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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

David Ortiz!

The Red Sox won again yesterday in similarly exciting fashion.  David "Useless" Ortiz, one of the sweet sixteen in the 2003 Celebrity Foosball Tournament, busted out of an 0 for 16 slump and delivered the game winning hit against the Oakland Athletics to even up the best of five ALDS at two apiece heading into tonight's deciding game five.  Pedro Martinez will face Barry Zito in a battle of the man who should have won the 2002 AL Cy Young against the guy who did.  Tim Hudson who couldn't even make it out of the second inning, remarked "I'd take Barry Zito over Pedro Martinez anyday."  Well I'll take Pedro and we'll see what happens tonight.

James Ostis returned to the Bartlett School for the first time in over a month to visit fellow avid Sox fan, Miss Almeida.  They discussed the series against Oakland.  The Bartlett School holds a major place in the tradition of the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  Every single HFT winner has gone to the Bartlett, and there has been a traditional walk from Lowell High to the school on the day before the HFT.

There will be the Big Game.  That is absolutely certain, weather permitting.  There have also been talks about a hockey game, and basketball has always been played in the hours leading up to the foosball tournament.  Now, add softball to the mix.  Reportedly, the Halloween Foosball Committee is interested in possibly having a softball game played as part of the Halloween Foosball Tournament festivities.  While Jim originally envisioned the game taking place at the Bartlett School field, that would be very impractical.  Most likely, the game would be held at Gage Field over by the Robinson.  Gage was the home to the middle school baseball league from 1998-2000.  Jim's plan calls for softball as opposed to baseball because we don't have catcher's equipment.  One of the keys is that there would be enough people in attendance to field two teams.  Of course, the resident softball pro, Angel Nales would definitely be one of the stars if a softball game were to be held.  Time would be the biggest factor, it remains to be seen if there will be enough of it for the game to take place.

As has been reported, Greg was to be in attendance at the game Sunday afternoon.  The only thing that could have changed those plans may have been if he scalped the tickets, as he's been known to do.

The cellar is coming along, and is almost ready to host pre-tournament games. 

Go Sox!

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