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Definitely “A New Era”

Not Just Corey, but many of the old faces won’t be at this year’s HFT


Throughout the first ten editions, Halloween Foosball Tournament field has usually remained, by and large the same from year to year.  While every year one or two newcomers would join the event and a couple would compete for the last time, many of the players in the 1999 tournament were still in the tournament 5 or 6 years later.  But this year, due to several relocations and simple cases of “life goes on” some of the oldest of old school competitors will not be in attendance.  Everybody knows about Corey.  But it also has to be said that the Halloween Foosball Tournament just won’t be the same without some of these names listed below:


Gina Ouellette: The all-time Halloween Foosball Tournament leader in losses without a win, Gina has been a part of every Halloween Foosball Tournament since 1997 except for one.  She also teamed with Kenny and went to the finals of the 2003 Doubles Tournament in one of the most surprising runs in HFT history.  Her controversial low point was her awful work video-taping The Big Game.  Gina focused on things such as the ground and Joe Higson’s ass instead of the game, which led to a one year ban from using the video camera.  In 2005 she was able to finally fulfill her dream and video tape Joey’s ass once again, this time not at the expense of the football game.  But Gina’s greatest role in the Halloween Foosball Tournament was as the “best scorekeeper,” who brought good luck to whoever she kept score for.  Gina moved to North Carolina in August and will not be able to attend the 2006 tournament.



Sothey Long: Sothey hasn’t attended all the Halloween Foosball Tournaments, but he has contributed to its legacy.  His unorthodox “style” has been copied throughout the years (and it still doesn’t work.)  Nobody will forget his dedication to the Big Game when he ran into a stone pillar and still wanted to continue for the Mister Cyrs.  Sothey joined the Navy over the summer.  The Halloween Foosball Committee wishes him well.


Joey Higson: Joe Higson also joined the Navy.  While his brother gained infamy for screwing Corey over as Steve’s cut-man in the infamous Goldfish incident, Joe was a supporter to the 6 time HFT champion, and served as his cut-man.  When Corey promised that ’04 would be his last tournament because he was moving to Florida, Joe said the same was true for him.  Both were back last year.  But neither figures to be in attendance in 2006.  The Halloween Foosball Committee wishes him good luck as well.


Kyle and Colin Bielski Nobody knows where they are.  How can they compete in the 2006 tournament if nobody has seen them for awhile??