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Bartlett Fantasy Foosball Scoring

Just as "Bartlett Fantasy Foosball" is a misnomer (its sponsored by Bartlett Fantasy Sports, however its not an official Bartlett Fantasy Sport, nor do you need to be a BMS alumni to take part in the game), but to even call it Fantasy "Foosball" is a bit misleading.  Make no mistake, the game is a fantasy game based around the Halloween Foosball Tournament, however, the game will also incorporate points from other events including the football, softball, and hockey match ups.

Here is how the scoring works, for each player, they get:
12 points for an HFT win
-5 points for an HFT loss
2 points for each HFT game played
50 points for the HFT championship
25 points for second place
15 points for third/fourth place
2 points for each goal scored
-1 point for each goal allowed
10 points for attending the Halloween Foosball Tournament
The Goals per game average is also added in
3 points for a preliminary win
1 point for a preliminary loss
25 points for winning the Football Game
20 points for winning the Softball Game
15 points for winning the Hockey Game
6 points for a TD in the Football Game
1.5 points for each RBI in the Softball Game
20 point bonus for being A Legend
10 points for playing in the Football Game
10 points for playing in the Softball Game
10 points for playing in the Hockey Game
5 point bonus for beating a higher seed
-5 point bonus for losing to a lower seed
1 point for each VHFT Win
-1 point for each VHFT Loss
.75 points for each VHFT vote for
-.5 points for each VHFT vote against
6 points for each Doubles Tournament Win
-2.5 points for each Doubles Tournament Loss
1 point for each Doubles Tournament Game Played
30 points for winning the Doubles Tournament
18 points for being 2nd in Doubles Tournament
8 points for being 3rd/4th in Doubles Tournament
1.5 points for goals scored in Doubles Tournament
-1 points for goals allowed in Doubles Tournament
12 points to start with.