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The Humperdink Court Saga

In the weeks before the 2000 Halloween Foosball Tournament, innocent AOL and AIM users were harassed by a individual who went by the name, Humperdink3486. It was widely known that Humperdink3486 was the AIM s/n of one Corey Pinkham. It was decided that some of Humperdink's victims, James Higson, Steven Ostis, and Greg Ouellette would send Corey Pinkham to court.(Donald and Phontip didn't attend, although they were also allegedly harassed by this mystery man)

Angeluis Nales, no stranger to controversy himself, was named the Judge for the case. His intimidating presence made him a perfect choice. He'd be a judge who'd take no shit from anybody....if he ever arrived (thats another story).

James Ostis was hired by the trio to serve as the prosecutor. Jim was looking forward to an another argument with Patrick Casserly, who was appointed to be Corey's lawyer, not by Corey himself who didn't know about the case until he arrived on the day.

That, however, didn't end up happening. Patrick was late--even later than Angel, and Wilson Rith replaced him as Corey's representative. That was the best news of the night for Corey who had said he'd prefer "a monkey" over Pat as his attorney. Keith was also brought as a help to the Pinkham defense.

The precedings began even though Angel refused to wear the Judge's robe. Eventually Wilson proved that the whole thing was a set-up orchestrated by Higson, Steve, and Greg, the same group that teamed up against Corey in 1999. Corey had a score to settle with them all, who desperately wanted to prevent Corey from entering the tournament. When Angel abruptly ended the court case, Corey decided the shit was on and he rolled easily to another championship.

My Favorite Web sites

Read about the Humperdink saga as it unfolded in the News Archive
2000 Tournament Central
Will Corey be tried again?--2001 Preview