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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

  • October 11th, 2006

Could Greg Ouellette be MIA for the second year in a row?  The three-time Halloween Foosball champion shocked many people last year by not attending the 2005 Tournament, but now comes word that he may have a legitimate excuse for missing the 11th annual event on October 28th.  Greg says he will have no trouble getting the day off from work, but might be in North Carolina over that weekend.  His family, of course, moved to North Carolina over the summer, which meant that Gina Ouellette would not be competing in this year’s event.  The news from Greg indicates that he (and perhaps Keith also) might miss the tournament.  Keith tied Greg last year for most consecutive foosball tournaments by an Ouellette. 


Today is Hakmeng Kang’s birthday.  Last year he finally made his HFT debut.