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Politics & Foosball DO MIX


For the fourth time, the Halloween Foosball Tournament will held be less than two weeks before the United States presidential election.  The first Halloween Foosball Tournament was actually held in the immediate run up to the 1996 presidential showdown between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.  Over the years, there have been many instances of presidential politics playing a role in the event’s festivities.  This year expects to be no different.



President William Jefferson Clinton (D)-
Arkansas vs. Former Senator Robert Dole (R)-Kansas.

First Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament.

Presidential Winner: Clinton

Tournament Winner: Greg


On the night of the first HFT, Jim, Greg and Pat discussed the upcoming presidential election, including the budding candidacy of Ken Griffey, Jr.






Vice President Albert Gore (D)-Tennessee vs. Governor George Walker Bush (R)-Texas

Fifth Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament

Presidential Winner: Gore, but they gave it to Bush

Tournament Winner: Corey


Al Gore invented the internet and if it weren’t for that, the Halloween Foosball Tournament website would not be able to be launched in time for the 2000 HFT.  In the days preceding the 2000 event, Greg said he would vote for Ralph Nader. 




2004: George W. Bush (R) defeats John Kerry (D)
President George W. Bush (R)-
Texas vs. Senator John F. Kerry (D)-Massachusetts.

Ninth Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament

Presidential Winner: ugh…Bush.

Tournament Winner: Corey


Undoubtedly the biggest merger between Presidential Politics and Halloween Foosball took place in 2004, when John Kerry and George W. Bush were not only a major topic of discussion, but also attended the event.  John Kerry received the endorsement of Ptolemy (and may have subsequently lost the endorsement of GLAAD).  Later Galileo joined his arch-nemesis Ptolemy in jumping George W. Bush in a melee that resulted in John Kerry being pistol-whipped by Mike Tyson.



Presidential Elections by the (Economic) Numbers

Senator John McCain (R)-Arizona vs. Senator Barack Obama (D)-Illinois

Thirteen Annual Halloween Foosball Tournament

Presidential Winner: TBD

Tournament Winner: TBD






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