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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

We could be in for a late night on Saturday, as many of the HFT's top stars will likely not be arriving to the Halloween Foosball Tournament until later in the evening.  As reported yesterday, Greg Ouellette, cancelled his planned practice trip and now is likely not available to arrive in Lowell until later in the evening.  Angel Nales also has multiple softball games that afternoon.  Finally Wilson Rith may have to work until 7, however he says he will probably be out at 3.

The rain came pouring down today, leading some to wonder if the (Not-so) Big Game would be rained out once again.  Current forecasts call for partly cloudy skies on Saturday, with game time temperatures in the 50s.  Certainly playable football weather.  Now the question will there be enough players to field teams?

Keith Ouellette of the band, SHMOG, also may have a show or some shit on Saturday.  People better friggin show up.


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