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2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament

This will be the site of all the events concerning the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament.

The Seventh Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament took place on October 26, 2002. Corey Pinkham became a three time Halloween Foosball Tournament Champion by beating his longtime nemesis, Greg Ouellette in the finals. But that was just one of the many stories and subplots that made the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament another one for the ages. There were mystery competitors, shocking upsets (or near upsets) and even the unbelievable sight of Steve and Ptolemy standing side by side.

days until the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament.


Main page
All the latest news on the 2002 tournament
List of attendees confirmed for 2002
The Big Game (Football)
Random Polls & Junk