If I Fell

I never knew love could strike someone so fast and so hard. When I met Richard, I thought of him as some dazed guy that ended up in a great band. That fact that he was a Beatle wasn’t what made me interested in him. He was something special, a unique person with a heart. I was sitting on the steps of my ex-boyfriend’s flat in the summer of ’65. It had begun to rain as it usually did in London, but that didn’t phase me, I continued to sit there and cry. Terry my ex had just informed me that he had found the love of his life, and that she was preggers. So many thoughts and memories were coursing through my head about the year long relationship I had with Terry, when I felt the hand on my shoulder.

I was startled by a stranger’s touch, that was steady on my shaking shoulder. I looked up and noticed a fellow holding a handkerchief out towards me. The handkerchief was wet from the rain, but it was a friendly gesture none the less. The stranger then began to speak in a very deep, soothing, and surprisingly familiar voice. “Are you all right? Let’s get you outta this rain before you catch you death, luv. Come ‘ead, then, the studio is right around the corner.”

“Who are you? Why are you helping me? I just want to be left alone, besides death would be good about now any road!” I choked out in between my sobs. He grasped my hand and began to pull me along with him, as though I were some stubborn disobedient child; this angered me, but I went along with him because I was getting cold, and I knew he was right. We neared a crowded gate. All I heard him say was, “Damn I thought they increased security around here!” Then the stranger led me down an alley. I began to think it was strange that there would be a crowd like that, out and about in the rain. Soon we were going through a back entrance to the building. When we entered I noticed a man walking towards us. He took no notice of me and began to shout at the man who’d taken me out of the rain. “Damn it Rich! Where the bloody fuck have you been? We have been waiting for over a fucking hour. Macca is going crazy, and all of those birds screaming at the gates are driving us all daft!”

“John, I ran into some troubles and I just couldn’t leave her sitting out in the rain crying and catching her death, now then could I?” Rich said indicating me. Then the man that had just yelled at him finally took notice of me. I felt his light brown eyes probing every detail of my body from my bright blue eyes to my toes. His eyes lingered on my breasts for a few moments and then wandered back up to my face.

“You should leave the women to Paul, but she certainly is a looker, if only her make-up wasn’t running down her face,” John said.

“What is your problem? She is obviously upset, because she’s been crying, so can’t you show her some decency?” Rich then looked at me. “What is your name, luv?”

“It’s Lana, Lana Brooke. Do you know where the lavatory is? I think I need to freshen up a bit.”

I glared at John, and then as I really began to see him, and realize who he was I grew faint. I remember seeing his face, growing dizzy, and falling into someone’s arms.

I awoke in a strange bed, and I had no idea how I got there. I noticed someone sitting in a chair by the bed looking down at me, concern etched in his face. I sat and stared at him in shock. I was in a room, a bedroom, alone with none other than Ringo Starr! He got up from his chair. I began to speak, “You’re… you’re Ringo Starr! Wha… What am I doing here?” As the realization of what I said came through to me I felt completely stupid.

“You fainted at the studio, so I just left and brought you here. I’m sure the lads can fare without me,” Ringo stated. He left the room for a few minutes, and then brought me a glass of water. I took the water thankfully and gulped it down. He watched me as I drank the entire contents of the glass. I felt strange just sitting there in his bed, knowing that he was watching my every move.

“Ringo, I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I hope the others understand…” I trailed.

I didn’t really know what to say to him. I was just some strange girl he had just met, so what could I say? I didn’t want to sound or act like some screaming fan (I did like the Beatles!), but I didn’t was to appear like some idiot either, so I just remained silent.

Finally Ringo broke the silence. “Please call me Richard, and I’m sure the others are fending for themselves. Now I don’t mean to pry, but why were you crying when I found you?” He looked genuinely concerned.

“Rin… um Richard, I just found out that my boyfriend was in love with someone else, and had asked her to marry him. I thought he loved me. I mean we had been together for over a year! The only reason he is marrying her is because he got her pregnant, but even if he hadn’t gotten her preggers, he… He still cheated on me!”

I began to sob. Richard sat down on the bed next to me, and took me into his arms. I held him desperately. I felt like I was being ripped apart inside piece by painful piece. He stroked my hair and gently whispered into my ear, “I’m so sorry for you, luv. I know that something like that can be really painful, but I’m sure you can pull through.”

I looked up, and into his deep heavenly blue eyes. I felt something inside of me, and I leaned my face up, closer to his until our lips met. Once I felt that, the longing grew deeper inside of me, and I hungrily pressed my lips harder upon his. He began to respond, and his tongue slipped into my mouth and began to explore. I began to hungrily explore his mouth. After a moment that seemed to last an eternity we separated. He held me tightly, and gazed down into my face. I knew that I had begun to blush, because my cheeks had filled with warmth. My life had taken a strange turn in just a matter of a few hours. I think that this was the moment when I fell for Richard. I had only consciously known him for an extremely short while, but I some how felt a very strange, but strong connection to him.

“I… I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” I stammered. My actions had amazed me. I’d never felt anything like that before, nor had I ever done anything like that before. At the time I had no idea what was happening to me. I was extremely embarrassed by my behavior. I only hoped Richard understood.

“Don’t worry, Lana. Things happen, but I only hope that happens often. I don’t know, but somehow I feel some kind of connection between us. Strange aye?” Richard looked at me as he spoke.

There was a look in his eyes that intrigued me. I don’t know what, but I felt something drawing me into his deep thoughtful eyes. I felt like I was melting into his arms. I wanted to kiss him again, but I didn’t know what was drawing me to him. I mean I wasn’t a virgin or anything, but I just didn’t understand my feelings for him at that time. I suppose it took me awhile to admit that I had fallen in love with him. At that point my head was full of confusion and heartache.

Richard gently tilted my head up and gazed into my eyes, then he leaned down and his lips met min. The same need and desperation arose this time as well. I felt like something really big was happening around us, and that this would change my life forever. Just then the bedroom door opened and I heard someone say, “Hey, Rich, I was knocking and you didn’t answer, so how’s the…” The voice trailed off as Rich and I broke away abruptly. John was standing in the doorway, and two other guys had just walked up behind him.

“I didn’t hear the door,” Richard answered stiffly.

“I guess you wouldn’t considering you’re in bed with some bird. So how is she?” John smirked as his eyes fell hazily upon my disheveled black mane of hair. My clothes were rumpled and Richard was still holding me tightly. John walked into the room, and the other two, who turned out to be Paul and George followed suit.

“I suppose this means Paul didn’t get lucky this time,” George smirked.

Richard’s arms wound around me tighter. “You could have at least waited for Maureen to get all of her things before you brought in some other bird, you know,” John suddenly piped up. I sent an icy glare his way, but he didn’t even flinch. Paul just stood looking passive.

“Who are you to talk, John? At least I’m divorced and besides nothing really happened…” Rich trailed.

“Well it certainly looked like something when we walked in,” John continued his interrogation.

“Who do you think you are? It’s none of your damn business, any road, but nothing happened,” I stated as calmly as I could, as I released myself from Richard’s arms.

“Well for a kiss that heated to be nothing, I would love to see something!” John exclaimed, an evil glint shining in his eyes.

“You sick bastard! What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you come here? What in the bloody hell were you thinking coming into my room?” Richard demanded. I could feel his anger growing. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He quickly glanced at me.

Paul finally spoke up, “John, I think we should leave. What do you say? We will just leave Ring to his bird, and fetch a bite to eat. Let’s just go.”

I could tell that Paul was feeling somewhat uneasy about finding Richard and me in a deep kiss. I don’t think anyone had expected to find this, at least not from Rich. They were all looking at each other, as if some unspoken conversation were taking place. Finally they left, leaving Richard and me alone once again. I felt some relief, since I was no longer under the scrutiny of three Beatles while being held closely in the fourth Beatle’s arms. Richard’s fingers were now running through my long, thick, tousled, black hair. His other hand he had resting gently on my cheek. My hands rested upon his strong, sturdy shoulders.

We stayed like that for awhile, and then he asked me if I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten since early that morning, so I was practically ravenous. Surprisingly enough Richard was a pretty good cook. We ate some soup and a salad that he whipped up. It was delicious and I was very content by the time I finished the meal. Rich kept stealing glances at me as I ate, but I didn’t really mind.

I didn’t have anywhere to go considering I had been living with Terry, so Rich offered to let me stay with him for as long as I wanted, and said that we could get my things from Terry the next day. I was glad to have someone like Richard caring for me. He was just so sweet. He said I could have his bed if I liked, and he could just take a guest room or the couch. Of course I told him I would take a guest room, so the arrangements ended up working well for both of us. Rich was definitely the sweetest.

That night as I went to bed I felt unusually peaceful. Thoughts of the day swam through my head, little fish coursing through the lake of my mind. Terry was far from my mind, which was really merciful if you ask me. My mind mainly flowed with thoughts of Richard, and even John was coursing around my jumbled mind of thoughts. I fell into a peaceful sleep, and Richard inhabited my dream, but then it turned into a nightmare with Terry. I awoke with a start and got out of bed. I straightened out the pajamas Richard loaned me and silently crept into Richard’s room. I only stubbed my toe twice on the way (boy I felt special). I slipped into bed beside him, and felt his arms wrap around me. He nestled his face into my neck, and then I fell asleep in his arms feeling surprisingly safe and secure.

I awoke the next morning to sunlight filtering into the room and on my face. Rich was still holding me. I was so comfortable lying in his arms, feeling his warmth. I could have laid like that for hours, but I did want to get some things done, so much to my disappointment I had to somehow get out of bed, and leave my current security. Just as I was about to attempt to wriggle free Richard stirred and awoke. He saw me next him, being held in his arms, smiled, leaned over, and gently kissed me.

After a few friendly kisses Rich let me out of bed. My clothes from the day before had miraculously dried, so I took a shower, knowing that I had something dry to put on afterward. Richard walked into the lavatory just as I was getting out of the shower. I was nude, and he began to blush as I shrieked in shock. He awkwardly handed me a towel and promptly left the room. I quickly got dressed and tried to manage my wild hair as best I could. I walked out of the lavatory and followed the scent of eggs to the kitchen. Richard blushed when I walked in. I took a plate and got some eggs, toast, and bacon. The orange juice that Rich had freshly squeezed was heavenly as was his delightful cooking. Richard went to the loo to finish his “business”. When he returned he was freshly shaved, dressed, and his hair was combed in its usual moptop.

Now we were going to get my things from Terry’s. Richard actually drove there, I suppose because his flat was a bit far from Terry’s flat, as well as the studio, besides who would want to carry all of my luggage across that distance? Yesterday Richard had driven up to the studio but the gate birds kept him from parking, so he had to park a couple of blocks away from the studio, and on his way there he happened to have me in all of my “glory”. We reached Terry’s flat, and I had begun to feel really nervous. I somehow managed to get out of the car, and I shakily walked up the stoop and knocked on his door. A girl with long blond hair and brown eyes answered the door.

“Hello, what do you need?” She asked in a kind, generous tone. I felt myself shattering. I felt a presence behind me, and a warm hand rested on my shoulder, a hand covered in rings.

“I came to get my things,” I murmured.

Richard’s hand resting on my shoulder gave me the strength I needed to get through this. The girl let me in, but her expression was full of shock as Richard followed me. I found my suitcases and went to the bedroom. I tossed the suitcases on the bed and began throwing everything I owned into them, in my frantic sense of “packing” my things. Rich helped as best he could, and soon all of my clothes were packed, then I gathered all of my make up, and perfume, and dumped that into a suitcase as well. I was all packed, Richard held two of my suitcases and I held the third. Once we had everything in the boot Terry had returned from his errand. I tried to get into the car, but Terry got there first.

“What the hell Lana? You were pissed off at me for being with Jennifer, and here you are with…” He trailed off as he realized I was with ‘Ringo Starr’. “Ringo Starr! How the bloody hell did you manage that?” Terry was still in awe.

“I don’t have to tell you a damn thing, so just go marry your knocked up fiancé!” I yelled.

Tears began to slip down my face, when I brushed past Terry and got into the car. Richard was already in the car. He drove to the studio, which must have gotten better security, because he parked the care without any trouble, and we walked right in. I was still crying, but Rich just held me and brushed away my tears. He led me upstairs and into the studio. As we entered the recording room, the guys looked up at the door, and the first words out of John’s mouth were, “What the bloody fuck is she doing here?”

“John, she doesn’t have anywhere else to go right now, and besides she has just been through hell,” Richard said. By then everyone had seen my tearstained face.

“What, you think she’s suicidal? You know how we feel about people in the studio. It gets distracting! Ugh, see what happens when Richie picks up a stray?” John spoke vehemently as he glared at me. I stalked over to him and slapped him as hard as I could, making him reel. His expression clouded over a bit and then softened as he spoke more gently, “Hell, any bird that can hit like that can stay. Bloody hell, I’ve lost the feeling in me jaw. Paul is going to have to start up now! Besides you’re to pretty a bird to be a stray.”

He continued rubbing his jaw for a few more minutes.

Paul spoke up, “Going soft are ya, Lennon?”

“Ah sod off, fucking wanker, she’s heavy handed! Besides you’re just jealous you don’t get the girl,” John fired back.

“I could say the same about you,” George piped up, and they actually labeled him the quiet one!

“I can wait out in the hall if you want,” I began to wipe my face with a hankie that John had handed me.

“No, no luv, we insist listen in on the jam session. You are one lucky bird, you are, but before we begin I must know one thing…” John said, a maniacal grin on his face.

“What is that then?” I felt my self being drawn into a gist.

“Who’s your favorite Beatle?” John continued. Several eyebrows went up, waiting for my answer.

“Well, Winnie, I don’t really have one. I just like your music. It’s not like I’m some screaming twit trying to sink my claws into one of you. Now don’t try to bait me again, because I’m quicker than you think,” I couldn’t help but grin when all of their jaws dropped. I grabbed John’s cheek and gingerly pinched it like a doting auntie. He grimaced and his cheeks flamed crimson from embarrassment.

“Richie, looks like you got a saucy one mate!” George said, and Paul just patted Richard on the back. John shook himself. Trying to figure me out was going to be a tough job for him, I would see to that.

The day was tiring, and when Rich and I reached his house we barely had enough strength left to lug my suitcases through the door. I only got a night gown out, and then I headed to the loo to prepare for bed. I was dead tired, but for some reason I didn’t want to sleep alone. I crept into Rich’s room and I noticed his lavatory light was on. I slipped into his bed. He clamored into bed beside me, but once he realized someone else was in bed with him he quickly jumped. I noticed that unlike the night before he was only wearing boxers tonight.

“Bloody hell! You scared me! What, is something wrong? Why are you in here?” Richard was genuinely concerned and confused.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, but it had been a long time since I have slept along, so I am not used to it. I can leave if you want. I just feel so embarrassed. You understand don’t you?” I blushed.

“Yes, I understand. You can stay in here if you like. I just wasn’t expecting this, is all. Well get comfy, luv, g’night, then,” He said, and then he got back into bed.

I was drifting off to sleep when I felt his arms encircle me, and hold me close to him. By then I felt myself falling for Richard. Falling is the only word for it. I snuggled in closer to him, molding my body into his.

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