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Welcome to Evolving To What
Herbals Thoughts
Welcome To Herbals Head

I am one of millions of activist for the fight against the hypocritical war on marijuana. This doesn't mean this page is all about pot, it means this page was created with the intent to generate new knowledge where educators seem to leave off. Its up to us the true citizens, the true people and the true believers of change to make them listen, to make them understand, to re-educate the educators, If We Unite As One Voice We Shall Be Heard!

newGary forced to deal with Klan

The past few attempts at retaining rally permits for the KKK to meet in Gary Indiana has been granted after several denials from state legislatures and Gov. Scott King. Now with their permits in hand, giving the Klan the right to unleash their hate-filled ideals onto a predominantly African-American population will be witnessed on March 10th..
The cops and citizens are helplessly lost in the racially divided cloud of tolerance towards everyday hate-groups such as the KKK, skinheads and neo-nazi's, all which follow the Klan's movements for just such an occasion as Gary Indiana Meeting of the two rival Klan chapters.
We the people must gather and confront hatred on the battle-grounds of our own city streets. We must not allow racism to root itself any deeper into our social structure, understanding will never be met if hate groups are allowed to prosper and rally in unwilling area's.
The only reason the KKK is rallying in Gary is to demoralize the citizens which are mostly black. They want the state to feel as if the black community is the reason why Gary is such a shit hole. Maybe the reason for it being such a shit hole is because of its lacking of individual understanding of human qualities?
I am sickened by the fucking fact that that these racists are able to form and protest life in the streets of a FREE NATION! Oppressive nature as it may seem is within the Klan's everyday guide-book to being an ignorant fuck.
Come join us at this event, help show that the Klan and hatred against our fellow brothers and sisters is unacceptable. Teach respect and understanding not hate... stay free and fight the good fight!


How can the government take away our essentially basic rights without affecting their own personal gains in the process? How can society allow the government to get away with such hypocrisies where they are able while we are not, as they say "responsible" as I say "entitled"!
Our rights have been under fire from the day they were written only now the government is actually winning their pursuit in controlling its citizens with mindless propaganda and imprisonment for those who choose to seek their own path to enlightenment.
Our lives are being affected by their judgements, their legislation and all while they are infringing on our freedom, they themselves are managing to drink themselves into oblivion and ingest as many pharmaceuticals as they please without fear of losing ones choice to the power of the majority.
We as marijuana consumers have a voice in this world, we make up a huge yet uncountable percentage and yet we are told we are the true criminals. The government can murder for money and for their beliefs, they can run people off their land or imprison them but damn us if w defend ourselves from the onslaught of the pig!
Our lives were supposed to be lived as free roaming animals with protecting our own species in mind, not to be some machine made political mechanism created to sacrifice our self-worth and sense of community.
How can society allow the powers that be to reach so far into our homes, across the globe and into our heads? How can we be individuals if we are all made out to be doing the same or be punished for it? How can we as humans live like this I ask you?
Doesn't it make you wonder what life would be like if we didn't have boarders blocking our paths between countries? Doesn't it make you wonder how it would be if you could just be a human, not a characterized breed of human bound by color and sex, religion or other beliefs?
Life is supposed to be so much more and it's the government which now inhibits evolution from becoming a possibility in today's world because change would ultimately eliminate the branches of government which serve no other purpose other than to destroy and conquer.
Stand for what you believe in and fight for the rights your entitled to, who knows... maybe someday we will be considered victorious and we'll be able to go anywhere we please and be with whoever the hell we wish to be with. Who knows maybe some day boarders will disappear, governments will be a part of history books only and marijuana will be released back into the consumer market as it should have never been taken away.

newA old marvel of wonders

The American Knights and the Invisible Empire skin heads and other race haters scheduled to rally in the city of Gary Indiana on January 20th, 2001 with intentions of marching and demonstrating their mindlessness against their opposing counterparts be it the human race which is represented by fellow humans whom just happen to fit in the wrong category for these inbred haters to except.
The unity of citizens against this advancement will be a fierce battle all for a new tomorrow where people are seen for more than the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or their religious beliefs. The Klan being the worthless bunch of racists they are, have already been protesting to march by attempting to obtain permits to hold their demonstration which will with no doubt turn ugly within the clash of predominantly African-American citizens.
As the police try to keep the two bands away from eachother they draw closer by hypocrisy. One preaching hate, the other more hate while onlookers fight both angles? What can come from these emotionless times where as the government allows such factions to exist in a world that needs no catalyst for its own destruction.
The eradication of racism should been the first priority of every parents life, making sure oppression has no home and hatred of fellow humans only exists in history books. Evolution suggests that we will overcome such bounds of occurrences and ignorance but to what extent? How many of us will suffer, how many will die because of some useless little fuckers hate towards a person simply for the color of their skin?
Racism, rivaling emotions and a twisted sense of belonging will be about as good as the Klan will ever get in today's society, Neo-Nazi's, Anti-Semitic's, street gang warfare, government corruption when will it end?
Our lives need positive occurrences not more hate, not more ignorance and definitely not more violence. "Stop and love your brothers and sisters hate not for you will be hated". Equality is a must and for it to be equal means all or none, I would rather see life working with us, not against us. I would rather coexistence rather than destruction of a species over the simple fact that we are different.
Help stop the crimes against humanity, help end the wars of our fellow humans, wake them up with words of equality. Stop the killings in the streets, stop the rally's for hate, end the KKK's madness by not excepting them into your towns, states and country!
Fight for your freedom, fight for your right to live free from oppression.

Keep Klan leaders: (American Knights leader Jeff Berry & Invisible Empires leader Rickard Smith) out of your cities, towns, states and country! Hate has no home in a FREE LAND! Please write to Scott King, Mayor of Gary IN and protest the rally's success in retaining a permit, STOP HATE NOW!

newA Personal Note To My Loyal Viewers

Within the past few months many of you may have noticed a swing in tempo when concerning my personal insights on the issues I write about. I feel as if I may be swaying towards a new horizon when considering today's society and the way everyone is so willing to just lay down and allow the government to walk all over them.
I've periodically felt as if I have become the anarchist I always feared I would become, but yet for some funny reason I actually understand why. I haven't felt this way about social discontent before and I feel it driving me to insanity's edge I guess I could say.
I don't claim to know everything or even a lot for that matter, but I do believe I know what I see and hear within these tiny walls of our atmosphere. We have no choice but to listen to and hear everything that happens on earth's miniscule floor when concerning human's childish activities.
Some day I hope we can all stand proud, for the battle's end will be felt by everyone far and great. All who can see its end know its glory know we can overcome, I know we are better than they who oppress us with the lashing out of their hypocritical pens into our constitutional rights.
I see us walking into the halls of congress with a new way of life for us as humans, not of one country but that of the world and I see everyone with that which they are entitled... Their Freedom!
I can't see how I am to be better or worse when I just am, just a human trying to be, not conquered, destroyed and recreated. I want more without giving in and less for what is. I see more that we should have while most go without. I can't fathom how we are to do as we are instructed when those instructions lead to an early useless death.
I just wanted everyone who actually reads my rants to understand more or less where I am coming from when I go off. I hope that you who come here everyday or every other day to know, things are changing, things are getting better even if it has to be worse first.
A new day will shine and we will all have a true say as to what we should and shouldn't be doing as FREE citizens of earth whom want nothing more than peace and understanding.
Individuality has its price and for being one of many instead of many of the same we find ourselves enslaved as a race of useless thinkers trying to accomplish the impossible. We can overcome these obstacles of oppression if we all unite as one to scream as one WE ARE HUMANS, WE MUST LIVE FREE!

newReligious disassembly

Evangelists seeking retribution through defacing a true marvel of social discontent throughout the years of human history whereas religion itself has become more of a war on today's people than it is towards understanding eachother rather than owning ones natural being.
Christian and catholic faith holders along with the redundancy of the Baptist revelers whom take it upon themselves to place a materialistic definition on their aristocratic hypocrisy are doing nothing but destroying that which needs not be built.
Humans whom believe in more than what a building holds or for what an amount of money can purchase in the eyes of their god is nothing more than an old lie spoken in a new language.
We the true believers of the will of man and the good of the many are seen in the eyes of the righteous as the evil and unconvertible. We are not the lost souls and the discontent but more as the ones whom take life for what it is not for what we can make it into.
No building can purify nor can any amount of dollars, only does the righteous take cash into consideration when trying to change the beliefs of ones natural being. Our lives are defined by that which we live not by that which has been spent and bought through a life of repent and indecision so why are so many buying into the holy house of nothingness when we can enjoy the sanctity of our own by just being?
No religion can take away what we are, no church can hold back the power of the individual, so why the fuck are we stuck answering our doors to people selling the word of god? Do we honestly think god and all that that word entails actually wanted its words sold door to door or to end its ways by searching out followers of an adapted faith?
Our nations are divided by the church and beliefs of the few as they speak lies of our life and refuse us as individuals simply because we believe differently. Our nations have gone to war on the grounds that the converted can become the converters by threatening the livelihood and understanding of the individual with individual interpretation of holy words. These infantile clergy fuckers rule over our brothers and sisters with more unfounded truths that they themselves have become accustom to so much that they don't see their own wrongdoing ie. molesting children and stealing money.
I am not a religious person nor have I ever claimed to want to be lead nor saved by an embodiment of corruption and murder. I ask for nothing in life but to live as I wish and not to be infringed upon by some self-righteous bible-banger bent on changing my beliefs and ways of living.
We need not be legislated to by a committee of mindless puppets such as the church stricken with the belief that they are our keepers and dictators of right and wrong. In the eyes of my creator I am selfless and righteous in my own struggle to understanding life better in my own means without having answers handed to me to follow on ignorantly without hesitation with the assumption that that is the only true way of being.
Understand and be, have no fear for death for it is our truth and though some may see that as wrong "it isn't" for we are individuals with differing opinions and beliefs. Fuck these mental midgets and go about your life the way you wish to go about it, ask for nothing and you shall surely receive just as much but ask for too much and it shall be in vein. Live your life to its full potential and you will succeed in living, if you choose to live as a slave blinded by others words you shall suffer as a slave. In the eyes of your creator you will surely be judged for what you haven't done, not for what you have done, so go out and live, be an individual and regret not doing not what's been done.

newDisarming a nation

American rights to bare arms has become more of a right to be taken out back and shot for its impossibilities of understandings of how its logical to disarm citizens when in fact the government itself retains their weapons to uphold their rights to firearms ownership.
Our nation was founded on the prospects that we would be able to defend ourselves from dictators and protect ourselves from any wrongdoing. Now the government which contains millions of firearms all aimed at us the citizens are finding it within their grasp to retain our rights for their own while excluding us from the same equality.
Many other countries have gone the route of having its citizens of legal gun ownership to hand their personal gun collections and personal firearms over to a system which refuses to do the same, in the eyes of equality there is none that exists in this method of control.
Having the legal gun owners disarming only means that the illegal gun owners will have the run of the place. Illegal gun owners are just that and why would illegal gun owners see it as a bad thing to see all the legal owners giving up their arms for what their government says they must do.
Nations have been built and crushed by guns, weapons and destruction, do you honestly think a piece of paper made the difference or do you think it was the self-defending individuals who stood up and said "NO MORE"?
I am slightly baffled as to how our government can take our rights away when it fits their morals and beliefs but how hypocritical is it for them to own guns and other weapons which have just as many possibilities of ending up in the hands of the wrong people?
Children is the excuse they use for everything they can't control, children doing drugs, children killing children with guns that were stolen and best yet is the people who use these excuses of the child to suffice their own political gain.
Legal or illegal, if its out there children will get it, if its in front of them of course they'll play with it and if they know what it does chances are they'll use it for just that. How can we the responsible citizens get past the blame game when our government portrays a gun slinging child of destruction marching into battles that aren't our own?
Nations fight for freedom, money, fuel and land not for what's right but for what's at stake in the final outcome of murdering millions who refused to be controlled. Children see this as a game more or less and for that we the citizens are told not asked to disarm in the hopes that our kids will live to see a day where they'll be told to go to war for something yet they know not what.
Disarming the people leaves us defenseless against our own and leaves us exposed thus leaving us to be controlled. In my opinion I see nothing that can be done other than more war to claim our own right's as it should be. No dictated legislated madness dripping down the political pipes of hypocrisy, no person hanging on to a weapon or all of us holding guns.
Equality must be met in the middle, not for the governments of the world to conspire against its citizens to ensure their loyal following. Equality must be accomplished through honesty and trust, no government in my mind has proven that they themselves are ready for peace seeing how they manage to drag us into their political battles.
I say stand and fight the good fight, not fight for a cause that you know not what or for whom you don't know nor agree with but for your own rights and personal freedom.
Remember this, America wouldn't be the way it is without the help of the gun, other countries wouldn't be those countries without the help of a gun. Our freedoms wouldn't exist if everyone just sat by and let their lives be dictated to them by some fascist standing there with a gun telling them they couldn't while they did.
Fight for what's right in life and you'll live freely, fight for a cause that isn't yours and your nothing more than a puppet of mass destruction!

newinside my mind

Dredging through the thickened forests within our minds, we lurk and seek in the darkness hoping to find ourselves only to find our misjudged lives to be a gleaming ball of shit shadowed slightly from being overgrown with fear. We seek for nothingness and receive just as much for our troubles are only beginning for our deaths are just a transition from this day to the next. Why should we fall victim to our conformists brothers while beating the life out of ourselves for dollars. We seek for much and find many, never to actually confirm, just seek on and distrust ah to live and learn.

newComing to a new understanding

In today's society we are finding ourselves being guided by finely tuned propaganda which makes it out as if we the citizens are we the criminals before the conservative congressional leaders we have managed to stick ourselves with over the years of destroying our democracy.
The people themselves are able to change what is for the better of our society, no good changes can come from democrats/republicans or even other delegated parties of government proportions that could technically lead us to more ignorance and destruction of our species.
Only we can accomplish a newer understanding of today's people by not having our ideas and beliefs shelled out to us by a majority party. We knowing better what happens in an individuals day in/day out routine is for the people themselves to judge right from wrong, not the powers that be telling us what we can and can't do as FREE PEOPLE!
Our society needs to take back the grounds that have been stolen from us throughout our struggle for freedom as a species not just a race. Our lives are not to be dictated to us by anyone except ourselves of course and our own better judgement, not some drunken old fart in political office gaining dollars on our imprisonment.
The censoring of our brothers and sisters is taking place on a phenomenal level of hypocrisy where the rulers have the right to speak while we the petty constituents have the right to nothing more than more conformity. The rulers have no rules while we are guided by self-righteous legislation, which is set forth by some over the hill puppet who does nothing more than contribute his/her own personal beliefs when dealing with masses of individuals.
We must stand united to overcome the wrath of these monsters who do nothing more than rape our rights on a daily basis. We must unify to be seen and heard, we must come together for a new tomorrow to be recognized by yesterday's battles.
Don?t become the next victim of self-righteousness, don?t allow yourself to become the next pawn, stand now and fight strong and we will see a new day arise, we will win this war the government has waged, we will!


Here today we stand blinded to the point of ignorance to our own government's actions and otherwise implications that follow their decisions on our lives as citizens of their hypocrisy.
We as humans are supposed to be existing in a free world, not a globe of separate agendas. Our nations are divided by the governments of opposing puppeteers playing with lives as if they were their own personal playthings to dispose of through their political wars and mindless gestures of legislation to protect us from us while they for they run free to oppress whomever opposes their rule.
How can our society find peace and happiness in a world so caught up in its own misery? Our nations have the power to unite without the guiding hand of the dictators of an otherwise useless single-minded ruler or a congressional cabinet full of senior citizens lost within their own drunken fury.
Over-run the halls of congress with civil actions taken on by the people for the people to ensure our lives as free people of all nations uniting one for all and everyone to be as they wish... FREE!
The government takes police, military and judicial action against us with weapons, violence and imprisonment so why is it our fault that we the citizens are fed up to the point of defending ourselves from these murderous savages called our GOVERNMENT?
Stand united and fight this dangerous opponent with eyes open, don't allow our brothers and sisters to fight and die alone. The war our government is waging against us has many faces and many ways of dealing with us as individuals, if we stand united can we deconstruct these walls of hypocrisy that they are putting up to keep us separated.

newTrends Passing

Imagine that! A judge and his court, his rules and his way of dealing with different occurrences within the walls of his alternative legislative opinions which are handled with more charges of contempt of court, than a simple... please could you shut that off.
Judges and civil servants reenacting their ideals as public communications opens up onto the digital platform of conversing over great distances with or without the consent of the leaders of these very small rooms.
How are we to know when someone is actually a criminal and deserve to be jailed when there are now several people spending time in jail over having a cell phone or pager ring or buzz while sitting in a court room?
How can a judge be so limiting when being confronted with drunk drivers and others serious offenders of the justice system? What can we do other than play the roll they wish us to play?
It seems to me that the cell phones and pages should be shut off while investing time and money into our very own judicial system, but as the judges see it, we are wrong for communicating even though we have the right to free speech!
What kind of a hypocrisy are we living in where we can't speak and can't stand up for what's right without being imprisoned for sudden outbursts of a buzzing cell phone on vibrate?
I can't stand this shit we have to live with, I can't phathom the existence of a better world when in fact it's rotting from the inside out. The best thing that could happen in this country and others in similar conditions is for an up-rising of acknowledgement and understanding individuals to seize the powers that be and imprison them for crimes against humanity as they are so likely to do to us as they see fit.
Hitler had a plan, that plan was for a so-called perfected and untainted race of haters and over-zealous countrymen who would follow orders of the blind to fit the ideals of a madman. Sounds familiar to me as we are carted off to jail for speaking our minds and not having the money to bail ourselves out, or how racial profiling has shoved its fat ass into every face who dare stand up against the wrongful doings of an ignorant judge.
Make change, let them know, show them we do have the right, we are here and yes, we are FREE. Don't let these small things go unattended for they will just grow, dig in and will soon be harder to uproot than if we were to do something about it yesterday.
If we want change then make them, if we want the same shit... do nothing, but don't allow your freedom to slip into nothingness while these motherfuckers in every political office including the judicial system to walk all over our rights. Remember while they are still on the books as exactly that "OUR RIGHTS" we still have the right to protest, we still have the right to speak, we have the right to let our phones and pagers ring where ever and however long we damn well see fit. Car horns, jackhammers, police sirens and other offending noises shall be censored as well as our own personal communication devices when we the people die from over-oppressive legislation, not to be shut off simply for the fact that you don't like it.
Stand united, don't allow it to happen, don't let your right to express yourself how you see fit to fall victim to censorship, opinionating is our right! These judges and other concerned citizens are using the very rights I am using to defend themselves against our defending ourselves from them.
The right to free speech shall remain while censorship can eat my ass. The right to free expression as it is written within our constitutional rights remains while they claim we have no rights. Fuck these assholes hard with a 2x4 and let them know, WE HAVE THE RIGHT to say whatever the fuck, whenever the fuck, where ever the fuck we wish when we wish it.
Defend your rights or lose them!

newGoing, Going, Gone

Social distress mounts as our political madness continues on its misguided path of democratic hypocrisies. There they stand with ballots in hand and to come up no where near the actual finalization of events without first dramatizing the elections while making the transition from one set of puppets to the next without having it costing taxpayers millions, with its futility and undermining ways.
Here we stand as out-cast voters even though our political system dictates otherwise and here it is based on what we say and do that means absolutely nothing to the actual figures attempting to gain public office.
"Lost are the ways of the old in the dust of time and war" (Herb) Meaning, our lives as Americans shouldn't and can't be dictated to us, our very nature prohibits the outcome of events from becoming a sustained reality.
Some sort of uprising must take place for reality to come back full swing, as right now our nations political system relies on emotionally challenged and elderly puppets to make calls they themselves apparently don't understand.
We the people, at least I think that's how it goes are left to decide what and when to do what we have to do to be as free as our forefathers wished us to be. This nation was founded on revolution, civil unrest and political change, so why can't society pull its feet up and get working on a newer way?
The ways of the politician can't be allowed to continue on its path of corruption and social neglect, we the people refuse to stand for the actions taken against us while these bureaucratic fucks rule us with blinded views.
Help save yourself, help create a new tomorrow... fight for what is rightfully yours and never let go of the freedoms you still possess! Rally in the streets, Protest on the doorsteps of your state/national capital, damn it... Riot in the streets for your freedom, if you choose to ignore life and say, awe it doesn't affect me... well think again, but at least someone somewhere told you so!

newHelp take a bite out of crime!

We the expected, the controlled and the meager citizens of a country supposable so free we are the envy of the rest of the globe are not so sure that envy is deserved. What's to envy of a nation so fixed on dollars that its own people are nothing more than a financial fixture on the walls of hypocrisy?
What's so glorifying about living in a nation where its own government attacks its people with outrageous violence, propaganda and worst yet... prison time? What's to be honorable about killing freedom with discriminative legislation?
How are we as a social being to be considered equal and rejoice in the light of peace when our own government can't get its itchy trigger finger off the trigger of its own guns?
While we fight for freedom with our minds and communications the government fights with bombs and billion dollar war machines we paid for thus destroying that peace which we set up with ease. How can we see past the evils of our controllers when we can't see past the curtain they set up to blind us with?
Our nations around the globe must disregard our rulers and form a unity of peacekeepers only fighting with knowledge and understanding, not by trying to gain peace through bombs and outright murder!
All countries around the world have the power to make the views be heard and seen by more than just the public, why can't the governments get it together when in all it seems that all they do is set us up to die in their wars for more money.
Global alliances can't be a bad thing and they can't be run off by a single minded military plus it can't be overthrown if it exists world-wide within every social encounter. Global alliance is vital to achieving global peace, throw down your stereotypes, racism, guns and government rules, stand together united to defeat the powers that control us.
Anarchy isn't the message here, its more of an outcry for the public to take to heart and must be taken into consideration if wishing to see a better day than what has past. Our lives as humans must be lived without a ruling party in a land where we are all equal.
Color, religion, sex none of these human qualities should be taken as or thought of as a petty differential when in fact we are all still all the same species.
Anarchy would leave society at the hands of the violent, not that the world hasn't seen enough of this, but its true... not many humans are ready to take life by the horns and see if perfection is possible. Our brothers and sisters of nations under rule must seek it from within themselves to overcome and overthrow their governments which inhibit the peaceful existence we all rightfully deserve.
Hopefully some day my friends we will see a day where boards no longer exist and we are all free to go where and when we choose to, without having our lives run through a scanner. Hopefully a day will come soon where an awakening takes place and there are more then just a few of us speaking out against the impossible beasts within our countries governments.
Stand together and scream unity, scream peace, scream for FREEDOM!

newLife lost friend of the politician

A day went past not to long ago where people actually cared about who was going to be making the decisions for a nation as so called free as America, now we're faced with new dilemmas where we actually have to reflect upon such a time.
Lives are being destroyed while the political games are being played out with our nations well being and standardized ways of living. One would say yes, while the next says no way and the others have no say because they don't have enough money to back their petty words up with contributions for a new dictator.
A time went past not to long ago when people actually cared about the day that hasn't come yet. A slightly repetitious catch 22 has been implemented by today's ignorant masses of constituents where everyone still believes their one single vote holds in order the next person to control them.
These ways of yesterday are gone and today has come on with great fury. Knowledgeable constituents isn't what the nations leaders were expecting and in today's society where every ounce of information is up for grabs has made it abundantly clear that no one shall pass by without first being scrutinized by public eyes and opinions.
The life of the unknowledgeable, uninformed and misguided representation of political beliefs has passed, now it is time to muster the power to admit wrongful doings towards a nation once believed to be free.
Our lives as the underdogs and mere constituents playing roll in a game so far over our heads has gone and shall remain gone till the day the world stands up in one voice, one mind and screams together... we will not be slaves anymore.
The two party system, the so called democratic way, the freedoms we believed were ours will all be found out to be nothing more than a cover-up for the lies implemented by our own trusting governments.
Some day we will rise, some day the government we know will fall and believe it or not, we are living in those times, we are within history as we speak and read as it unfolds. Our lives will be greatly impacted upon by the judgements made by the citizens of America within the next few months and possibly years to come.
The righteousness of the right wing/left wing scenario shall fall victim to its own hypocrisy and we the people shall prevail victorious in a day where we are all seen as equals within a nation we sustain, we die for, we love and live within.
A community of human beings must consist of compassionate and understanding individuals and that is what we the people seek. We don't want to jump into wars because some puppet-like bureaucrat starts a fight over oil/fuel or land, not because some fucking politician needs a bigger house, not because some fucking worthless government fuck can't see past its own asshole.
We need to have understanding before we can have community and to be a community of trusting, life lovers who wish nothing more than to be and not to have oppression unleashed upon them must first believe "we can" to actually be free!
Stand together in one voice, one shout... WE WANT FREEDOM!

newDepriving a nation

The year 2000's election for president now being the laughing stock of the world is now one of the most distasteful displays of how hypocritical our democracy actually is. Some folks see this moment as history in the making because of its political imbalances, I see it as an opportunity to take command of our own lives and see that our country is released from this legislative/congressional grip.
Our votes were sold to the highest bidder, our freedom is based on lies and cover-ups while these candidates play to the public with more lies and empty promises. Our freedom shouldn't have to be compromised simply for the fact that the republicans and democrats don't like the turn out of the popular vote over the Electoral College vote.
I don't want either of these assholes in office controlling this country when in fact these assholes can't control themselves to begin with. Having Gore ruining our country's economy with his own personal splurges in mind and another Bush in office is just well another war waiting to happen.
Think hard and think long on the possibilities of retaining your own rights, your own lives and your own freedoms. Why must we leave it to the extremely incapable hands of the political sideshow when we are perfectly capable of destroying and rebuilding without dictatorship guiding us by the nostrils?
The political warfare being waged is nothing more than another excuse to control us, the citizens. This political war is doing nothing for the country except spending a few more million dollars to reach a verdict no one wants to be a part of. This political madness can stop if we just wanted it bad enough, remember... it's our country more than it is that of the politicians.
Freedom doesn't cost a damn thing but freedom itself so why the hell are we the people leaving it to the mindlessness of our political system to judge us on what they think is right and wrong for us?
Our lives are being disrupted ounce again by these incompetent office holders and their contradicting ways of dealing with simplistic transitions of power. We have managed to vote and elect retards into office with much more ease but not to be confronted with the all mighty dollar of today to decide who spent more and who didn't.
Those in each party being portrayed as our democratic way are nothing more than the same guy in a different suit selling out to the highest industrial bidder where popularity in society has no grounds for enlistment. These puppets are not anymore good for this country than the actual premise they are trying to be elected upon.
More lies, more money spent, more injustices, more discontent citizens... sounds like a revolution is in order when it comes to our own democratic ways of shuffling off our freedom to the next imperfect politician.
How many more times can we get bent over and fucked up the ass by this so called democracy? How many more people will sit idly by and watch this country fall into oblivion, how many more times can we be lied to without figuring it all out and actually doing something about it?
I hope this short blurb makes someone out here think about America's standing as a free country. I hope this blurb creates more tension for these politicians next time they want we the people to become we the constituent and who knows, just maybe it will come down to civil war in a country bound for disaster.

newTwo guys and a dollar!

The substandard ways of the hypocritical politician seem to be the way the shit flows when following the daily routines of the campaigning puppets for presidency. Across the nation they spend millions to purchase your vote, across the oceans they spread our wealth all for the assurances of being able to rule a free country with more of their so called democracy.
Here we are now 3 days away from the US presidential vote where every individual feels it their duty to cast a vote for the same bullshit, same person basically, same ideals and same hypocritical ways of ruling free people.
We the people is now, them the ruler and as I see it if one of the two either republican or democratic politician gets elected it would make no difference considering it's the same guy different suit.
They spend and spend and buy up all your worthless votes to feel trusted as the more they deceive comes to light. While their race continues to reformat our lives as slaves in a free nation for the purposes of keeping their political dictatorship alive and well up on capital hill we are kept in the dark for what is actually truth of these liars.
Bush a drunken, cocaine sniffing, murdering daddy's boy and Gore a little exaggerating ball of lies continues on with his wife the censor-queen making it out like the constitution is theirs to rewrite and control as if it were their own personal ass-wiping material.
People, listen up... Its time for change, yes I said that dirty word "CHANGE" damn it! Why continue on a path already gone bare, why distract yourself and be distracted by fancy graphics and silly campaign ads for we know the truth, we know how its going to go down and we don't like it do we?
I can't see another 4 years of wrong to make it right, I don't see how they can be so righteous in dictating to a free country and I especially can't see someone like Bush who kills on a monthly schedual to actually understand individual needs.
Why vote I ask you, why bother yourself for the decision is already made, the countless strings of the puppets are already wrapped around lady justices throat and choking off all of our senses to truth and reality of the actual implementation of another fine hypocrite.
Help make a difference, vote (none of the above) and really make a point. See where voting for no one gets you, other than the reassurances of the decisions already made and being followed through with in the congressional parties. They know who is in, they already bought their men, they know how it will turn out because the decision has already been made. They just have to wait till it looks legal for them to finalize their plan of placing a new rat into office without seeming like they just stuck who they wanted in not who we wanted into office.
Help create a realistic world to live in, we don't need a ruler, we don't need armies and navies and other military branches to defend us from a enemy that doesn't exist anymore. We don't need trillions of our tax dollars to go towards fueling wars around the globe so we can spend more on fighting to end them.
We don't need a conservatively masked representation of a scapegoat to handle our affairs when there is the true representation of human existence everywhere we look. We don't need them, they need us... remember that when you step into your little cubical to cast your vote. Will it be another 4 years of the same or worse... or a new dawn of awakenings?
The choice is yours, today is the only day and tomorrow is but a dream we haven't seen yet, help make it your dream, help eachother... not the machine!

newJust no good!

Isn't it amazing how some systems of legislation ignore the true crimes and go straight to the throat on others? I can't see how it is logical for marijuana consumers to remain silent in this political war we have been thrust into.
The war on marijuana and the war on drugs is another show of just how impossible the government actually is. While they drink themselves into oblivion at a strip bar while smoking their cigars and taking viagra so they can go home and have sex with their mistresses, ask yourselves this...Don't we deserve the same rights to choose our path?
I am more baffled by the prospects of a new dictator in office and all that will follow with another 4 years of dictatorship by a useless puppet who has shown us nothing of truth and justice, but more of lies and manipulation.
Our lives are affected by their judgements, our lives are limited by their hypocrisies and having no say in the matter is more or less the way it goes. They say democracy, I see nothing that resembles such an order of equality, I see more wrong than right and for it I am a suffering fool of realities grasp.
Democracy means we all have a say, when has anyone ever seen this truth, democracy means we are all considered equal... again, who and where have you seen this defined in our government?
I see an uprising in the processes of compiling and compressing into a great ball of revolting madness. Citizens pissed off at the way it is, pissed off by the fact that they now know their words mean nothing to its governing body, pissed off for now realizing what they could have done to prevent it from occurring.
Our lives must be rectified by justice throughout our legal system and the true criminals are those who falsely lead without being lead themselves, by being apart of a congressional body of puppets and pull-string talk boxes we are willing to listen no more.
I can't speak for the rest of America when writing the shit that I do, but when it comes to my own personal opinions on the matters at hand I can't help but to wonder exactly why am I one of few who will speak out against these injustices?
I can't seem to phathom the full potential of this countries people when every time I look up I see another silent being off doing what their told to do without questions or answers. How far can ignorance stretch into our lives in a world full of information on these issues? How many more people can fall victim to the ways of the dictating body of congress before there is a revelation of what's truly wrong?
I personally hope I play roll in the overturning of many hypocritical laws and hopefully even play a part in the fight for our freedom in the real-time battles being waged by our congressional puppets in our homes and on our streets.
Racial profiling, religious order, social economics and government legislation are all of the tools they use against us in our daily struggle to live free. One statistic after the other they compile evidence against us as free citizens to withhold our rights for another day of trials.
The US congressional party is not affected by its own self-righteous legislation nor does it have anyone to answer to when it comes time to pay the piper for their mistakes. As seen on the news in the past few days, a female state figurehead being charged with a legal infraction only to be let off with only losing her seat in congress. Instead of serving time in a prison like you or I would if we were to break a law she loses her active roll in this legislative branch.
I hope when I break a law I can be a part of the system that allows me to walk free, like a rapist or murderer perhaps? I guess its all about who you know, not who you killed or raped that gets you thrown in jail.
America, listen up... A war is on, a war has been on for a long time standing now and we are right smack dab in the middle of a conflict started by your own ignorance. I hope your asking yourself what you can do to change it, not what you can do to invoke more hostilities and compromises.
This war is being fought in our homes, streets, schools, newspapers, TV, Radio and worst of all our minds. This war affects everyone, not just the ones who personally take part in whatever the government sees as a criminal act, but for those who stand by and watch it happen.
I ask you those who can help this shit end as painlessly as possible to consider this. If you choose to do something and it harms no one should you be allowed to do it? If no... should you be the ones limiting others to make that decision for themselves?
Get it together people, pull your heads out from between your legs and start kissing your freedom hello instead of goodbye. Fight for what is rightfully yours and don't fall victim to these injustices, help end today for a better tomorrow and vote no one for president, none of the above works just as well as not voting... End dictatorship in America end the hostilities against your own people.

newOpen your fucking eyes!

While initiatives seek justice throughout our legislative democracy we are faced with new traumas. Limiting ourselves through compromises upon compromises which inhibit our true nature, which would be to consume without having to fear for our freedoms sake.
The Facts remain that alcohol consumption goes on unregulated while marijuana consumption remains a criminal act or in some retrospect's a mare "given" to its people by limitless restrictions.
The government seeks retribution for its so-called loss of control while we the people go on paying for their daily habits of over-spending and over-legislation. I can't see where we as citizens should answer to a corporation i.e., the US government in respects to the prohibition of marijuana consumption.
In Massachusetts there are several sections of the state considering a one-ounce proposal which would give police the right to arrest for anything exceeding one ounce of marijuana. This is question #9 on the MA ballot and should be weighed heavily when considering its implications and otherwise misrepresented ways of dealing with personal consumption.
Alcohol is openly sold and openly consumed in such area's as bars and within the privacy of our own homes and thus leaving the open road to its wrath. Marijuana is consumed within the privacy of our own homes in hopes that no one smells it from under our doors or from an open window.
Alcohol is openly transported from site to site without restrictions other than "Hey where's the party"? Keg by keg, case by case, we see alcohol being carted off without a weight limit or geographic distribution restrictions involved, so why are we as productive members of society scrutinized by policy to give up what we would consider our right to consumption?
This type of hypocrisy in the United States government doesn't float and shouldn't remain as law. Why are we to be discriminated upon while these drunk driving alcoholics go on unrestricted from transportation, distribution and creation of go on untouched by these double-standards?
We as farmers have a right to grow whatever deems fit to consume with or without genetic tampering. We as consumers deserve a product which doesn't kill, we retain the right to choose for ourselves and thus leaving it to the hands of the incapable minds and emotions of a selfish congressional body which inhibits its society by limiting its consumables to those which claim lives.
I am sickened by the facts, I am puking all over the American flag for its injustices, and I am wiping my ass on the constitution of the United States of America for one reason? For this is not what our forefathers fought and died for, this is not freedom, this is not a glorious battle against its own.
My life as an American citizen is to ensure my freedom for another day, to make sure my childrens children do not have to fight the same hypocrisies I had to, so why the hell are we fighting the war on drugs?
How can billions of our tax dollars go towards a war we didn't start or ask for? How can we as humans see it as a productive measure to imprison our citizens for filling the demand of the publics requests?
I can't see how having these pathetic fuckers in political office as a positive meaningful way of dealing with personal consumption when in fact it has nothing to do with government needs.
If I chose to smoke cattails from a pond embankment would those to be criminalized, a government office would not be able to control that specific species of plant life so would that to become an uncontrollable non-taxable form of human consumption?
I feel as if our government is lead to believe its own lies and thus leaving the truth up to its citizens whom know first hand its potential within societies grasp of understanding.
Marijuana does not cause blackouts nor does it insight riotous behavior the government has more potential of creating a blanket of darkness than marijuana does and thus leaving it up to individual tastes and consumption habits.
Individuals...this word should be looked up by the majority of our rulers within congress and checked into by its blinded followers. If one jumps off the bridge do we all jump?
I wish these metaphors would be taken into consideration when dictating to a global audience how and what to consume, our right to ingest shouldn't be legislated to us, anymore than birth and death should be.
I ask you the constituents of this country to weigh heavily the burden of having and losing your freedom for what you choose to consume. Do you and others see it your duty to limit others right to choose, even if you don't consume marijuana please think long, do you think you should have the right to limit someone else's right to choose for themselves?
I ask you the ones who can make a difference to take a moment and see where your choices lay. You may consume pills, you may consume alcohol, you may consume tobacco and you may consume many other products which claim millions of lives yearly. So why can't we as productive members of society have the same equal rights you do when coming to the conclusion of our choice of what to do or not to do?
I ask you those who are able to make change to consider what I and millions of others have to say when confronted with our right to consuming a harmless plant of mother earth? Give us the equal opportunity, give us the right to choose for ourselves.

newMake it count!

Standing up for your rights shouldn't be taken as anarchy within todays society. Fighting for our freedom isn't an aggressive movement, it's a defensive position we as citizens trying to be free must take to be considered serious enough for the governments of the world to take us seriously.
Our lives as citizens must be looked upon as seeing individual, not groups, persons, not people. We must take all into account in respects that we are different by humanistic proportions and must not be taken advantage of simply because someone doesn't agree with our perspectives.
I am slightly sickened by the fact that our own government decides our day to day actions and therefor leaving us with no other alternative than to defend ourselves from the onslaught of the machine and all its hypocrisies.
This world wasn't meant to be controlled nor legislated to, our privacy must stand, our right to openly express ourselves must remain, yet here we are defending our right to free speech and the right to believe in whatever it is we believe in as we please.
Legislatures are attempting to disassemble our rights one by one, first by suppressing our right to speak out against that which wrongs us, second by tampering with our privacy within our own homes, third with imprisoning us for not conforming to their single-minded rules and regulations.
We as humans, citizens and constituents must agree to disagree on all the issues of individual choice and beliefs. We must oversee the power of choice and freedom be distributed without binding judgements by political figureheads mucking it up.
I feel as if our livelihood is being contradicted by those who are in power to make our lives a living hell. Most people in this world will never break a law or do wrong to others yet for one reason or another end up on the wrong side of the political bench.
Wars are being waged and we as citizens will of course be expected to go fight in the name of honor for our land and homes. While the true crime is the fact that the government which starts and ends these wars behind the comfortable position of being far from the battlefields bring those who have no say in the matter into it, to die and fight for a cause they don't believe in.
It's another display of ignorance on our part and the government, while they start the wars, we go off and fight them, while they murder hundreds even thousands of civilians of differing opinions and beliefs for no good reason.
Our homes are not a part of the wars that have been fought over in the mid-east long before other countries arrived on this man made map. Our vast economic structure is not in any true danger and when it comes to the lies spoken of fear of lost oil and money to should never be considered reason enough to kill another human being no matter how fucking cold outside it is.
Food distribution shouldn't be viewed as a political rescue mission, it should be seen as a display of our humanity. Gas and oils shouldn't be used as a catalyst for war or for the fact that it pollutes our breathing air and kills trees which help produce our air as well as house millions of animals which have survived millions of years up until the industrial age.
Our world is being consumed by falsified beliefs, which have been misconstrued into such a ball of lies that no one realizes that their lives are being cut short by their governments which feel they can drag its citizens into wars they have nothing to do with.
The day I fight a battle for this fucking government will be the day I blow my own brains out all over the American flag. I will not take up arms against my fellow human by order of this tiny-minded government.
I see in the near future the governments of the world deciding our fait by creating more wars for its citizens to fight and die in. No one of course giving two shits about what they are fighting for, only being lead by the nostrils to fight a battle based on propaganda.
Are we so stupid to believe that solar power doesn't work or that hydro-electricity is so hard to maintain that our oceans tide couldn't handle it? Are we so hung up on fossil fuels that we are willing to murder for it?
How can we as humans honestly take part in what the government sees as a righteous battle for our freedom? How can any human not see whats going on here, how is it possible for everyone in the world to allow the governments of their own nations to let these atrocities take place in this day and age?
Let your congressional puppets in on your thoughts, for if you stay silent you die silent.

newHow long will this go on?

When will understanding and fellowship play roll in our everyday society? How many more people must be oppressed and persecuted for the ignorance of another? Haven't we learned anything yet, haven't we seen violence solves nothing?
I can't quite grasp the concept of racism in today's world, how can so many be so blinded by these simplistic differentials that define our existence? Why is it so fucking hard to comprehend that we are all INDIVIDUALS and with that are intended to be DIFFERENT in nature?
Personally I feel as if our civilization is limited by the aggressive behaviors of the few ignorant folks who retain their racist motives. The government does nothing to keep these hate crimes from appearing in society, seeing that they themselves are guilty of hundreds of years worth of oppressive intent.
Our lives are defined by what we do, not what we are. Why is it that are humanity is judged and differentiated by the undermining of the ignorant few who repel all hopes of understanding their fellow humans needs?
As a FREE INDIVIDUAL to live without being oppressed in America or any other country for that matter we must seek our own beliefs without the censorship and animosity towards the decisions we make for ourselves.
I hope that some day everyone wakes up and realizes their wrongful doings and finally drop this false attitude against its fellow humans on this fine planet we call home. I hope that some day we are all so free that being a different color, having a different belief system and having differing opinions is looked over and seen as a good thing, not another excuse to go to war.
Some day we will see freedoms true face, some day...!

newScreaming for a BETTER tomorrow!

Why do we do so much for the all mighty dollar, why do we work so hard for others to have our lives cut off from any real HUMAN experiences, not just that which falls in line with today's everyday rat race?
Punching a clock and adding up hours shouldn't be that which defines ones livelihood, rather it should in my opinion "be filled minute by minute", with more stimulating and intellectually challenging experiences. The experiences of the work place are self-limiting and egocentric along with sexism playing serious roll. That experience is felt world wide and always pared at from some self-righteous ignoramus who knows nothing of life outside of sitting behind a desk awaiting my pay check and excepting taxation like a good little slave.
I feel as if my day is filled with hourly wages set out to sustain a life which I am by law not entitled to. I can't see how funding the governments actions with my tax dollars deems beneficial towards the betterment of tomorrow never mind those who my dollars go towards housing in an unjust legal system.
My life has been measured by my accomplishments within society, (for not against). I am not about to sit by idly waiting for the rest of my rights to be stripped from my humanity while these hypocrites in political office sit high on their thrown lashing out at those who choose differently.
Our lives here as citizens of earth should coincide with nature, not to continue on with the deforestation of our so-called, (Expendable rain forests) and naturally wooded areas. Watching billions of tons of trash be buried in the land which produces our drinking water and feeds earth's trees which produces our breathing air. Thus leaving the great industrial age of technology which has greatly reduced the risk of living a long and productive life have all left me filled with questions which will never be answered or solved.
I can't speak for all humanity when saying this but I will say it in my own defense?
I am by no part responsible for the governmental funding of our deaths, I vote (none of the above) in hopes that no one will dictate our lives to us. I especially despise the fact that America is at blame for the majority of global suffering when considering the powers of medical treatments available here set forth by once again, OUR TAX DOLLARS!
The government feeds the government and tosses the rest of the world under them the crumbs from their crusty chin. We will never see governmental funding set on eradicating curable illnesses, the money would be too easy to keep tabs on, now aids and cancer... sure, spend a few trillion dollars and who's going to ask about it when they think they know where its heading.
The government funds the government with our money, not fixing the neighborhoods that we live in, not feeding the starving people in America who at one time or another had paid their taxes as well, not even schools.
The education system in America is to be laughed at considering the billions spent on what they call education, what we call, implementation of government issue propaganda. The whole political process which is based on the ultimate lie of democracy where each citizen comes out to cast their meaningless vote to find they still have no say as to how they live their lives.
Our rights shouldn't have to be bought, our basic and very essential rights of human existence shouldn't be dictated to us as we are of tax paying, law abiding citizens who choose differently where that of the drunken politician can't see past his own foggy vision.
Our lives are ours this is our existence, our experiences, our money, our country and our planet! The government was supposed to be installed to mediate not dictate yet we stand silent in fear of being prosecuted for showing intelligence and finding out the lies that are being passed on to us as unbreakable judgements set forth by another useless law maker who chose their own path.
Stand free, stand proud my friends, taxation is what fuels the fire that will consume us, our vote will not do any good unless it states NONE OF THE ABOVE! Make yourself be heard, stand up and scream for our right to individuality and end the war the government has unleashed onto its citizens.

newGive us our Rights!

Illinois legislatures taking the discrimination route as well as the Indiana state politics when concerning themselves with the citizens individual right to consumption and to be more specific decriminalizing marijuana.
Everyday and night that goes by the news on T.V as well as the news paper shows more and more marijuana fields being raided along with many more unwilling participants in today's war on marijuana being carted off to jail.
The only true crime being committed is the unjust political implementation of propaganda by politicians when and pure refusal to give the marijuana users the RIGHT to consume without fear of losing their freedom.
Many alcoholics are in head offices in the congressional scheme of things as well as police, firemen & teachers, knowing that alcohol kills, impairs the mind and inhibits thought why is it legal and marijuana which has no way in the same categories of effects still considered deadly and remains illegal?
Science has proven many times over that alcohol is poison, alcohol kills and has contributed to the ending of millions of lives world-wide. Marijuana which science is now using as a medical aid for brain tumors, anorexia, pain, sleep loss and many other ailments as well as the everyday personal consumption of more than 6 million humans globally which takes place several times a day.
Marijuana consumption shouldn't be a crime, not anymore than sitting in your own home and getting drunk is. If no one is being harmed which mind you not many marijuana users tend to be violent, so if they are doing it to themselves who is to say their wrong for making their own choice of what to and not to consume within the privacy of their own homes?
The government needs to pull its ugly head out of our homes and get back to true congressional nature, filling potholes and keeping rapists and murders behind bars! Marijuana users shouldn't be rotting away in prisons while politicians get away with murder. Marijuana users shouldn't be wasting their lives by hiding from police, they should be allowed to live productive existences without living in fear of prosecution!
I can't grasp the concept of politics giving in when it's more than beneficial to the state and federal government to house us in prisons where more tax dollars can flow unobserved into their pockets.
Why would the government end the prospects of a multi-billion dollar scam for the rights of a few million pot smokers? The taxation alone would be more than ten fold in return on crops processed for the consumer market, yet they continue on with imprisonment and incomprehensible terms of sentencing for the marijuana possessor.
The state officials need to realize what's good for their constituents, not what's good for them alone. It seems to be the trend of office holders when confronted with true political needs and citizens rights. Why is it they feel the need to write more legislation on this issue? They themselves know the waste of money it is to try and control something natural so why do they keep at it, other than to discriminate against its own species for choosing differently?
The words come to a close with this short piece, Ask not what your marijuana can do for you, But what you can do for your marijuana! I hope that humans start standing up for the RIGHTS you are entitled to, not to be dictated to, nor have our daily lives picked threw for the limited perspectives of the drunken politician who already has his choice secured.
Fight for you Right, stand up and scream DECRIMINALIZATION!

newMedical Marijuana, good or bad idea?

I don't see how having the pharmaceutical industries involvement with an otherwise naturally growing herb can be seen as productive nor a good move for consumers to feel as if they are getting what they want out of it.
I can't see how having medical uses decriminalized without first noticing the hypocrisies taking place first by congress, second by the constituents and third by the healthy non-afflicted consumer.
I have never known the government to decriminalize alcohol after its prohibition for the uses of medical purposes. Have you ever seen tobacco use go onto pharmaceutical shelves as medicine... NO, so why is it our rights must be dictated to us when involving the consumption of a otherwise harmless plant, without having to be dying first to do it legally by government standards?
How does it make you think and feel when you fight for your right to consume for the government to do nothing but say, "Medical use is" "Personal use isn't"? Why must we be dying from horrible diseases before we are allowed to consume that which doesn't claim lives?
I fully understand its medical purposes and feel for every human being whom has been afflicted with a terminal illness, but I can't pity the government for once again being in the spotlight of hypocrisy. I don't see it their place to say who can and can't when it is the right of the individual to choose whether they will or won't.
My life is mine; I wake up and fall asleep just as they do. They may have the right to get as drunk as they want and smoke as much tobacco as they please and take as many pills as they wish, but damn my community and myself if we choose to use a healthier substitute for our consumer needs.
Studies show that drinking a glass of wine a day or so will reduce heart disease, does that mean alcoholics should have a prescription to purchase/create or consume it? Tobacco users smoke themselves to death literally and help claim the lives of those around their toxic smoke but have no worries as far as the government is concerned, they just have to step outside to smoke it.
Studies show that Marijuana has many positive contributions for medical purposes, it also has many other consumable purposes and for its lack of kills throughout history should be embraced not shunned!
No one stops the porn addicts from downloading it or going to the corner store and buying it. The government doesn't see sexual addiction as a problem even after rapists are brought to the courts, as seen by statisticians, they get out while the individual with a simple marijuana possession charge never goes unpunished.
Action must be taken to end the lies, action must be rectified with responds by our legislative puppets. We are not sick nor should we have to be to consume what comes from the earth naturally. We aren't slaves nor should we have to serve time in a state penitentiary for the non-violent self-centered choices we make.
If we are not hurting anyone, what's the problem, other than the fact that the poor little government squandering billions upon billions of our tax dollars to control us would have to except defeat and admit lying to its citizens?
Stand up for your right to consume without legislatures dictating whom can and can't consume. Why create more legislation on a subject that should be non-negotiable and for the rights of the citizens to choose whether or not to choose for themselves.
Prison and control, that's what it's about folks, even if you're sick and need medicine you shouldn't buy into this bullshit they call Medical Marijuana. We have the right to grow and consume whatever we damn well please without fearing imprisonment by this tiny-minded self-limiting government such as the United States Congressional parties.
Their unjustified ways of dictating to a free nation has gone stale, end dictatorship in America for a better tomorrow, today!
Stand now, stand strong and we shall overpower the bull and run it into the ground as they have already done to themselves, civil disobedience isn't our goal but what we've been forced into such actions.
If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

newIndiana Police Unaccountable for Herbicide

*Damn am I glad to be from Massachusetts*

How can this be, why are your consumables being targeted when in fact several states within the same country have decriminalized Marijuana? How can a police officer who should be out tending to the rapists and murders effectively do their job when tromping ILLEGALLY through someone's PRIVATE fields?
As these murders of the herb, enemy of the citizen fly over-head, obtaining illegal access to your property, who is on the ground doing the real police work? What does the government think about the police flying by dumping herbicide into US consumables?
As for me, I am sickened by the facts, sickened by their purpose, sickened by the whole process of illegally obtaining access to suffice their stereotypical/ propaganda filled minds.
As I write these names down I am most likely going to be targeted for my right to free speech but "I will continue anyway" considering these names I am about to write down were obtained through public newspapers "I have the right to distribute them as I see fit", seeing how they didn't mind ruining our lives "I won't hesitate to compromise theirs."

Assholes responsible for invading your right to privacy to grow and to prosper:
Indiana State Police Master Trooper's, (Don Hartman & Mike Gayer) -Cut men
Indiana State Trooper, (Tom Quinn) -Cut man
Indiana State Police Sgt. (Don Dombroski) -Helicopter Pilot/spotter

Charges these raiders should be brought up on:

Destruction of private property- Invaiding the air space of private property to obtain information- Invasion of privacy- Conspiracy against US citizens- Tresspassing and Theft

Indiana Counties to be aware of Police activities in Marijuana Herbicide:
Newton County
Starke County
Pulaski County
Jasper County

If anyone knows of activities like this happening in your hometown, write to your congressmen/women. Lets remind them that neglecting ones right to grow and consume as they see fit without legislative action taken against them "is within our constitutional rights" and an illegal act is being performed by searching from the air over private property.
We will not stand for hypocritical police actions, we will not let our livelihood be compromised by the ignorance of the few. Marijuana is as harmless as listening to bad music really loud, you could say... the police allow harmful drugs to be sold everyday along with government back up. The pharmaceutical junkies get their fix by walking into designated areas, tossing down money & driving away. I choose natural, I choose to not poison my body, I choose to consume "I CHOOSE", not have my choices handed to me.
Do these pigs who raid homes & fields feel it justified, to ruin a humans life simply because they were following some ignorant 75 year olds legislation or don't they consider Alcohol, Prozac, Methadone, Caffeine, Tobacco or aspirins to be lethal substances that shouldn't be on the consumer market?
I fear that they could care less, they think they are doing "good" when in fact they are doing just the opposite. If we burned their cornfields, burned their wheat fields, burned their tobacco or cotton fields or even started burning down their pharmaceutical departments "what would they do then"? We need to defend our right to privacy, to choose & to consume as we see fit, If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

newGaining Ground!

Here is a complete list of Indiana congressmen/women, please use these links, phone numbers & information to contact your reps. Let the people in charge of distributing your rights know where you stand when it comes to decriminalization of marijuana and equal rights issues.

Lets show these hypocrites we are more than statistical data

D.C #
Sen. Richard Lugar (R)
Sen. B. Evan Bayh (D)
Peter J. Visclosky (D-01)
David M. McIntosh (R-02)
Tim Roemer (D-03)
Mark E. Souder (R-04)
Stephen E. Buyer (R-05)
Dan Burton (R-06)
Edward A. Pease (R-07)
John N. Hostettler (R-08)
Baron P. Hill (D-09)
Julia Carson (D-10)

newSo little time, So much to do!

Isn't it amazing how some features of existence seem more appealing than others, especially when it comes to individual tastes and lifestyles? How are those who claim superior manifesting their superiority, other than by oppressing those who don't share their opinions?
Social interactivity is growing and with that comes new knowledge and understanding of societies aspirations and goals towards bettering tomorrow for today. Being we are the SOCIETY misrepresented by society, "are not in charge of our daily lives", nor are we in charge of the long term, "we are mare puppets in the grand scheme of things"!
The government isn't in place to harass and infect those who live under its dictatorship-like rule of hypocrisy. The government isn't in place to separate our society, but it is, the government isn't in place to put all in prison who don't abide by their little rules while they take part in their own daily habits.
We as a society of individuals, thinkers and activists need to bind our thoughts together and spread our words to the public, make people hear, make them see and understand...people are dying from marijuana and it IS NOT from the drug, it's from PRISON SENTENCES & VIOLENT POLITICIANS!
End The War On Drugs, End Marijuana Prohibition!

newContemplation's of a MadMan!

New beginnings, old endings...we all search for something new within something old. How is it we can continuously travel aimlessly throughout existence and never once treat ourselves for ourselves and as individuals with more in mind than making money for others.
It's all rather a complex network of mindless puppetry and corruptible ways of democratic nothingness. Citizens being imprisoned by their elected legislatures, congress outright lying to the public, inequality within every social structure and all for what?
Life as a human should consist of more living and personal experiences, not to just run around collecting receipts to prove to others what you have accomplished. We as an emotional being with a consciousness need to exploit and be engaged with eachother as equals, not me or you, us or them, but WE, as in... we are all in this planets atmosphere together so get along and start respecting your fellow human brothers and sisters.
These dipshit politicians with their doublespeak and outright hypocrisy need to be taken off their thrown and shown the realities of their unjustified ways, I mean how many good things actually come from laws?
People generating racism know they are counterproductive within society that's why they stay clear of intelligent conversations and interactions with knowledgeable individuals. Separatists are just hiding from the truths that escape most people and unsociable types are just holding themselves back from communicating their thoughts.
So why I ask, how can everyone who wants peace and community going to achieve these goals without ever stepping out onto the ledge of socialization? You have to shake hands, smile and look eachother in the eyes, not toiling over a computer to digitize your life to simply cut down on physical interaction.
Stop hiding, come out and show yourselves... lets show the world we do exist, we are willing to stand up and we are not going away. If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

newTrue Criminals

Most of the people living in today's society see marijuana as a horrifying narcotic that should be controlled with lethal precision, with no real fact or records to claim truth to their stigma's.
Threw a lot of research one finds themselves digging threw opinion after opinion, recalling nothing of what the government has claimed as fact but nothing more than propaganda created to discriminate against those who choose differently.
Why is it in every ad, every depot and every public place we are surrounded by lies? We know as an enlightened species should that marijuana is not evil, it is not the gateway drug and no it doesn't kill people.
The government wishes to control nature, it wishes to control peoples right to choose and it does nothing but create more laws to ensure we as humans do not live free of oppression.
Marijuana has so many marketable qualities that the government recognizes the financial loss of revenue within the stocks and companies they themselves have managed to gain control of while in an elected congressional office.
Marijuana's medical qualities are as valuable as they were 1000's of years ago, the Rx industry sees the possibilities of their addicted customers in seeking a more natural and less costly, less addictive way to remedy their ailments.
Watching congress withhold our right to choose is more painful than one may thing. Imagine not being legally allowed to drink that beer or shot of alcohol, or to not to be legally supplied those narcotics issued by your Dr.'s. These laws that are ruining humans lives in prison for growing a plant and choosing to consume as our forefathers have done for generations before this dictatorship snuck into our homes.
Why is hypocrisy ok? How can one be given the choice and the other not? Why is it ok for the government to openly discriminate against the marijuana community? How is it legal for this shit to appear in todays enlightened society?
I wonder if evolution ended for humans simply because of the fact that we will destroy eachother in such a short time that nature decided it wasn't worth seeing our creation fully threw and now we are destined to destroy eachother?
Get involved friends, brothers & sisters...lets not just sit back, lets stand proud and fight for what we rightfully deserve as humans of this great planet. Don't just get walked on and stripped of your rights. If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!


MBTA Mission Statement
"Committed to excellence, the MBTA strives to provide safe, accessible, dependable, clean and affordable transportation to our valued customers, through the dedication of its diverse and talented workforce."

Now, opening with such a statement would suggest the open-mindedness and willingness to overcome diversities within the busy commuter system. These issues of inequality come from that in which apparently isn't able to become such a priority.
Masscann/NORML have been attempting to enlighten the public with such billboards and posters saying things like, "STOP LYING TO YOU KIDS, TELL THEM THE TRUTH ABOUT MARIJUANA" and "HOW MANY MORE PRISONERS OF WAR WILL IT TAKE TO END THE WAR ON DRUGS"! Now seeing how these open-minded PSA's could potentially generate a question within the ignorant propaganda saturated person while just standing there waiting to ride the train could possibly hurt what the government has lied about for so long.
The Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority has no right to with hold this information according to the united states constitution, and especially when they allow religious ad's, pregnancy and abortion ad's, RX drug ad's, Alcohol ad's, Tobacco ad's, and anti-marijuana ad's!
The MBTA has been brought up on several charges of racism and worker related inequalities, plus sexual harassment suits plus the fact that they now hypocritically withhold our right to teach the truth and let facts be known that the government refuses to speak of.
Let these people know and understand what their job is, and what equality means, please, use all of this info for contacting the people in charge of the MBTA.
Why deal with the puppets and all their strings when you can deal with the puppet master!

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
State Transportation Building
10 Park Plaza
Office of Human Resources, Room 4810
Boston, MA 02116
Or contact @
Phone: 617-222-5855
TDD#: 617-722-3764
Kevin J. Sullivan
Secretary of Transportation

newMake'm Listen

Hopefully people are going to use this information for enlightening congressional ledares of their mistakes and hypocritical judgements and legislation. Seeing as we are forced to hear what they have to say, I think it only right that "we the people" started speaking "for the people" all who are being affected by limited perspectives of the politicians in office. Please contact your reps and let them know whats happening, let them see the truth, let them fear knowledge.


For more information, you might try the following phone numbers:
Senate Operator: 202-224-3121 House Operator: 202-225-3121

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D)
Sen. John Forbes Kerry (D)
John W. Olver (D-01)
Richard E. Neal (D-02)
James P. McGovern (D-03)
Barney Frank (D-04)
Martin T. Meehan (D-05)
John F. Tierney (D-06)
Edward J. Markey (D-07)
Michael Capuano (D-08)
John Joseph Moakley (D-09)
William D. Delahunt (D-10)

newAnti-Ecstasy Bill Would Make It Illegal To Distribute Marijuana Information.

I am not sure if you have checked out whats happening out there with our rights once again folks, but yes you read correct, ILLEGAL TO DISTRIBUTE MARIJUANA INFO.
What kind of bullshit censorship is this government trying to feed us this time? I'll tell you, they are attempting to subdue the free-thinking person. They are attempting to close the humans mind forever. The government is discriminating against marijuana users specifically for no damn reason other than the fact that the ones creating these ridiculous laws and legislation don't agree with what we choose.
Well "I DON'T AGREE WITH ALCOHOLISM, NOR THE OPEN CONSUMPTION OF PRESCRIBED DRUGS", but as an individual without congressional back up I guess my pet peeves can't be imprisoned for their differences.
What the fuck, ten years in jail for helping someone learn how to grow or use? I think Hitler burned all the books and shot all the teachers because they were spewing knowledge and facts into his society.
The government is the embodiment of everything the constitution is in place for, these fuckers aren't there for protecting us from ourselves, but to protect themselves from us.
These commie fucks need to read a small piece of paper called the United States Constitution before publicly exposing their ignorance to the country and world.
We have the right to Know, the right to Knowledge and the right to Teach, so as far as the government is concerned the first amendment has already spoken.
Live Free Or Die.


Please, this is going out to everyone and anyone who can contribute in their own way to informing legislatures of exactly what the first amendment means and is all about.
Please don't hesitate from using all of or just one of these pieces of information on contacting your representatives.
The Anti-Ecstacy Bill is for drugs created for and by man. Marijuana and it's information should not be a crime, but the suppression of it should be! The United States Constitution clearly states our rights and no legislatures in their all mighty ignorance can take that away from us. As it is the basic essentails of community is to be able to speak freely without fear of persecution or to be subjected to unfair imprisonment.


BOB GRAHAM is the ring leader for this ignorant attempt to trample our rights, so he will get the most attention, here is everything I could get, legally.

Here are other offices of Bob Graham:

Washington, DC office
524 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
phone 202-224-3041
TDD 202-224-5621
fax 202-224-2237

Tallahassee office
2252 Killearn Center Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
phone 850-907-1100
TDD 850-894-2882
fax 850-894-3222

Miami office
150 Americas Center
150 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Suite 1025
Miami, Florida 33131
phone 305-536-7293

Tampa office
101 East Kennedy Boulevard
Suite 3270
Tampa, Florida 33602
phone 813-228-2476

District Phone#
D.C Phone#
Web Address
Sen. Bob Graham (D)
Sen. Charles Grassley (R)
Sen. Craig Thomas (R)
Sen. Joseph Biden (D)
Sen. B. Evan Bayh (D)

for more info on the anti-ecstacy bill please check out the masscann/norml page of my site

newWhat Have You Done?
10 things you can do to become a more productive acivist!

1. E-Mailing Congress

2. E-mailing Friends

3. Making Phone Calls

4. Distributing Flyers

5. Distributing Pro-Marijuana Information

6. Attending Legislative Conferences

7. Writing Personalized Letters To Your Local Representatives

8. Become A Member Of Your Local NORML Chapter

9. Generate Interest In Activism

10. Vote

newYours for the taking

Stand now! Stand together! Don't accept wrongful injustices, disregard congressional leaders' ignorant propaganda, ignore hypocritical legislation and protest the suppression of individuality. Don't lay your life down for a government that refuses humans equal rights. Refuse their truths, don't believe what is said blindly without knowledge on the issues, for propaganda is the fuel that burns the community between us. If you want equality, fight for it. Obviously this world owes us nothing including our rights. No one knows our discontent until it is voiced and enough people hear it. Post your thoughts, e-mail everyone, make flyers and hand them out on the streets of your town. Censorship has no grounds in this country, for we are protected by the United States Constitution (click here).

Get involved
Lets get it together people, lets rally, lets march, lets gather, lets scream WE WANT OUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE! Contact your local representatives and congressional leaders and let them know what you want,
Let them know, e-mail them, call them, fax them, do everything in your power to make them realize there is a level of existence which they may or may not take part in and that doesn't give them the right to limit us as individuals in this and all other countries as well. WE THE HUMAN RACE HAVE THE RIGHT TO INDIVIDUAL CHOICE! USE THIS LINK FOR CONTACTING YOUR REPS


Contacting your Presidential Candidates
Is there even a race anymore, is there some kind of backyard circlejerk between friends going on? Is it just me or is everyone in America moving to Canada if Bush gets ellected? Not that having another dictator in office will help the situation out anymore than having another law on the books!


new"Only in a country where "SELF" is considered the last priority, are you not able to be an individual" (Herb)

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