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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

  • October 27th, 2006

Here is the design of this year's championship trophy:

October 27th must be Greg Ouellette’s favorite day for the Halloween Foosball Tournament. Twice the HFT has been held on the 27th and on both of those occasions, Greg has emerged victorious, first in 1997 and then in 2001.  But the tournament is not tonight, its tomorrow, and the last two times that the final Saturday before Halloween fell on the 28th, Corey Pinkham was the winner.


With the Halloween Foosball Tournament only a day away, lets look at who can expected to be a part of this year’s festivities and who won’t be.  One thing is for sure the makeup of the tournament field will be drastically different from 2005.  Of the 17 players in last year’s event, a little over half, 9, are expected to be back this year.  Those nine are James Ostis, Steve Ostis, Nick Ostis, Kenny Stuart, Wilson Rith, Keith Ouellette, Kyle Bielski, Daniel D, and Angel Nales.  As for the other 8, Corey Pinkham has of course moved to Florida.  Gina Ouellette is in North Carolina.  Sothey Long and Joey Higson are in the Navy.  Hakmeng Kang will be in Vermont this weekend.  Linna will be at her brother’s party and Sopha has said that she might not make it, although that doesn’t mean it’s a definite no.   Tim probably won’t be at the tournament and Steve refuses to find out what his last name is. There will be some returning players this year that weren’t in last year’s tournament, with the headliner being Greg.  Also expected to “return” and finally make his singles debut is C.K. Mulenga.  Nick Lutz and Christos Stamas are also expected to be back after not being in the tournament a year ago.  There are going to be a few newcomers making their debuts, but the only one that seems like a definite is Alex Figueroa.  Invitations have been sent out to several other tournament veterans but without response yet, including Shawn Paradise, the one man doubles team. 


The number of basically confirmed names is at 13.  The overall top of the field appears set, but the rest of the seeding is very much up in the air.  The question of who should be the #1 seed remains, but it will be Jim, Greg, or Steve.  Those three will make up the top 3 seeds.  Following them will be Nicky at #4 and Kenny at #5 setting up a possible second round rematch between those two. Then Wilson and Keith appear to be the top contenders for #6 along with Angel.  The other returning names are all winless, with Kyle Bielski at the bottom, looking at the potential of tying Gina for the most losses without a win in the Halloween Foosball Tournament.


Jim is planning on attending Asian Night at UMass Lowell tonight and using that opportunity to lobby several potential attendees into coming to tomorrow night’s event.  Phone calls are also forthcoming this afternoon.


Part of the GOTV mystery from a couple nights ago has been solved.  Nick Ostis has apparently been involved in the voting for Kenny Stuart to become Steve’s doubles partner.  However there is a chance that because Nick wants Steve to team with Kenny that might hurt the likelihood of that happening.