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'The Big Game' Draft Prospects

Last year, the Mister Cyrs won because of a huge advantage in the depth department. This year there are several potential football playing prospects who could be added to the rosters for The Big Game.

James Higson: Higson was expected to be a key player in the 2001 Big Game before a dance in Dracut took him out of action. Higson has football experience, playing linebacker for the Voke freshmen team in 2001. He has announced his intention of attending the 2002 Tournament.

Sothey Long Sothey was also expected to be in last year's game but also couldn't attend. Sothey has great athletic skills and is a seasoned football player. He also played for Mr. Harding's basketball team at the Bartlett in 1998. Sothey has not yet guaranteed he will be at the 2002 Tournament however.

Hakmeng Kang: Hakmeng's most famous athletic accomplishment was his record-setting performance on the Lowell High School Boys' Varsity Swimming team. Hakmeng set the record for the most times leaving practice early. He also was involved in the infamous beach football game from Memorial Day Weekend of this year, which also featured the Mr Cyrs' Jim & Wilson, and Greg from the Yackadoodles. Like Sothey, Hakmeng is not a certainity for the 2002 HFT.

The Legendary Chuck: Chuck earned his Legend status in the foosball tournament, but could be a key player in the football game as well if he attends. I don't know much about Chuck's athletic experience, but his sister, Sara was a star player on Sergio's baseball team. Chuck may be a legend....but he has yet to be heard from this year and may not attend the 2002 HFT.

Joey Higson A recent Bartlett School Graduate, Joey Higson scored a goal against Greg in 2000. He, like his brother, missed last year's tournament. There is no word on whether he will join James at the 2002 Tournament either.

Bona Flair Bona was supposed to attend last year's tournament, but for some mysterious reason did not. Steve's friend from Lowell High is known for being a speedy reciever type who also bears a striking resemblence to the 16 time World Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair. His status for 2002 is also unknown.

Uncle Billy Ostis: The Intimidator. Ok, he's not going to play in the game, but he'd be the only player taller than Patrick and Angel.

Derek Casey: Derek served as the referee last year, but there's always the chance he will enter the actual game this year. His athletic background: He played for Callery Park little league. Status for attendance: Probable, For the game: Unknown

Gina Ouellette: Gina is banned from using the video camera at all on October 26th. Perhaps since she will have nothing else to do, she will join the game. Perhaps be drafted by the Mr Cyrs to prove that Keith's Ouellette Sweep will not occur.

The Big Game
Mr. Cyrs Team Page
Greg-Angel Yackadoodles