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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

More on the late breaking story that James Higson will not be at the Halloween Foosball Tournament after all.  Higson confirmed those rumors earlier today in an IM conversation with his namesake, James Ostis.  Higson says he doubts he will be able to make it because he has to work that night until 10:00.  Was Corey Pinkham involved in this scheduling?  We'll have to see about that.

Greg Ouellette is predicting victory for the Yackadoodles this year, and Jim has acknowledged that the challenge from the GAY will be much harder for the Mister Cyrs to overcome this time. The Cyrs are almost certain to miss half their starting lineup from 2001, while the Greg Angel Yackadoodles figure to be at or near full strength with the news that Angel Nales will in fact be there.  Although Jim has called it a rebuilding year for his franchise, he still feels the Mr. Cyrs will be able to pull off the victory.

Jim now knows how Meadow Soprano's signing teacher felt when they dared to schedule the SATs on the same day as her recital.  Jim is completely and utterly pissed that he has to deal with Boston University midterm exams on this, the week of the Halloween Foosball Tournament.

Is Sothey Long going to make a comeback after several years of retirement?  Chances are no, if what his comments delivered earlier imply what it seems.  When asked if he was going to come, Sothey said "Do I have to?"  That would seem like he isn't interested, however, Sothey's comments in the past have been misleading as well.  File that for what its worth.

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