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GREG FIRED!  The Halloween Foosball Committee responds


Greg Ouellette, Halloween Foosball Tournament veteran and up until this week, bartender at Charley's restaurant in Boston. But despite the dedication shown by Greg to that place of business, those lousy bastards fired him upon his return from North Carolina.


The firing stems from an incident a few weeks ago when Greg had been working early in the morning on a week that he had already put in well over 50 hours.  Some customers, including a stupid fat lady, showed up at the establishment at 9:15 in the morning and Greg was allegedly rude to them.  The customers complained to the upper management, which in turn cost Greg his job.


Jim was reportedly extremely pissed because of what transpired last year.  Greg missed the 2005 Halloween Foosball Tournament because he was working during the day shift that day and they wouldn't let him out early enough to catch the train.  It was the first time that Greg missed the HFT and while some criticized him for not making the extra effort, the real villains of a year ago were the jerkoffs at Charley's who wouldn't let him out in time.


The Halloween Foosball Committee has called for a full boycott of the restaurant and is even considering opening up their own establishment named after someone named Charles.  "Charley's?  fuck that.  How about The Legendary Chuck's?"  Greg is also considering legal options.


The only good news is that Greg will be at the 2006 HFT and will conduct a "tell-all" interview during the event.  He may no longer be wanted at Charley's but we are happy to have him in the Halloween Foosball Community.