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Soft Corals:


green tree coral - very fast growing and hardy - orig. from Ultimate Reef in NH (shop now closed) - pic- cutting were recently taken from the base of this colony


green tree coral - branches more finely tapering - newer addition - seems to be fast growing - orig. from Warren G., TRAII, top pg. 211, but green not yellow - pic - sorry the focus is off - it is indeed different from the Nephthea
Alcyonium - colt coral - brown, fast growing - orig from Randy H-F, TRAII, middle pg. 194 - pic
Capnella - brown tree coral? - brown, very fast growing, throws off babies often - TRAII, bottom pg. 215 - pic

Clavularia - Daisy polyps:

green with fine lacey type polyps - TRAII, middle left pg. 22, but darker green - fast growing under VHO, no experience under other lighting
bright green with white background - very pretty - slow growing and maybe sensitive, TRAII top pg. 171, but w/o yellow centers - orig. from Solomon Islands - pic
white/grey, very pretty, slow growing, TRAII top pg. 10 - orig. from Solomon Islands

Anthelia - waving hand coral:

White/brown with long polyps - fast growing under some conditions, does well even under low light - polyps sometimes grow very large - orig. from Little Shop of Pets, NH pic
A pic of my A. ocellaris clowns playing in the Anthelia (same species as above photo) pic

Xenia - waving hand or pulse corals:

pulsing white, short stalks, from Mike A., MA - pic
pulsing brown, polyps sometimes on very long 'stems', orig. from Inland Reef Aquaria, NH. - pic
pulsing greenish/bluish - pic - this photo was taken just after recent fragmentation (note base)

Pachyclavularia? Or Clavularia viridis - Green Star Polyps 

Photosynthetic Gorgonians

TRAII top pg. 187 - fast growing and hardy
TRAII top pg. 187 - fast growing and hardy
Brown thick branched - probably Plexaurella - TRAII pg. 271 - pic
Brown thin branched - probably Pterogorgia - TRAII, pg. 282
Purplish with very large feathery white/brown polyps - may be Pseudoplexaura - from Honduras - pic

Sarcophyton - Mushroom leather

Bright yellow S. elegans - Fiji leather - sensitive to propagation and damage, requires moderate to bright light pic
Solomon Islands brown Sarcophyton, fast-growing and easy to propagate, this mushroom leather forms zillions of long polyps that move with the current - my clowns love to play in the colony - this colony grew from a piece the size of my pinky in 3 years. pic

Heliopora coreulea - blue ridge coral

 originally from FFExpress - brown tissue, blue skeleton - likes to encrust a lot, polyps only extend occasionally - sheds waxy surface occasionally - pic

Green colt coral

 originally from local LFS, easy to propagate - pic

Heliopora coreulea - blue ridge coral

 originally from FFExpress - brown tissue, blue skeleton - likes to encrust a lot, polyps only extend occasionally - sheds waxy surface occasionally - pic

Heliopora coreulea - blue ridge coral

 originally from FFExpress - brown tissue, blue skeleton - likes to encrust a lot, polyps only extend occasionally - sheds waxy surface occasionally - pic