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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Corey "Humperdink" Pinkham came over to the house on Thursday, however he has yet to step foot in the cellar, never mind practice.  In fact the defending three time in a row champion says he will not practice at all before Saturday.  A bold promise made by someone who actually played foosball one-handed on several occasions....and still won.

The plans for a Montreal 2005 reunion to take place on Saturday have been dashed as news that Evan Goulas forgot to ask for the night off, meaning that his much delayed Halloween Foosball Tournament debut will have to be delayed again. Reportedly Evan will be promised strippers next year...which would just about guarantee his attendance.  No news on how this may affect the possible HFT debut of Greg Poor Anus although he is still ducking Jim because he owes him money still from Montreal.  Another potential debut has been talked about between Jim and Wilson and that is bringing in the 8th and final member of the Montreal crew from this past year, Jonathan Margi.  Wilson has yet to confirm or deny his attendance.  Jon was told about the tournament at the final playing of Wedding Crashers back earlier this month.

Hakmeng Kang will be at the HFT, how much he will get to play, still has to be determined, however as he will likely be one of the early leavers....who will certainly be hurt by the late arrivals.

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