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The Mister Cyrs

The Mr. Cyrs are a football team founded in 2001 by James and Steven Ostis. When Angeluis Nales & Greg Ouellette were in negotiations with the Ostis brothers over The Big Football Game that was to be held in conjuction with the Halloween Foosball Tournament, Jim and Steve agreed to allow Angel and Greg to be teammates as long as they recieved compensation in the form of extra draft picks. Angel and Greg agreed, and Jim and Steve put together the most dominant team in the short history of Halloween Foosball Tournament Football. Wilson Rith, Patrick Casserly, Jon Casserly, and Corey Pinkham joined Jim and Steve to form "The Mister Cyrs" a team named after Steve Cyr, reading teacher at the Bartlett Middle School. The Mr. Cyrs defeated Greg and Angel's team (which was named by Jim The "Yackadoodles") in a blowout game on the Resovoir Hill. Their opponents are looking to retool in 2002, but expect the Mr. Cyrs to be ready and better than ever.

Roster (2001)

The Big Game