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Large Polyped Stony Corals:

Glaxea - galaxy coral - green - fast growing, hardy, and easy to frag - originally from Mark C., IL - pic - pic of a bunch of small colonies
Fungia - purple mouth, lime green area surrounding mouth - I obtained this on a rock I purchased for another coral (did not even see it), this rock contained the 'mother base' of the Fungia, and a new baby falls off about once every 8 months when it reaches the size of a silver dollar, grows quickly - originally from Inland Reef Aquaria, NH - pic - pic of the free living colony, left, and the most recent baby growing still attached at the base, another pic of larger grownout colony pic
Fungia - solid gold color, collected in Solomon Islands, - pic
Caulastrea - Trumpet or Candycane coral
- Very large polyped species/morph, very hardy and fast growing, easy to frag - orig. from David Y. in NH - pic
- Smaller polyped species/morph pic
Euphyllia divisa - Green Frogspawn - bright green polyp tips, grows quickly, easy to frag, hardy, orig. from Sea World in MH. - pic
Euphyllia paraancora - pale greenish branching anchor coral, orig. from trade with local hobbiest pic
Euphyllia glabrescens - bright green with white tips Torch coral, orig. from trade with local hobbiest pic
Orange Tubastrea - orange cup coral:
- orange from in tank asexual reproduction, orig. mother colony from Exotic Aquaria in 97, grows quickly if you take the time to feed it, in my experience it only needs to be fed directly once per week to continue to grow- pic - this colony was grown from a single nearly microscopic polyp over the course of about 18 months, with twice weekly feedings.
Black/green Tubastrea micrantha -:
- grows quickly if you take the time to feed it (but not as fast as the orange species of Tubastrea), in my experience it only needs to be fed directly once per week to continue to grow, can be fragmented similar to SPS corals - originally from the Solomon Islands pic - daytime apprance, black feeding polyps extend at night