished!’ I won’t be able to go home, not now or ever, but it was never a home, any road,” I sighed.

“Fuck, that was what those scars on your back were?! Oh, love, I was wondering what those were when I was putting that shirt on you last night,” John said, his voice quivering in shock. He held me tighter to him and gently stroked my scarred back.

“If she did that to you, why didn’t you just run away?” George asked.

“I had no place to go. My mum was murdered by some Ted a year ago, that’s how I ended up living with that old hag. I never knew who me dad was. I was born out of wedlock. Me mum had an affair and I was the result. When I had to live with my aunt, I had to quit fighting, because whenever she ran out of chores for me to do, she’d beat me,” My voice sounded so small as I told my dirty secret.

“There’s no excuse for what she did to you!” Paul’s voice shook with indignation.

“As soon as practice is over, I’ll go home with you and we’ll get your things and you’ll leave there. Okay, luv?” John told me.

“Where will I go?” I asked.

“Simple luv. Me sister moved out a while back to go to teaching school, so there’s a spare room in the house. I’m sure me mum would love to ‘ave ya. She misses having a daughter around,” George offered.

With that decided the rest of the ride was in silence. Paul and George were back to their discussion and I was happily resting my head on John’s shoulder as he sang ‘Love Me Tender’. Buildings past by in a blur as the bus sped through the streets of Liverpool. The bus made three stops before it was our time to get off.

Practice was in the basement of a malt shop. According to John at night the basement became a kind of club where kids hung out. I sat down and watched them practice. They were absolutely amazing. I knew they were headed places. The music filled the building, every wall shook with it. The first song they played was ‘Love Me Tender’ and John did vocals. I blushed as he held my gaze. I knew he was singing it for me. They continued practice. Paul sang a few songs, mainly stuff by Little Richard. George practiced ‘Three Cool Cat’s’ and I was definitely impressed. I loved hearing them. The drummer and bass player were the only ones that didn’t seem to fit. Practice ended a couple of hours later.

We ended up taking the bus to Menlove Avenue, George and Paul decided to come along, to make sure that I would be okay, and of course I had John. We all walked to forty-nine Menlove. I felt squeamish with every step I took closer to that house. We stepped up the walk and Paul knocked on the door. Phillip, one of my brothers answered the door, Pete, the other brother was standing behind him. I was the first to walk through the door, and I was followed by John, then George and Paul. Not a word was spoken by anyone.

I headed to my room and John followed me. I got my suitcase from under the bed and began tossing my clothes in. I had everything packed except for the blouse that was in the back of my closet. That was the blouse that had the blood stains on it. That was the blouse that I’d been wearing when I suffered my worst beating. John saw the sleeve of it and picked it up. He looked at it and saw the blood stains.

“Christ, love, what’d she beat you with?” He was horrified.

I took it from him and put it in the suitcase along with the rest of my things. I zipped it up, took one last look around the room and then walked out. John followed me into the sitting room where Paul and George were waiting. We were going for the door when she stepped out of the kitchen.

“Where do you think you’re going you little whore? Always thought you were something special? You’re just like her!” Aunt Jan bellowed.

I turned around to face her. She walked up to me, a cruel sneer etched on her haggard face. I glared hatefully at her. She looked at John and the others, then back at me. Her already red face grew even redder with her rage. She knew that I was leaving. She could try and stop me, but she knew she wouldn’t win. She couldn’t win now. I smiled at her knowing that I’d finally won. That sent her over the edge. Her hand flew up and back. Her palm came into contact with my face and I fell flat out on the floor from the force of her blow. I didn’t know what hit me. All I heard was the smack of her palm as it hit my cheek. She was on the floor now with me, her hand smacking back and forth across my face, whipping my head from side to side. I felt like my neck would snap at any moment. I felt someone grab my arm and yank me away from her, but then I fell into darkness.

When I came to I was lying in an unfamiliar bed with someone leaning over. They were washing my face with a cold damp washcloth. I moaned in pain. I tried to open my eyes, but the light was too bright so I quickly shut them again.

“She’s awake now, John, you can quit wearing my carpet out now,” A kind motherly voice said above me.

I opened my eyes and saw a kind woman standing above me holding the washcloth and a very worried John kneeling on the floor clutching my hand. I smiled weakly at him and murmured, “I finally won.”

“I’m so sorry that happened. I didn’t know that woman was that fucked up. You were knocked out. I carried you onto the bus and now we’re at George’s. That was his mum. We haven’t told her what happened yet. Your face is bruised up and somehow she split your lip, so that’s a bit busted up. Fuck she was about to go at you with a fist!” He exclaimed.

“That wouldn’t have been the first time,” I moaned.

“Is she alright?” Paul asked from the doorway.

I turned to the door way and nodded. He came in and was followed by George. They looked down at me, faces full of worry. I smiled at them. John was sitting on the bed and the others joined him. John leaned down and kissed me, a quick gentle peck on the lips.

“That was your aunt? She was more of a monster than anything else!” Paul spoke with anger in his voice.

“I thought she was going to kill you!” George added.

That was how the night continued. We talked about how I’d been abused that past year. I told George’s mum everything, and I showed them all the blouse with the bloodstains. George’s mum invited me to live with them. Paul ended up taking the bus home that night, and John slept on the Harrison’s couch.

I woke up the next morning to the aroma of eggs cooking. I smiled and climbed out of bed. I went over to my suitcase and got out a pair of jeans, a blouse, my bra, socks, and panties and then I headed to the lavatory to take a shower. The warm water felt good. I was in heaven as I showered. When I got out I dried my hair, and got dressed. I tried to avoid looking into a mirror, because my face was such a wreck. I went back to my new room got my brush out of my suitcase and pulled my hair up into a ponytail then I ran down stairs and followed my nose to the kitchen where Mrs. Harrison was cooking eggs and hotcakes. John and George were at the table and so were three other men. I looked at John and George awaiting introductions.

One of the younger men looked up, saw my face, and said, “Cor, what ‘appened to her?”

I blushed, and sat down at the table. Mrs. Harrison scolded him and he apologized.

George looked up from his plate of hotcakes and spoke, “That’s me dad, then there’s me two brothers Harry and Pete.”

He indicated each one and they gave a nod and then returned to their breakfast. I sat down between John and George. Mrs. Harrison placed a plate of scrambled eggs and hotcakes in front of me. Harry passed me a glass of orange juice and I dug in. I hadn’t eaten since the day before yesterday and I was absolutely ravenous. I was finished longed before George and he wolfed his food down! After breakfast John left.

I spent most of that morning putting my clothes and things away in my new room. After I was done with that I went into George’s room. He was downstairs with Harry watching the tellie and laughing over some comedy show. I saw his guitar in the corner and I couldn’t resist it. It had been a year since I picked up a guitar and played it. When I moved in with my aunt she took my mother’s guitar from me and pawned it off. My mother had begun teaching me to play when I was nine, and I was pretty good. My favorite song was ‘Love Me Tender’, and when I picked up George’s guitar that’s what I began playing. My voice rang clear with lyrics and tears slid down my cheeks. I was sitting in a chair by a small table used as a desk and a played a few other songs, but I ended with ‘Love Me Tender’.

I looked up to see George standing in the doorway, his face registering surprise. I put his guitar back and said, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask to use your guitar, it’s just when I saw it I couldn’t stop myself from playing. I haven’t played in year, and I’m surprised that I can still play. I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t do anything to it, aside from tuning it a bit.”

“Amazing, that was beautiful. I didn’t know you knew how to play, and your voice. Where in the hell did you learn to play like that. Does John know you can sing like that?” He asked.

“I don’t think he does, and besides I’m not that great. I haven’t played since me mum died, besides you guys are wonderful. Next to you I’d be just some bird that looks good on stage,” I sighed.

“Don’t say that. I’ve never heard a voice like that before…” He trailed and then he must have caught sight of my tears because he continued, “And why are you crying?”

“Its just me mum taught me guitar and me aunt sold my mum’s guitar when I moved in with her. That’s why I haven’t played in so long. I suppose I just got wrapped up in the music and memories is all,” I whispered.

I was standing now and putting away his guitar. He was behind me. I turned around and our lips met. I was a bit surprised. His arms wrapped around me, drawing me closer to and he began to kiss me. His tongue sneaking through my lips. I was too shocked to react for a moment, and when I did it was to respond. My arms slid around his neck and my head tilted back allowing his tongue to continue exploring my mouth. We both surfaced breathing hard and I looked into his eyes realizing that he was George. I stepped back awkwardly my breath coming out in short gasps. He blushed and turned to walk away.

“Wait,” I called after him.

He slowly turned around and acknowledged me. He was still blushing. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry, but I think I’m falling in love with John. Please don’t tell him that. I know this may sound a bit harsh, but can we be friends. I mean now that I’m living here it might be best to be mates. Besides we can be like brother and sister, but you play any pranks, try copping a feel, or sneaking a peek while I’m dressing and I’ll thump you a good one!” I laughed and then mussed up his hair.

He made a face, smiled, and then headed off to the lavatory to fix his hair. I shook my head and grinned. I was going to have so much fun with my new found freedom, now I finally had a family that I could call my own. George would be the brother that I always wanted, and maybe even a friendship mixed with a bit of brotherly love could develop between Paul and me. Of course John would be different. Sure I’d only known him for two days, but he’d been watching me for a year, and he saved my life. I was falling in love with him, and it was wonderful.

I came downstairs to help Mrs. Harrison with lunch. I eventually began calling her Louise because she grew tired of me calling her Mrs. Harrison. We had a good laugh when I was confused over her name being Louise and she explained that her husband insisted that they name their daughter after her. We were laughing and joking like a mother and a daughter and it brought back wonderful memories. George walked in, looked at me blushed for a moment, and then sat at the table awaiting lunch and listening to his mother and me talking like I was her daughter. We were making something for desert when George got up and tried to sneak a bit. I thumped him and told him he could wait like the rest of us. His mum got a good laugh from that. George muttered something under his breath that made his mum’s eyebrows arch and she scolded him. He grumbled a bit more and left to see what his brothers were doing. His dad was out driving his bus for the day and wouldn’t be home until around seven.

John came around as soon as we were serving lunch. Luckily we had enough to go around. The guys ate like a pack of wolves. The had each been through about two and a half sandwiches and a bowl of soup by the time I sat down to eat. Whenever everyone had their fill John helped me clear the table. I told Louise that I could manage so she left me to do the dishes. I didn’t think that John would help me, but I ended up with a dish drier. I smiled at him as I handed him dish after dish. When we were done in the kitchen he asked me to go on a walk with him. I accepted the offer, went up to my room to changed into my red skirt and pink blouse, then I joined him downstairs, told Louise where I was going, and left. It was a long walk to Penny Lane, but for once it was a lovely day in Liverpool so I enjoyed it.

We ended up stopping at a few shops, and a guitar shop in particular. John was amazed by my knowledge of guitars. There was this one acoustic that I absolutely adored. When we left the music store we stopped at a pawn shop. I was still interested in guitars, even if they were second hand. John made no protest, he didn’t mind shopping as long as it was for records or guitars.

As soon as I went in I knew what I was looking for. I dragged John straight to the counter. A short stout little man was sitting behind it. He didn’t even look up. I tapped on the counter and he lazily lifted his head from picking at the dirt beneath his grimy fingernails. As he asked us what we wanted I caught a whiff of his breath. It nearly knocked me flat.

“I’m interested in guitars. Do you have any acoustics?” I asked, my voice coming out in a timid squeak.

He waddled from around the counter and led us to an area of the shop with guitars and other various things. I looked at all of the guitars and that was when I spotted it, my mum’s guitar. I acted like I wasn’t interested and picked up a few other ones before I came to that one. I picked it up and ran my fingers across the strings, it was horribly out of tune. I turned it over and saw the little brass plate with the engraving on it. I knew my eyes were filling with tears. I blinked them back and turned to the man.

“How much for this one?”

“Ahh, you don’t want that one miss, the last bloke what had that thing was never able to get it tuned, besides its got writing on the back,” He mumbled.

“Well, if you don’t want to sell it then why didn’t you fucking say so?” John cut in, and grabbed my hand.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t sell it, but I don’t want to get known throughout Liverpool for selling pieces of shit,” The man glared at John then continued, “How’s five pounds sound?”

“For that. I thought you said you couldn’t tune it? It’s probably not even worth a shilling,” John said, sounding irritated.

“Fine, fine, two pounds take it or leave it,” The man sounded pissed off.

I looked at John, hoping that he had the money. He nodded and got two pound notes out of his pocket and handed the man his money. “I hope you’re happy,” John muttered under his breath.

We walked out of the shop and then ended up sitting under the tree in Sefton Park. I held the instrument close to me, practically hugging it. Then I leaned over to hug John and ended up kissing him. He grinned and then looked at the guitar again.

“What do you want with that old thing any road. They had much better ones and the old fuck said you couldn’t even tune it, besides you probably can’t even play it, and I doubt I’d find the time to teach you.”

I put my ear close to the strings and began tuning it. John was watching me closely, realization dawning in his eyes as he watched me tuning it. He could tell that I knew how to play. I gave the peg one last twist, then I leaned against John and began to play ‘Love Me Tender’. As I sang his jaw dropped in surprise. When I was done I was smiling.

“Where’d you learn to play like that?” He asked bewildered.

“Me mum taught me. This was her old guitar, my aunt pawned it when I moved in with her. There’s a trick to tuning this guitar one of the pegs is a bit loose so you have to be very gentle and very patient with it. The inscription on the back says, ‘To my darling Rose, I thought you’d like this, because of your love of music. I’m sorry I have to leave you and the little one, but I will always love you and the baby. Love Jim. The only thing I know about my father is that his name is Jim.” I whispered.

“You and Paul have something in common then, love,” John said and then he slapped his forehead and continued, “Oh, fuck practice, its today at Paul’s. Come ‘ead let’s go!”

We got on the bus that stopped at Forthlin Road. When we got there John was about fifteen minutes late. We rushed in and John received quite a welcoming of “Where the hell have you been mate?” They all saw me and knew immediately that he’d been with me. John ended up borrowing my guitar so he could play with them. Paul’s father walked in during practice. He saw me and his jaw dropped. I thought that was a bit odd, and then he noticed the guitar in John’s hands. The guys all stopped when they saw him. Paul asked if he was alright. He took the guitar from John, turned it over, looked at John and then at me.

“Where’d you get this?” Mr. McCartney asked bewildered.

“I bought it at a pawn shop for Wrynne,” John answered him.

Then Mr. McCartney’s eyes fell on me. He stared at me and shook his head to clear it. Then he spoke, “What’s your full name, luv?”

I was really confused by then, “It’s Kathlyn Rose Pearson.”

His face changed again, “Are you the third child of Rose Pearson?”

A shiver ran up my spine. How did he know my mother? “Yes,” I whispered, and my entire body began to shake as I replied, “She was mother and that was her guitar. My father gave it to her. My aunt pawned it when I moved in with her though. How do you know my mother?”

“Because I was the one that gave her the guitar,” He whispered.

Pete Best the drummer left after that. The other guys jaws dropped. Mr. McCartney, my father, sat down on the couch. I sat beside him and John sat down beside me. I looked at Mr. McCartney, not knowing what to say. I’d longed for this moment for so long and now it was finally happening and I was speechless.

“How has your mother been?” Mr. McCartney asked.

“She died a year ago, that’s why I had to move in with my aunt and then things happened so I’m living with the Harrison’s now. Um Mr. McCartney how I mean…” I looked down feeling nervous. Paul was sitting in a chair looking completely confused.

“Kathlyn, if you want you can move in here, and call me Jim, or Dad. Your mum was a lovely woman, you look just like her. We met when I was working with a band in London. I had to leave though and when I got back I met Mary and then I got married and Paul was born in June and then Mike was born,” He sighed.

“You mean she’s my sister?” Paul finally spoke up.

We ended up talking more over tea, and Jim noticed the bruises on my face. Stu ended up taking off, but George and John stayed. I told Jim that if he didn’t have the room then I could just stay with the Harrison’s. Paul and I had a lot in common, we were both seventeen although I was older being born in April and all. Jim was really kind and Paul took to me quickly enough. George and John were still getting over the initial shock. After tea John, George and I left.

We were sitting on the upper deck of the bus, and I was playing my guitar. The guys were listening, exchanging glances among themselves, and then looking at me. It had been a hectic few days. It seemed like a long ride. Most of the ride was in silence except for my singing. George pulled out his guitar and began playing Raunchy and once I got a feel for the song I was playing along with him.

John spoke after awhile, “I can’t believe that I was telling Paul about his sister for an entire bloody year without even knowing it!”

We got a good laugh out of that and soon we were at George’s home, my new home. Louise was surprised to find out that I was Paul’s older sister. John ended up staying for dinner. Before he left I promised to pay him back for the guitar, but he would have none of it. The night ended well. I practiced playing on my guitar and singing and George joined me. We ended up listening to a few records on Harry’s record player as it got late. After a few hours of listening to records we all called it a night. That was the end of my summer blues and the beginning of a new life…

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