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2007 Halloween Foosball Tournament Preview

For the twelfth year in a row, the world will descend upon Lowell, Massachusetts for the premier sporting extravaganza of the year, The Halloween Foosball Tournament.  Lots of storylines for this year:

Can Alex repeat? Alex Figueroa burst onto the HFT scene last year, winning the first Halloween Foosball Tournament that he entered, and garnering the moniker, "The New Corey."  The Original Corey won 6 HFT titles in 8 years, so Alex has his work cut out for him if he wishes to truly become on par with "The O.C."

Will Jim bounce back? Last year, James Ostis was the #1 seed, practically by default.  Corey Pinkham did not return and Greg Ouellette was returning after a year off.  This year Jim will likely be back in the #2 or #3 seeding, a spot that he is far more comfortable in anyways.

Will Greg show up? Greg received a lot of criticism when he missed the 2005 Halloween Foosball Tournament.  Although much of the blame did and should go to his employer at the time, Charley's, some felt that Greg still should have went the extra mile to ensure his attendance.  Greg did return in 2006 after being fired by Charley's but the questions about his attendance this year come after he uncharacteristically missed the Bartlett Fantasy Football Draft.

Can Steve return to the finals? Its hard to believe after he once had a string of 3 finals appearances in 4 years (including the 1999 championship) but Steve has not been in the Halloween Foosball Tournament finals since 2000.  Thats 7 years and counting now.

Who will be the breakout competitor? Last year's breakout performance was obvious: Alex.  But every year somebody seems to exceed expectations.  It could be one of the long time veterans finally getting a good bounce, or it could be a newcomer who sets the HFT world on fire?  We will see.

And just who will win the HFT Doubles Tournament? With the Steve and Corey reign now over, the HFT Doubles Tournament appears more wide open than ever.  The Ouellette brothers Greg and Keith are the defending champions but they only got that honor after a wild and intense finals match with Nicky and Kyle.

These are just some of the storylines we will be looking out for as we head to the 2007 Halloween Foosball Tournament.

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