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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

In a surprise turn of events, Jim was once again at Fenway Park this afternoon to see the Boston Red Sox face the New York Yankees.  The result of the game really doesn't matter, what is important is the fact that the New York Yankees bullpen viciously attacked an innocent groundskeeper.  While unsurprisingly, New Yorkers support this brutality, people get up in arms when the best pitcher in Baseball defends himself against a crazy old man charging at him.  Also in attendance were former Celebrity Tournament competitors, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.

The Red Sox and Yankees square off again tonight at Fenway.  John Burkett will oppose Ted Washington, I mean, David Wells.

Lowell High's Homecoming Game versus Chelmsford last night was a lot like this afternoon's ALCS game.  The game was fixed and we needn't repeat the final score.  There was some Halloween Foosball Tournament worthy news however.  One of our own Bartlett alumni, Kunthea S. was among the finalists for the Homecoming Queen, even though she didn't win.  She doesn't really have any real connection to the HFT, but she is a star batter for the B-S All Stars Y2K in the A-S Baseball Tournament.

Also spotted at the Lowell High football game was Joey Higson, who once again reiterated that he wants to attend the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  With Joey, Corey, and The Pilot, it might as well have been a Voke football game.  There was talk of Joey and his brother James being called Higson squared.  Umm yeah.

Other notable celebrities at the LHS/CHS clash were Andy Perez, John Mellonakos (who made an appearance in the HFT News N Notes back in 2001),UncleBilly and somehow making his way into the middle of all the homecoming queens, Walter Nelson.

The progress in the cellar continues.  Tomorrow, October 12th, should be a major day in those efforts.  The area is playable for foosball, and now with less than two weeks, expect a lot of practice games to go on.  Jim is dedicating this weekend to two things, the Red Sox, and getting things ready.  That also may include buying some softballs and baseballs for the game.  Greg seconds Angel's opinion that softball would be better to play.  Patrick has publicly supported the idea of playing baseball instead.

Steve was at Lowell High School on a Saturday!  He had to take his SATs.

Go Sox! Keep the faith

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