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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

  • October 25th, 2006

News ‘N Notes –Oct 25

Greg is Alive! The mystery of where is Greg? has been solved, and the three time HFT champion is confident that he will be at this year’s tournament and will make an impact.  The Halloween Foosball Committee had tried to reach Greg for over a week, but to no avail.  It turns out that he was in North Carolina during that time, following the spirited House race between incumbent Charles Taylor (R) and former NFL quarterback Heath Shuler (D) and visiting his family members.  There are still work issues to be dealt with, but Greg plans on taking care of those and says he will have potential access to a car, meaning the reasons for last year’s debacle should not repeat themselves.


HOR-rible news.  With news that Greg is going to be there comes the news that one of his biggest fans will not.  Linna Hor has committed to bar-tending her brother’s party on that evening and therefore will not be at the Halloween Foosball Tournament.  Her doubles partner, Sopha Huynh earlier had said that she might not attend this year either.


Daniel D. recently said that he will return for his second tournament.  On the event page at the myspace site, “Count me in.”  Steve ripped his shirt off in a football game a few years ago.  The Big Pimp Angel Nales will be there this year.  So you can pretty much expect that he will be playing some XBOX 360 that evening.