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The Big Game v 3.0

1. 15 minute quarters
2. Continuous clock unless a timeout is called
3. College Style OT except using kickoffs
4. 10 yds for a first down
5. XFL style for first possession of the ball
6. 4 downs to get 10 yds
7. Captains are referees
8. 30 second play clock on incomplete passes
9. 3 timeouts per team per half
10. Timeouts last 2 minutes
11. After timeouts there's a 25 second play clock
12. 40 second play clock on yard gaining plays
13. One blitz per 4 downs
14. Qb cannot rush unless rushed by defense
15. 5 mississippi rule before rush
16. If ball is handed off to a player defense may rush at will
17. A center must be used to snap the ball; the center is an eligible receiver
and the 5 mississippi rule is in effect
18. The Qb must identify himself on each play
19. A forward kick will be a free ball and can be recovered by the kicking team; min 15 yds or 3.0 sec hangtime?????????