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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

James Ostis went over to the Reservoir Hill proposed site for The Big Game this morning and came away disappointed with the field conditions.  There is considerably overgrown grass and other plant life all over the field, at least a foot high.  That site, which was the location of the first Big Game, has not been ruled out, however, its status as the front runner is very much in doubt.  The game still could be held at the field by the reservoir below the hill, or it could be moved over towards by the Robinson/Gage area.  There are two major problems with that location however, one is that its near the Robinson, and two, its much more likely to be crowded or in use.  Jim hasn't ruled out a crazy notion of possibly moving the game across town to the Bartlett School, although that is very unlikely to be the route that is taken.

Jim is also back in Boston for the final time before the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  He will remain in Beantown until Thursday night when the HFT preparations go into the final stretch drive.

Wilson Rith may not even be able to attend.  Thats the latest bombshell out of Commonwealth Ave.  Many feel that Wilson left the Mister Cyrs down when he agreed to participate in a ballroom dancing competition even after he knew of the date of the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  Now comes word that if he does well, he may not even be back in time for the tournament itself.  Jim's response was very much in the line of Theo Epstein's comments concerning Grady Little. "I will have to say no comment on that, as it is my responsibility to publicly support all of the participants."

Jim was also at Decathlon earlier this morning purchasing a hockey stick in what will likely be one of the final few visits the store which is in the midst of closing.  The NFL Drafters and Mr. Cyrs star said that this Saturday will be a true Sporting Extravaganza.  He points to Patriots Day this spring, when not only did the Red Sox play in the morning game and the Boston Marathon was held, but back in Lowell, hockey, basketball, and even soccer were played. "It will be like that, only to the tenth power...with the grandest event of them all, the Halloween Foosball Tournament also added in the mix."

Steve shed some light onto the people he has invited and are planning on attending the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  However, he didn't really refer to them by names, rather just pointed to the five open IM windows he was using.

Corey claims the Halloween Foosball Tournament will be a One Higson affair.  Corey said that he will be taking Joey Higson to the tournament, but that his brother, James, (who happens to be Corey's arch rival) isn't coming.  More on that story as it develops.


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