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Halloween Foosball Tournament accomplishments

After 2001, Wilson was considered one of the up and coming foosball talents. After winning his first match a year prior, Wilson got his second W last year by defeating fellow Bartlett class of '98 alumni, Patrick Casserly in what was officially the first overtime game in Halloween Foosball Tournament history. Wilson would lose to Greg in the second round, but word on the street coming into the 2002 tournament was that he had been training heavily.

Enter Derek.  Derek had only one HFT match to his resume coming into his match against Wilson in the first round of the 2002 tournament.  Wilson was a heavy favorite but that didn't stop Derek from upsetting him, shocking the entire Halloween Foosball community.  Wilson is still considered a top talent, but the loss to Derek looms large. 

2000 saw the first win of Wilson's Halloween Foosball career. He defeated his friend Sothey in a match of somewhat foosball novices. Wilson's win came was his second straight of sorts during the night. He stepped in for Patrick as Corey's lawyer in the Halloween Foosball trial and successfully defended Corey.

After beating Sothey, Wilson faced his client and Corey beat him in a shut out. Corey later said he felt bad for having to beat the guy who allowed him in the tournament in the first place.

Wilson's early career wasn't filled with great success. He lost to Nicky in 1998, as a last minute replacement for someone, in the year that Nicky went to the championship. Then he lost because he had to face Jim in the first round in a year that Jim was determined to win it all (but didn't). Yet Wilson's accomplishments were not limited to actual gameplay. He played football in 1999, but more importantly was his open-field tackle on Pat in the near-riot of 1998. Wilson also has been known to root agaisnt the popular fan favorite, as he was the only person in Corey's corner serving as the scorekeeper for the championship game along with Gina.

He was also revealed to be the heavily hyped "Mystery person" of 2002 by Jim, a claim which Wilson denies

versus record

vs. Jim 0-1
vs. Nick 0-1
vs. Sothey 1-0
vs. Corey 0-1
vs. Patrick 1-0
vs. Greg 0-1
vs. Derek 0-1

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