Small Wonder Cast and Characters

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Jerry Supiran
as Jamie Lawson

About Jamie...
Jamie has three things on his mind: women, retiring before he graduates school, and more women! Though his skill in romance is practically non-existant, he's still a true friend. Always wanting to be more popular, or mischievous, he occasionally finds himself getting into trouble, but always ends up working out right from wrong. Not too interested in school, he sometimes tries to use Vicki to do his homework for him, but it's hard to avoid suspicion when the work is just too good! Though at home he treats Vicki almost like a maid, he's always quick to come to her defence in public. If he had only one nuisance, it would be his next-door neighbor, the snoopy Harriet Brindle. Jamie doesn't really hate Harriet... he would just rather she doesn't come round quite as much. Or at all, for that matter!

Filmography (from the Internet Movie/TV Database)
1986 - Highway to Heaven - Adam (guest appearance)
1985 - Small Wonder - Jamie Lawson
1984 - Obsessive Love
1984 - Love Thy Neighbor - Joey
1983 - Uncommon Valor - Frank at age 9
1983 - Policewoman Centerfold - Tommy Oaks
1982 - Tales of the Gold Monkey - Paul (guest appearance)
1981 - Little House on the Prairie - young Almanzo (guest appearance)

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Last updated: 17 November 2000
Created: 7 November 2000