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Gina Ouellette

Halloween Foosball Tournament accomplishments

Gina Ouellette is Greg's sister. She lost to Keith in 1997, took a year off to train and then entered the 1999 tournament where Greg picked her to beat Corey in round one. That didn't happen.

In 2000, Gina's record dropped to 0-3 with a loss to newcomer, Kenny. That loss may have planted the seeds for what is shaping up to be a major rivalry between Kenny and Gina.

Last year Gina's W-L record fell to 0-4 with an opening round loss to Nicky.

Gina's true foosball "talent" is as a score-keeper. Gine had been the winning scorekeeper in the previous two finals, which has led her brother Keith to creating a Scorekeeper trophy (not officially endorsed by the Halloween Foosball Committee) In 2001, Gina was chosen by Jim to be his scorekeeper and her streak was snapped. Will Gina win a game this year? We'll have to see. Her four losses without a win is second only to Jon Casserly.

versus record:
vs. Corey 0-1
vs. Nicky 0-1
vs. Angel 0-1
vs. Kenny 0-1

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