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Herbals Thoughts
just a line

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I have been asked several times for my opinion on what type of government, if any should be in place, what type should exist?
First I start off by answering that all government is a mockery of what freedom actually means and then second the motion that the government is responsible for more deaths than cancer.
I see a government "if one should exist" made up of willing volunteers that collect nothing but self-satisfaction for their daily routine of overseeing legislative implementation.
I see majority parties and minority parties a racist way of legislating to a specific race and consider it to be an unworkable way of thinking when looking at the human race as a single species without characterizing like a racist fool.
For the existing government to think their way is THE WAY is closed-minded and a very narrow way of putting a perspective on a human.
I see the human race as more much, much more, and for this limited way of life to be restricted from our own selves by dictatorship is just an unbelievable. To actually have to say THATS WHAT FREEDOM REALLY IS makes me more sad to say I am an American by forced birth, not by the rights of individual choice.
Our rights to choose are so far gone that the presidential candidates fall off the ballot simply because they do not have enough money to own that amount of power never mind be able to have supporters of what the believe.
I am questioned continuously on these issues of government and legalization and always turn back to my answers from within. Once again our opinions are all we have, seeing we are only the minority party we will never have equality so we must gain our grounds through education and knowledge, not dollars and corruption.
Some day humans will realize we are all on this bubble of stone and water together and we need not have dictatorship by conflicting authorities ruining healthy lives created with freedom in the heart.
Money needs to replaced with humanity and compassion, not fines and taxation.
Money is responsible for as many deaths as the governments of the world.
Money will drain even the biggest ocean dry.
Stay free and keep on thinking.

just a line

11th annual Freedom Rally Pictures

click here

just a line

Rally gone awry

After being witness to this years, 11th Annual Freedom Rally on the Boston Common in Massachusetts I have noticed a certain misrepresentation and misconception as to what it was set up to be all about.
Standing there watching the crowd of heavily stoned 13 year olds and the media eating it up and as the cops ran around arresting and harassing anyone and everyone that looked too stupid to defend themselves, I could only think to myself "what's this about again"?
I don't believe people care enough to get educated on what helps when trying to make change. Obviously it isn't going to be the ones who can't vote or for that matter even spell decriminalization to begin with nor will it be the adults who already have their stabilized future and bruised past, it will be the 18-30yo demographic and statistically here folks the numbers already add up against us.
As these children light up and laugh into a camera aimed at showing disturbing pictures to a blinded society of propaganda saturated people just plays into more "moral" stereotypes/stigma's. Having so many able to vote constituents gathering in one place for one cause would make one wonder exactly why weren't they over there filling out the petitions?
I talked to a lot of people while there letting people know exists and had a lot of conversations with just about everyone friendly enough to come up and speak their minds on the issues with me. Topics such as medical use, law reform and outright Legalization were the last thing on most of their minds; more like "where can I find a bag" or "do you know where I can get a bowl" were the questions of such concern.
I don't understand how so many people can be there attending a protest situation and have so little a clue.
I had one or two good talks with a few very interesting people while sharing the curbside with U.S Senator candidate Carla Howell and U.S Libertarian Presidential candidate Harry Brown. Many other helpful organizations which had carried a lot to the stand when confronted with questions on the future with decriminalization and the end of the drug war were in attendance to help provide a brighter aspect to the ridiculousness taking place behind us.
I couldn't help but to feel overwhelmed by the fact that the only reason people were there was to smoke pot outside. Why couldn't these assholes that were doing nothing but screwing it up for the actual purpose of creating a new justice for our indulgences. We are not there to smoke pot, we are there to make changes, getting thrown in jail isn't the change we were trying to convey, and smoking pot outside wasn't on the agenda.
I can't get past the children staring boldfaced into a news camera and taking a nice big hit with no relevance to life other than getting more legislation wrapped around what's left of our freedom. Every arrest made (70 in all) went on a little note to more government statistics, which help keep things like decriminalization from becoming a reality.
We have no choice but to stand by, we have no choice but to watch what we fight for go up in smoke, we have no choice because we don't want to make the right choices.
If we were to have our consumption habits legalized a small portion of legislation would be involved for it to work in society. Having Personal Marijuana Responsibility in hand is a must as with personal responsibility with alcohol and tobacco along with many other over the counter drugs. You don't see drinking in public legal, you can't drive around drinking and driving and you wouldn't sit in a park and throw beer at a cop and these are all legal for consumption. So why the hell would you think doing something like smoke pot in public when it is still an illegal act? Why would you blow a lung full of smoke at a cop when it is not legal and known to be considered assaulting a police officer? How the hell can you honestly think what you were doing was helping what was supposed to be a pro-marijuana protest?
The cops filled Massachusetts residents in on what would happen to them, the news camera's were on and not for taping the happy go lucky side of being a stoner and the radios had nothing purposeful to say about it
How was change to be made when all these facets working against us were there in force? I couldn't see how our future was being represented here, I couldn't get past the ignorance of the majority being taken to heart while the knowledge of the true activists unfortunately the minority goes on unnoticed.
Our lives depend on what others think in today's youthful society of non-thinking individuals and where there is thought there is stereotypes and misconceptions of what is to be for yourself not the other.
We as individuals seeking happiness in this world need our private needs to be our own, we need our rights and we need to think of how to make it become a society of non-judgmental individuals who legislate to themselves what they should and should not indulge in.
Having the government spending billions upon billions of our tax dollars on the Drug War isn't what our money should be going to. Having these funds rush in and out of congress with imprisoning our brothers and sisters in its sights isn't what we as citizens feel our lives should be turned into.
I don't see how change can be made though, especially when the majority isn't considering anything but staying behind closed doors and hiding from the truth. I don't see legislatures being nice one day and just handing us the right to get stoned, so what the hell is a person to do?
I say we stand strong, stop being stupid about it and start organizing. Let our battle be known, let the world know 25% of the WORLDS prison population is made up of NON-VIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS. I know 25% doesn?t sound like much, but this is worldwide, millions of people in jail and some till they die all for enjoying their right to choose.
The government is the leading cause of death from ages 18-35; the government is destroying our communities and disrupting the natural order of things to come with immoral distributions of ignorant injustices. We as activists need to embrace enlightenment, overcome these obstacles all to beat the system that is beating us so badly.
If we stand together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line
The harder we try!

A community of social integrity and intellectual madness, what a concept to try and grasp in an existence full of double standards and outright lies, I wonder how we have survived this long without self-destructing?
With all the restrictions placed on personal choice and individual beliefs it's a wonder how we as a species maintain ourselves in our daily struggle to live free. Oppression seeping from one side of democracy into another form of dictatorship while legislatures continue on with their law making, while never noticing what's being lost in the process.
Our freedom is not tangible yet we see it within our grasp, teasing us like a rodent chasing its food around while its stuck to its ass. As we seek for truth or as some would consider "more lies", we find it misconstrued with more infestations of others beliefs and what they may or may not think is good for the other while never considering what is good for themselves.
I wonder what exactly do we as a society of thinkers want to do with the world once we figure it out, how will we damage the little bits of land left, how will we demolish the next piece of real estate, how can we enslave the next race?
I am slightly sickened by the fact that so many people in this world are so caught up in the all mighty dollar that they neglect to notice what the true value of life "real life" actually is. Even worse are these fuckers who claim to want more freedom while voting for more laws, or less issues with money while scurrying about for more useless artifacts of their daily routine.
I am baffled by these concepts, these simplistic people making it so damn difficult to get along in life with life. I am at a loss when it comes to what will be, will it really be as they say or just the way we think it will turn out or do we just let the shit fly and wait and see who it hits next?
The government is setting out on a fast track to wiping out our rights one by one while the activists stand there arguing over money that isn"t theirs and regular old simpleminded civilians go on paying their taxes and never stop to wonder why the politicians are getting rich.
This useless pettiness amongst friends, brothers, sisters and family has to stop. We need solidarity in today's complicated society. If we can't find peace on this planet then I suggest its time we fly to outer space where we can just suffocate in our little ships and get our lonely lives over with.
I hope to see the human race wake up one day within my lifetime and as expect it would most likely go unnoticed by everyone either way. I mean, what would you do if the fight were over, how would you handle your daily routine if you didn't have to struggle?
I wonder'is anyone listening, is anybody out there, does anyone care?

just a line

11th Annual Freedom Fest

Meet up with myself and over 80,000 attendies on Saturday September 16th, 2000 for one of the countries largest Freedom Rallies. The 11th Annual Freedom Festival will be held from High noon till 6pm on the Boston Common at the base of the Massachusetts Statehouse to generate awareness to our cause, to register voters for the up-coming ellection, for music and speakers as well as venders and other activists. MassCann/NORML sponsored event click links below for more info.

will you be in the crowd

Picture above is of last years 10th Annual Freedom Fest

Speaker schedual

Band schedual


lets change this sort of attitude:

"Casual drug users should be taken out and shot." Daryl Gates, Chief of the LAPD, before the US Senate.

just a line

Will you make the difference?

For the past few years the Annual Freedom Festival in Massachusetts held by MassCann/NORML on the Boston Common has been scrutinized for its actions and thoughts on the hypocrisy of the War on Marijuana.
The police in Boston and surrounding towns have made it their personal duty to search and arrest whoever they see as a potential marijuana user/buyer or seller "via, while riding trains, buses or even walking but more at the rally itself".
I myself have been on a few trains over the years that were stopped on route to North Station Boston because the conductor thought there was drug dealing going on in the train. As we seen person after person, after person being dragged out and cuffed to the fence along the side of the tracks... everyone began to wonder, just how many people were actually doing something wrong?
Anyway, back on track of what I was saying... knowing the police are doing this and are going on TV saying they are going to do it isn't just half the problem. The people who know and go ahead anyway with doing stupid shit that under any other circumstance they would never do, do it right then when it counts against us as a whole.
Having been to every possible rally in Boston held I have seen the same lame trend kicking the dust up with the rulings on decriminalization and minors using it openly. The media is eating up the fact that they can walk around in a public park and see a 12 year old smoking a joint saying "fuck you" to the cops, only then to be carted off to the pig tent where he gets processed for $25 and charged as a criminal, while never asking a true activist who's there for more than just smoking pot outside in public.
The statistics add up when people are arrested publicly for simple marijuana possession. In a crowd of on-looking partakers I wonder why, "don't they change this madness" absolutely nothing is done only more encouragement for the police activities. Having our rights invaded and your right to protest, not your "right to openly break the laws" for now there are wrongful legislative acts still on the books, until that gets changed contradictions of protesting users shouldn't fall victim to a few hours of enjoyment and community.
The sad part is, is the fact that many who will show up at the rally on september16, 2000 will most likely be carrying quantities of marijuana and other drugs thus doing exactly what the fucking cops want you to do anyway. The fact being is too many people fall victim to their own undoing and this could all be avoided if you would just open your eyes and see the change from inside, not necessarily from the out.
Cops are playing a psychological game with its citizens and protests are the perfect opportunity for testing out new ways of subduing large crowds while in riot gear and armed with tear-gas. The police want you to bring your illegal drugs, why not fuck with them and bring your legal ones as well, what can they do if you have a case of cough syrup even though you can trip off of its effects when consumed improperly? What could they do if you walked in to the rally with over the counter caffeine pills and started handing them out to everyone? There is no law being broken if they are legal... yet marijuana is to be a criminal act and to be sentenced for ridiculous amounts of time for harming no one.
Don't allow bureaucrats to run your lives we are the ones who have to deal with their ignorance and threats on our freedom. We can make the changes that are necessary for freedom and equality to actually exist and only by standing together, united in our cause, screaming in one voice, will we overcome the hostilities towards our live's.

just a line
Last one standing

I have found more times than not, we as humans existing to die are subjected to the pathetic attempts to subdue our individuality by government-made puppets. We as a society of individually thinking humans need not be stereotyped as criminals for the narrow-mindedness of the legislatures.
Our right to live, to die & our right to choose all of these points are continuously compromised by some asshole senator/politician trying to make a name for themselves. Incarceration doesn't lead to reform it leads to revolt, seeing just how many humans can be stacked on top of eachother within the prison system isn't educating anyone, just proving that what one thinks as BAD the other does not.
Sex offenders roaming freely to rape again, alcoholics go on undiscouraged, while pill popping pharmaceutical junkies go on unregulated. Marijuana has not killed nor ever will have claimed a life as long as the government has nothing to do with its NATURAL GROWTH.
Marijuana has the potential to overwhelm the stock market with its millions of dollars generated from the masses of consumers who feel it their right "not privilege" to be able to consume without being treated as a criminal.
As I watched the news last night I found myself deeply disturbed by the outcome of a conversation taken on by a media rep of FOX and an Albany politician on the (Hypocritical War On Marijuana) and how the facts keep piling up against the machines propaganda.
While 72% of prisoners were imprisoned for first time non-violent drug offences, simple marijuana possession and or growing, drunk drivers who claim lives, destroy families and themselves go unpunished. Rapists receive a "get out of jail free card" as long as they raped a child or helpless invalid, but hey sure fill up the prisons with non-violent drug offenders who have done nothing but enjoyed themselves without having to harm another human in the process.
A growing number of pissed off civilians are mounting, a revolution is in the making, as Thomas Jefferson said "we need a revolution every 100 years". Well... times up folks, let the shit fly and hit the fan hard, it's time to unleash our discontent onto the legislatures madness that has been released on us without provocation.
Its not just a question of country, the world is in this together... the governments of each little country fixing to fuck us all with one mighty blow, each combining their political hypocrisy are all working so hard against us, its about time they met up with some friction.
If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line

Who Started It?

While protesting the government's uselessness within our society, we are continuously confronted by police in riot gear. They say we are violent, they say we push them, they say! Where is it written down that we are not able to protect ourselves "even against the authorities", how are we "the ones not wearing guns" portrayed as violent?
When standing there with you're hands on a picket-sign and chanting for freedom and change "while not being allowed into meetings of our political puppets" violating the constitutional rights we were given over 200 years ago?
When cops dressed to hurt enter the show everything goes upside-down and as they forcefully push their way through a crowd "to keep order" they say, "to disrupt unity" I say they are truly the violent ones! In case you reading this weren't aware we were given another constitutional right just for this occasion "the right to lawfully protect yourself from harm by any means necessary, including by means of deadly force"!
When a battle pig steps into the arena dressed in plastic armor, carrying a loaded gun, a baton, mace, cuffs, small sidearm "just in case", teargas and a stun gun makes you wonder...who started the violence, who starts the shit, who threw the first punch.
Cops are breaking the law by carrying loaded weapons in crowds, schools and in public, yet go unattended because it's their job. Cops smashing peoples, heads in with clubs to get their attention is ok by political standards "it helps focus the individual more", they say. Cops shooting teargas into a crowd just makes for a beautiful scene when all the flashing lights and screaming people start to blend in a horror filled night.
These motherfuckers need a taste of what's coming to them, civil disobedience has not yet begun to disrupt that which keeps us down as free people. These bastards will push too far one day and humanity will arise and overcome these wrongful acts that continuously plague us.
We have the right to PROTECT OURSELVES and by that we have the right to DEFFEND OURSELVES, our right to rally, protest and scream against the legislature's ignorance isn't wrong nor violent, "Its our Right"!
The police are threatening, they are war machines brought from the battlefields into our homes not to protect you, but to protect the legislators from you. A person carrying a weapon is threatening, a person carrying any one of the ten things of violence a cop carries makes me feel "threatened". By these actions I am justified to instantaneously protect myself from any harm that could erupt due to the "individual armory" standing in line with me at McDonalds.
Stand up people, don't let congress shove these mindless fuckers down our throats, don't allow them to continue, don't think it's all to protect you from them, because its not even like that. We are being misled by the fact that the police are there to "protect and serve", more like "protect and serve those who are above you in the democratic order"!
Our constitutional rights are being infringed upon and our individual rights are being raped, as with our right to unify, so now that we are slaves without a voice or foot to stand upon "what are we now"?
Don't let this happen people, don't just let your rights fall into oblivion, stand together united against this hypocrisy, if we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line

Pissing into the Wind!

As non-productive one may see "pissing into the wind", I decided this to be the best and most accurate metaphor I could think of for having a government or ruling party dictating to peoples consumption habits simply because they have the power to.
I and millions of others don't take part in the alcohol industries onslaught of drunken murders or the cancerous wrath of the tobacco industry or even contribute to the Rx industry which has been responsible for just as many non-natural departures from this planet. We as humans are entitled to be free, without dictatorship destroying our freedom or limiting ours while freeing others.
Rapist's, child molesters, violent offenders and politicians seem to be what the norm is for social equality, if you are not on drugs prescribed to you or drunk you are wrong and should be imprisoned for it.
As non-productive as pissing into the wind is, having a congressional party voted on, to destroy what we wish to have changed is exactly what the route of the metaphor is based.
Voting in dictators to bitch about being dictated too, having your rights fucked with while another's rights goes untouched, having unequal taxes, unequal representation in congress, having ethnic and religious battles, even down to dollars and cents?
Our society is riddled with hypocrisy, a metaphor in itself, as unable as one is to figuring these wrong doings out, we will create more hypocrisy in the process, help fight the wrong and make it "RIGHT" again!

just a line

Nucking Futs!

Wow are we living in a hostile world or what? Armies at every boarder, governments ruling generating wars, civilians racially divided and not to mention the ignorance, disrespect and disregard for human life.
It's no wonder at all why humans are so socially inapt! No wonder people get violent in crowds, no wonder people get offended when told what to do, it is an absolute wonder we haven't totally wiped eachother off the face of the planet yet.
I get so mad everyday at all the wrong, all the lies, all the hypocrisy, all the things that being free isn't supposed to include. I get so anxious when I wake up to find out if my rights from yesterday are still intact and luckily secured for one more day.
Freedom is not for the weak, I know this, fighting for it means hurting for it, remember in every conflict there is a loser. By always being on the defensive means always having an edge, considering all that actually gets fired at one person for being a truly outspoken individual with more to say than the everyday chit chat.
These actions should be respected in it's own ways and the struggle to be heard shall, not to be fought with and discredited simply because the governing body states we are wrong but by grabbing them by the ears and making them listen.
We can't continue as a society of mass crowds faceless and nameless, we need structure and solidarity to prove we are a force to not worry about but respect for the opinions gathered within.
We can't have individual governments within a single form of government as we do here in America where each state is its own ruling government with the federal government watching on.
We can't have contradictions within our ruling parties and expect the social structure to mend itself without first seeing our leaders do it first. Live and learn, experienced teaching the inexperienced,,,passing our knowledge from one generation to the next, to evolve without fearing devolution.
We must collectively reach one point in humanity where we are all equal, where we all can exist together as one for one, not I, me or them...but we and the us for now and ever.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Make it or break it!

Seeing as we are such criminals in the eyes of congress, I have to wonder where they gathered their assumptions and even where they could have possibly accumulated such facts to support their claims of wrong doings set forth by marijuana users.
Never once seeing proof of a violent outburst because of pot-smoking, makes one wonder...what exactly are we doing wrong when we get sent to jail for 15 years for growing a plant that is naturally growing world-wide without man's help?
I don't see marijuana users as the criminals in this game of chance. I see these legislatures who give alcoholics the right to drink themselves into a shit storm as the true criminals. By supplying the means to kill or harm others with very few real prison terms served for homicides while drunk is not justice, but hypocrisy...these are the true criminals.
Marijuana smoking does not inhibit your abilities to reason and recognize ones true responsibilities to themselves, nor does marijuana impair the brain to the extent of alcohol seeing that people blacking out and puking on eachother is not really associated with marijuana use, only that of alcohol and heroin.
We are criminals for choosing differently, we are criminals for refusing dictatorship, we are criminals simply for the fact that we wish to be free of oppression. We as humans need to be free enough to consume as we see fit, we should be free enough to have the right to our unique decisions, we the criminals have done nothing wrong, only wish for better.
If we are to take our lives back and control our own homes we must first stop letting ourselves be guided by ignorance, racism and stereotyping. These simple little characterizations are the catalyst to war's and oppression. If we stand as one for one, one species for all...we shall overcome these hypocritical obstacles being thrown in our path to freedom.
The war will never be over, not until we are all equal!

just a line


Standing still in a world of motion, some would suggest "this is what life is all about", I would probably agree considering the majority of people in the world don't know or even want to know what the true meaning of their existence is.
It's all rather disturbing when you decide to take a moment from your "busy little penciled-in 9-5 life" to pick your head up long enough to realize what the true nature of life actually consists of.
Seeing how easy it is to disregard, ignore or even pass life by without ever recognizing what truly makes a life worth living. Happiness shouldn't be stereotypically distributed among those who can afford it, it should be for all and everyone alike to join in on.
Society has left society hanging in the wind, no one cares and no one cares that no one's all a vicious cycle of ridiculousness. Society claims individualized yet remains controlled and separated from the true nature of life.
Community, unification among all social classes and above all "Equality", we must first put aside our bullshit differences that divide us and seek eachother. Seek communal communications to voice opinions about our social issues, seek eachother and bring forth knowledge some may not be privy too & always seek the truth!
If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line


Seeing society metaphorically, as a functioning machine with its faults and solidarity, we stride so hard to make it work, to keep its parts free of obstacles and scurry like ants when it breaks down.
Society, working together for the good of society is more of a dream than a reality. The fact being that the majority of people work everyday towards destroying lives and nature. This machine we all think we want is exactly what we are fighting against.
We are dealing with a paradox. As it goes we have what we want on one branch and what we need on the other, all we have to hang on to is whats been given to us and if we stretch to cling on to either option we chance falling on our ass.
Having our lives torn between dollars and happiness, nature over substance, life over death... is no way to try and accomplish a peaceful unity between socially inapt legislatures who create more diversity within a structure created out of human beings.
One word "FREE", one thing "LIFE", lets not allow the government to separate whats left of our brother/sisterhood, if we stand united we shall prevail.

just a line

Yes, you!

Who the hell gave these people in the world the right to destroy our planet along with our essential human rights? We as a destructive species are destined to battle eachother into oblivion, seeing how our roll models in legislative positions distract civil peace efforts with adversity, propaganda and racism plus weapons, war and lives.
We are being ruled with weapons and racism...violence never solved anything nor has being judgmental, so why would more guns, more police and more laws bring peace to a world struggling against oppression?
These legislatures who feel it their civil duty to scribe more laws into their bible of hypocrisy need to be reeducated when it comes to dealing with humans that want peace, instead of money, war and death!
We as a society spanning globally need unity and compassion, understanding and open-mindedness to the fact that, we are all individuals! We are unique in our own and unique in a crowd of a billion, as we are the same in species we should be attempting to acknowledge these qualities of humanity that are being subdued by money, legislation and war!

just a line

More lost

Same issues, old topics, no triumphs, just more disillusioned people thinking they know whats happening in their day to day lives when it comes to their Rights. How could we be so blind, when humanity claims such superiority in the animal least animals know how to live without destroying their environment.
We have these ruling parties conflicting with eachother while trapping us the citizens who choose not to be involved directly with legislative injustices, yet to find ourselves the target of these hypocritical dictators onslaught to subdue the free thinking individual.
Legislation is not the last word, congress has no say in our homes, unless you give up your right to live free and in peace. These bastards in congress have no ground to stand on when it comes to our backyards, front porches and inside our homes.
The job of a politician is to be in an office, listening to their constituents, dealing with making sure their political brothers and sisters don't try and rape the rights of another human being.
That is not what we see or receive for allowing these dictators into office. They sit writing more laws, they invade our privacy for consumer information and they have infiltrated the schools of the youth with censorship and propaganda.
These outright attacks on the Constitution of the United States of America must not be allowed to persist, we must take back our homes, we must not let our freedom end in such ignorance.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Propaganda is not a must!

We as humans, thinking and conscious, should not have to have the truth spoon fed to us from a government that is supposed to deal in fact and justice. We as an enlightened species should be capable of comprehending fact from fiction.
As it is, the government has drown the public in so many lies and propaganda, half truths and bent realities that no one knows or has any idea of what exactly is occurring day to day with themselves or others around them.
Thanks to the facts and true science the majority of the government implemented propaganda has been reevaluated. Now it's a matter of time before the parties involved with distributing lies and sentencing will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
These dictators who are in office are doing nothing to better man or woman, child or adult. The only thing the government is concerned with is making sure we fall in the grooves set out by them for us to follow like cattle being lead to slaughter.
If we want more, we should receive more, not watch millions suffer because some are too limited in their ways to see past their own ignorance. If we wish to evolve as nature intended us to, we need to put aside such petty differences as to color, race, age, sex, beliefs or consumption habits and remove money from the equation.
Money creates inequality, money generates wars, money corrupts the best of us. So why I have to ask, "why is the most important thing to the world, the amount of money and material substances one can accumulate before death"?
I hope someone understands these issues? I wonder if anyone does or can make heads or tails of them? I only know, "these are my problems", not about money but about the right to live free and be equal and if we are to make it as we must, we have to grow as one for one. If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

No More!

As we battle our way threw congressional oppression we find ourselves in a more individualized situation. Now having separate opinions and beliefs as most individuals do should understand that not everyone thinks and reacts to the same things as others do.
We can not have our lives and freedom compromised simply because we can't or just aren't allowed to display our discontent because a few people out there that just can't communicate properly.
We can't have our lives put in jeopardy because the government or another individually minded person doesn't see from another persons perspective. We as a society trying to become something better should fully understand what that first entails. We as individuals trying to make this world a better place to live need our freedom, beliefs and communications to sustain our productivity.
These goals can't be obtained if congressional leaders are able to strip us of our rights every time they don't agree with whats being said. Who agrees with everything the government has to say, "not I for one" and I am sure millions of others out there are just as upset about the fact that these horrors are a reality.
If we can't discuss or communicate to others our opinions and beliefs without legislative action taken what kind of country or world would we be in then?
Dictate not to the masses of the free, for your legislation falls on deaf ears.
Please get involved and help end hypocritical legislation, contact your local representatives and make them listen.

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Just think

Imagine if we were able to cross borders without having a hostile threat towards us because of our countries government? The possibilities are endless when you tear down the walls and open your minds up to something that would help us all in the long run.
Humans are closed off from one another and societies have propaganda forced down their throats by the governments that control them. We have no life but the ones we are given or simply allowed to have till it becomes inconvenient.
We as people, humans, friends and strangers all need to make peace our priority, not more legislation that forces war onto another country for no other purpose than for fuels and land.
I as an American have nothing to do with anything that this government has done to other countries yet I my existence is threatened along with millions of others when it comes to world travel because of what this and their government have done in the past or present.
Death over land that isn't any of ours and fighting over fuel that ruins our breathing air just seems unproductive, even monkeys have a longer life span, "well until they run into man".
We as a species need our communities to combine and overturn ruling parties for their outright attacks and atrocities imposed on humanity by these so called leaders who send their civilians to fight battles they are too fucking scared to fight themselves.
Just think and keep in mind, some day it will be ours, freedom to roam the globe without fear of threat from people mad at that persons government.
End hostilities towards civilians, government parties are to blame for the land and fuel wars, they are to blame for millions of deaths, they are to blame for ignorance and racism in schools and in public, they keep the candles we wish to get past as evolving usually calls for.
Just think, someday it might happen.

just a line

Don't Be So Aggressive!

Why is it every time there is a new conflicting interest within the social order the first to reach for their aggressive nature is the police? How is it in our best interest to show force when, none was being put forth by the attendees? How can society be tamed by a person swinging a nightstick or better yet standing there screaming while pointing a loaded shotgun at you!
How can the government see it as a justified means of crowd control when the cops are the ones assaulting the citizens? Is it me or did these assholes in officers uniforms never read the constitution of the united states, in any case they are out right attacking our freedom and then blaming the violence on the protesters.As far as we the citizen are concerned, we have the right to remain silent! As for justice imposed by hypocrites we have the rights of a slave and if we voice our discontent in numbers they have the right to attack us with teargas and rubber bullets.
How can this shit happen in this day and age where we claim to be an enlightened species? Enlightened of our own demise more like it, I guess destruction is all man is good for in the first place!Please folks, get involved, help end this war on our freedom, help end the war against humanity, end dictatorship and we shall prevail!

just a line


A revolution is in order I believe, I think that the government and all congressional/political leaders of the world should turn in for the rest of their days as humanities friend. The governments of the world are pitting civilians against themselves when the true beast is in the machine.
The machine of legislation is breaking down our culture of peace and community, these aren't profitable for a government bent on making money for more destruction so they can build again to destroy it.
Our society needs to defend itself against these genocidal dictators trying to erase us from the face of the planet. No prison can hold a mind, not even one set forth by the same fucking government, which states we have the right to speak our minds without persecution or fear thereof.
I don't live in paranoia yet I am paranoid, knowing my life is threatened because they don't agree with me, what if the tables were turned, then would they feel the same as I, or would they fold and take it in the ass like they want us to?
The government needs to be disbanded it needs to be broken down and ripped apart, our rights as humans are known at birth without legislation dictating what one can consume while the other can not. The government KILLS, militaries KILL, organized religion KILLS, so why are we the cannabis culture the ones rotting in prison?
This fucking place needs to be cleaned up once and for all, let these words come from me first, THIS WORLD NEEDS A NEW ORDER!
Only does an individual know what an individual wants and needs and what is best for them, no outside interference or fear of persecution should fall on a human for making a decision.
Let the government fall where it stands and free the spirit of humanity that is suppressed within, our species is capable of so much more than war and greed, control and death.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Celebrating being a slave

Today is our Day of Independence here in the United States of Hypocrites and as free as some may like to believe we are, some are in for some rude awakenings.
Massachusetts state and town police forces have been arresting and fining AMERICANS for purchasing and discharging fireworks in AMERICA, to celebrate their independence and freedom.
Now knowing that these towns, cities and states are putting on their own shows that just happen to have fireworks, makes a citizen wonder how free are we? Vendors pay to be at these gatherings, people pay to park and eat at these gatherings, but no citizen may enjoy themselves in the privacy of the own back yard.
While your sitting there watching these hypocritical displays of glorious explosions and flares, remember, those are of our tax dollars. Every firecracker set off is another tax hike for next years assurance that citizens will be too affraid to purchase their own enjoyment from the fear of going to jail for transporting legal entertainment across state boards.
These towns, cities and states themselves are running their own nights of money collecting. Why must a human pay and pay and pay to fit in these hypocritical standards of living? How can we celebrate our independence when in fact none exists?
The fight for our freedom is not over, our fight for freedom is just getting started. We aren't dealing with 200 year ago Englishmen, we are dealing with corrupted dictators that have so much power over us, most are blinded by it.
We need to unite as a unionized citizenship within our own standards of living, to be free and equal. We don't need a government, which openly displays its hypocrisy on a daily basis. We have no need for injustice and we don't need legislative dictatorship devouring our freedom at every turn.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall be Heard!

just a line

Open Your Eyes

Am I the only one who thinks that the present day government is overstepping their bounds? By entering our lives in the home should be taken as an outright attack on our civil rights, to be free is to live free, not have to fight for it when it should already be there.
Everyday that ticks past another hundred or so people go to prison for violation of their laws, their beliefs, and their standards of living. I am not one to fall in line so easily, I like my grass greener than the next guy but, my laws, my beliefs, my codes of life should be considered along with every other individual, not to be subjected to ones simple minded beliefs.
I see this growing amount of concern towards free speaking, free thinking people and I would just like to point out that once again, one can not voice an opinion suppressing anothers without first becoming a self proclaimed hypocrite.
I guess the moral of the story is, all should be taken into consideration when trying to communicate to more than yourself and writing laws that are pure hypocrisy is just injustice at hand and should be remedied as quickly as it formed.
Having a government subject free people to laws regarding their civil rights along with their constitutional rights and having them overturned out of convenience and money sake makes for hostile intentions.
Having a government trying to disarm the civilian, while arming themselves for confrontation is just a whole new war on humans. Logic states disarming would leave civilians depending on a government that has already proven its uselessness. Militaries only create war, they don't do anything other than squander billions upon billions upon billions of dollars paid out for by lovely tax payers who still don't think they have anything to do with it, all to help find and build a bigger better war machine of death.
Having these issues up front may make you question me, I am not the one who should be questioned, ridiculed or speculated upon, I am merely a concerned citizen of a country that has so far lied to me and imprisoned my culture.
If you want change, CHANGE IT!

just a line

P.S.A inequality

As many of us are aware, there are a numerous amount of Public Service Announcements (P.S.A's) that pertain to smoking cigarettes, but never calling on, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, caffeine or even industrialists who ruin more lives than these hypocrites claim tobacco does.
These fascist, discriminating, pieces of dung, need to stop oppressing others with their beliefs and moral judgements and let people make their own decisions on personal consumption. These people are no better than DICTATORS trying to rule slaves without a hassle and by having a child spokesperson is not only wrong, but not legal.
Without the consent of their parents or legal guardians these kids are unacknowledged by LAW because of the fact that they are BY LAW not within their right to speak freely seeing they are not of voting age.
As I watch the news on TV only to be interrupted by a child speaking of rights the government doesn't recognize till they are of the mature age of 18, preaching of how we the smokers are withholding their breathing air! Well, as you reach 16, you rush to drive a car which in return destroys my breathing air. So by your own condemnations I should be within my rights to withhold your driving privileges?
As I walk this planet noticing all the pollution in the air and trash on the streets and shit in our homes and cars everywhere and industrial plants burning waste freely planet-wide, I can use only one word to conclude this argument when it comes to these P.S.A's, "Priority"!

just a line

In it or running from it!

How are we as humans trying to live free supposed to believe whats true when the majority of truths out there are nothing more then well built lies?
Isn't it disturbing to anyone out there that the governments of the world are conspiring against us? Isn't anyone mad at the fact that they are able to with hold ones rights while implementing differently for another?
How can the government not be held accountable for millions of deaths, millions of wrongful imprisonment, millions of destroyed lives and yet continue on this destructive path?
How is society to live peacefully when we are controlled with guns and fear of imprisonment? The government is a contradiction to what peace is and we will never know of true peace while such factions are in control.
We must ban together, justify our discontent and make them listen, make them understand and make them change, If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Scream it!

As an activist for the decriminalization of marijuana I am frustrated as to what and how to do it when it comes to how to get involved at times...I mean, I work almost all day getting the words out there but are people actually listening?
Is anybody out there "I wonder", is it just me thinking like this? I know there are a lot of activist working harder and some not doing a thing but are they thinking what I am, I wonder if they all see what I do?
How is Marijuana still in the books as an illegal substance when there is nothing wrong with it scientifically or medically, plus the facts that remain unaltered...Marijuana is Natural, non-tainted by man-mad poisons and addictive agents. Marijuana testing and government cultivation has proven that it has no side affects unless you considered the munchies as a bad thing?
I throw seeds down every time I go out and pass flyers around to everyone, plus on-line action and nothing, no answers just more questions. How can I do more? What can I do to be more effective without going to jail for it?
I bust my ass to retain my rights to free speech and the right to print whatever the fuck I want plus the fact that we are in war with the government that blankets us with propaganda and hypocritical legislation. We our just defending ourselves and within our constitutional rights we have the right to defend ourselves at any cost from ruling parties and government dictatorship.
I refuse to let my freedom go without a battle, of words or more...but I will not go quietly into that good night "to coin a phrase". I hope everyone is with me when I say, "I will fight till dead for my right to free speech", if we can't speak we are nothing and if we do nothing but listen without ever questioning we are fools.
We must not let the wool get pulled over our eyes by the government folks, this would be a grave mistake to discount the powers that be. I can only hope I can do more someday when it comes to my freedom.
Please get involved.

just a line

Injustices Passed From One Generation To the Next!

Here we are, on Earth, ever going in perpetual motion, only to be riddled with the same ignorance and prejudices our parents and their parents all the way to our forefathers and beyond have been riddled with.
How is it possible for everything around us to evolve yet, the human race moves backwards ever so slightly at every turn of the calendar? These illogical methods of deconstructive social orders and binding laws of democratic ignorance need to be put to pasture.
Generations need to be born free, to live free! None of our past generations nor present day generations have given eachother the respect they deserve. Racism rules, society is broken down by government statistics and characterization is the only way most people know who they are.
To obtain sanity in this generalized hypocrisy I have been writing my thoughts out for others to see, in hopes that maybe someone out there is reading this and feeling the same way I do, or even question the same stupid shit as I do? As it seems, not many people care enough, not many people feel it their place to stand up, not many people see it their civil duty to ensure justice, truth and freedom...I DO!
Our generation has the means of communications that none of the others did, now that we have this power, most can only create cyber sex and porn, but others out here have made a world of new thinkers and brave new people willing to speak out.
Our generation will be the one to open the eyes of not just American dictators but the rest of the worlds governments as well. We have the Power of the Mouse, the WWW and all it's glory, so what will you do with it?

just a line

Get with it!

How is it possible for a child to claim part on issues they are not of age to be included within? These children have the government ramming them into the publics asses with anti-pot and anti-tobacco campaigns but never using the real people or topics that are affecting humanity to make changes, just more hypocrisy.
How is a child age 13, going to make a better world by helping propaganda platforms out in subduing human freedoms? These kids are answering questions by law that are illegal to ask them, like drug statistic data forms in schools where everyone answers, YES to everything because it makes them out to be cool.
How can legislatures see this as productive? I only see a counter suite taking place where now you have managed to abuse the publics emotions! When seeing a child plea for something they not know what, everyone sits back in awe and demands change, yet never actually seeking the truth within the campaign that they are witness to.
These pathetic attempts to wrong the people will not sit well once someone more than me wakes up and notices the pattern. These congressional assholes are spending millions of our tax dollars for children to speak against their own families along with people they do not know.
These leaders in the political imbalance we call democracy are taking advantage of your rights, emotions, schools, churches, kids, minds and homes...what more hostilities against humanity does one need to defend themselves rightfully according to the constitution of the united states?
We are within our right to dismantle this bureaucracy! We are within our right to consume as are you without legislation discriminating against one while others do just the same, only they are free to do it.
These double standards and the way of the paradox can't help, they can only do more wrong and by adding to the madness by tossing children into the fire is just immoral.
These kids haven't had enough time on the planet or real world experience to make the decisions whether or not to consume something, that's hwy the law withholds their rights.
So why the fuck are we being scrutinized by children for something they have not the right to scrutinize over?
Wake up people, don't let them take your family away, don't allow them to feed you kids heads full of propaganda, it didn't work for you, us them, what makes you think it will work for these kids?
If We Unite Together As One Voice We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

The Many, not the few.

Well I think some people use the phrase free speech to protect their anger and hostilities...Forcing ones opinion onto people who voice they don't want to hear it makes it wrong, not free but oppressed. I feel bad for all of us, seeing how we are all so different and have so many different views on the issues. It makes it hard for us to get along as we should. Mindless bickering back and forth when all this energy could be put forth towards decriminalization and freedom. Individuality is hard to keep once found and hard to forget once lost, we can't subject people to censorship but at the same time we can't be walked on when trying to serve a purpose..."it's the perfect paradox", which side do we choose? "Hopefully the one that's right"?

just a line


How is it logical for the medical community to indorse alcohol consumption for health reasons, when in fact it is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths world-wide yearly?
I can't see how it is possible for the public to except the Rx community and governments scientists definitions as to what can and can't be consumed by the public. As unequal as one may not see this as, I for one see great hypocrisy within this structure made for them, not me.
I can not agree on consuming something that "KILLS YOU", as for marijuana, it has never happened and is physically impossible thanks to these scientists trying to prove their propaganda to be fact.
The lies are and the lies will remain and keep growing, as does the request for truth and freedom. Legalized prescription drugs and government implemented anti-campaigns on potential competition is the root of discrimination and inequality.
Why should one product monopolize the trade market when in fact industrial hemp and cannabis marijuana could take over within hours of its hitting the stock market. Cotton trade would be lost, lumber stocks would fluctuate and medical stocks would plummet, not to mention the fuels, oils and enjoyment that can be made from its byproducts.
The government has no right to withhold our MARIJAUNA!
Fight for what is rightfully ours, given to us directly from mother earth, sustainer of all life on this fine planet.

just a line


So it's the year 2000 and still we fight like we were back in the Stone Age, not only is violence an issue but racism and ignorance run ramped throughout society. No one is safe from the savage ways of our history and no one is pure or better than any other calling themselves human.
Anti-Semitism and radical displays of outright atrocities against the human race should be a forgotten mistake of the past. Yet some ignorant people claiming to be superior simply because of the color of their skin, only proves that once again "teaching racism breeds racism"!
I am sickened when confronted by a child portraying a nazi-skinhead or better known as an all out race hater. I am more sickened by the fact that their parents who claim better only teach the ignorance of a belief already dead.
Having one race claiming superior only breeds a new bunch of race haters and more violence towards a society just trying to live in peace. African- American's building gangs to protect themselves from the White's building gangs to protect themselves from black's, while Asian build their gangs to protect themselves from Hispanic gangs all while trying to accomplish the same goal, "supporting their right to live without oppression".
Obviously I am not the only one in the world who sees the flaw in the pattern of events taking place right before our very eyes. Racism is leading our culture, our people, our nations, our lives into the ground.
We as one race equal and human alike must stand united together with peace and trust in heart and mind to beat these odds stacked up against us set forth by everything that has come before us. If we are to defeat history we must create new history, new tomorrows, a new society.
Society shouldn't blend, it shouldn't have to separate, society needs it's individuality to survive as the human race was meant to. Having our lives buried in ignorance based on what others have done and then to cling to such madness as if it were our own is only beyond me.
I had nothing to do with slavery, I had nothing to do with the murdering of the Jews, I had nothing to do with the billions of deaths caused by the good name of the lord. I am just one individual of many who just want peace and freedom.
I shouldn't have to be scared simply because I am Jewish by blood, not to live in fear because some fucking twelve year old with his head full of his parents teachings of Hitler has a grudge for he knows not why.
No one is expected to take the blame for something we, they or us had absolutely nothing to do with, unless of course you are of the many still bent on backwards evolution. I can't see as far as tonight nor can anyone, but if we are to survive we must coexist, not resist community while expecting it in return.
Please, be human, trust and love...stay up, stay clear.

just a line


For the hostile and racially consumed people driven by anger and ignorance, this entry is for you folks.
How can you see yourselves as anything but the fucking root of the problem? How can you see yourself as a productive member of society when threatening the existence of everything different around you? How the fuck can you go to sleep at night knowing the things you do affect every community, not just the race or races you are against?
I can't stand you race hating ignorant little assholes so scared of individualism that you cling to a deadmans morals and a belief system set on violence and exploitation of other races to benefit your own ignorant supremacist asses.
Where has society gone wrong here folks, where we as pot smokers are imprisoned for smoking a plant while these pigs roam free to oppress every race they come into contact with?
These violent members of our community that decided they are better than others for the color of their skin, are in fact no better than the fucking people they are against. Not saying anyone is good or bad, just that humans are haters and spiteful and that seems to be where the work needs to be started, not by killing eachother and hating every generation from then on after.
The government plays a huge roll in the white race playing societies guardian and making blacks out to be the bad guys while never recognizing the other 70 or so ethnic backgrounds covered globally and housed within the United States walls.
This kind of unequal mentality is the basis from which ignorance is breeding, if the government portrays ignorance and racism, why not the people? Well the government is wrong and the assholes who follow blindly with these hypocrites need to be slapped in the fucking head and woken the hell up.
The world shouldn't be characterized and colorized, we are all of one race, one species, one familiar structure, we are all HUMAN! We need to put aside these insignificant quibbles of past generations and move forward with our social structure, not devolve into a mass of race haters set in it's ignorant ways.
Haven't we as a species grown past such indifferences, haven't we moved clear of white and black, man and woman, or are we still stuck in a time where we can't eat, sleep or shit in the same room together?
I hope you fucking people with nothing but hate in your hearts and minds hate everything I say or at least learn something from whats said, maybe even start changing your ways, if not...remain useless, we shall prevail. To all humans alike, stay free, stay individualized.

just a line

Fear nothing

I can't see past this shit we are given to live with in this fucking country. What is there to fear about individuality other than the recognition or acknowledgement of the lack within?
As a race of individuals I see it as a counterproductive measure to ensure the people from ever exploiting intelligence. Congressional leaders can't have their constituents running around doubting their laws and questioning their authority, so they make us out to be conspirators against a government conspiring against us.
I can't see how these puppets can consider themselves as "productive" when imprisoning the population with more wrongful legislation. I can't see how people can subject themselves to these binding laws, "which inhibit our rights" and consider it as a justifiable means of government implementation.
There is nothing to fear from individuality, the only thing to fear is the suppression of it! If we are to survive as humans should "FREE and within COMMUNITY", then the government needs to get the fuck off our front lawn and back in the office where they belong.
The government invading our homes is not government, nor civil service, but vagrants and corruptible mental midgets impersonating political leaders. We must not allow this invasion of our privacy to sink into oblivion. The government needs to have its boundaries brought back a few years and reminded of their duties.
Having a single-minded, self-centered, egotistical, law writing fool in congress isn't for the better of a nation, but for it's downfall and destruction and now taking into consideration the fact that the majority party is comprised of these hypocrites we now know where we lay within our political structure.
Enemies of the state, criminals in our own homes, this is not the life I choose to live but the one I have been forced to lead. I have no choice in the matter for my choice has been stolen and dictated to me, for now I am the puppet, who will pull my strings?

just a line

Chaos is Rule

Let those who rule with weapons be under-minded by those with weapons.
The mind is the most dangerous of all weapons ever created and to suppress an individuals means of self-expression and right to speak would be like asking a bird not to fly or a fish not to swim.
A human is communications, movement, emotions, sound and visual acuity all which help our species learn and evolve along with the conscious decisions that compiles our intelligence into an environment which can not be controlled.
The mind is not a machine, the mind is individual, the mind is unbeatable and no government can do anything about that, "except shoot us one by one or arrest us". Their duty is to make sure real words never fall on the ears of those who have no fucking clue what this world of bullshit is made of. It is our duty to make sure someone somewhere sees something that sparks individual intelligence.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line


How far can censorship go, when posted on the doormat 1st amendment FREE SPEECH-FREE PRESS.
How fucking contradictory can one form of dictatorship be in a land sheltered by such simplistic beliefs? No justice is being served to those who bare freedom on the chest and no one will ever listen to the stereotypically guilty individual caught using their mind.
I think holding ones personal abilities to communicate feelings openly without suppression is immoral and that there is the true crime. Having our say is the same as them having theirs, how can we have equality if only one side gets heard? I speak for myself and others who stand with me, I have no fear for which can not harm me, in my mind I am free and no man can take that from me, but in death and thus releasing me from this mortal prison.
Censorship is the embodiment of all that is bad, covering up truth to fit with their selective tastes, censorship has no life in my home, my country, my world.
Scream for equality, Fight for your RIGHT to be heard!

just a line

Just My Opinion

Is it just me or does everyone wonder why that some just don't, and probably will never get it?
Lately I have been confronted with an interesting yet repetitive topic of discussion, my opinion, I see it like this, my site is about myself, my own experiences and my own knowledge, plus everything I find on the way and help bring it to light.
I believe if everyone were as open with their complaints and discontent with the government as they are with my opinion, a lot would be changed in this world and for the better not the worse. You see, opinions are what accumulate an acknowledgeable function, which in turn proclaim its usefulness in a social order such as our own.
As it remains, few of us speak against the government, never mind scream in outrage! No one wants confrontation with the prospects of losing more of what they think their freedom is. The government has instilled this fear into every opposing thinking person with devastating results.
As for my opinion, I am just one more fish in a vast lake of ignorance and selfishness.
Our society is run by invalids usually too fucked up on their own medication to know what is good for themselves never mind a country.
I am an individual not a machine, we are all humans thus retaining us the right of being called unique, if we can't agree on being different what can we agree on? How is a society made up of so many different people supposed to act the same when their leaders in government are starting wars on that very premise.
There is no justice for the weak and no glory for the strong, we are all together in this personal war against our rights to be free. We need to put aside our legislative ignorance and close our democratic closet, function as one globe for all humanity. Why should there be a tiny government in every backyard, why should we live under rules written for children, why should we be punished for wanting freedom?
I see this as offensive, not my opinions, but the truths behind these opinions.
I am not the only person in the world who goes out and witnesses, I am not the only person on this planet who has eyes and ears, I am not the only person with an opinion.
We need to fight the system, not ourselves or eachother, that's just what they want, they have no reason to be afraid if we can?t stand and function as one for one.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

No End In Sight

Troubling issues arise while away in my mind, I see so much shit and nothing I nor anyone can do about it and it all makes you question, "just why the fuck do we fight"?
I care so much for my freedom, even though I have none! I fight so hard to remain controlled and subjected to ignorance on a daily basis, but I never see anything being done about this atrocity against humanity.
Police with the right to do as they please, politicians who answer to no one, a military that protects other countries from countries like us and citizens all brought up on the same pipe dream of a belief that they, we, us, are born FREE!
These dreams should have been a reality long ago, yet government, religion and money destroy communal humanistic demeanor, corrupting justice, blinding better judgement with propaganda and distracting the population with mindlessness of astronomical proportions.
We need a better way of living, we need our species to act for the better of the species not for the better of the one or two who choose to horde or gain what others refuse or just can't obtain.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Opinionless world

Imagine a world where conversations were comprised of outside perimeters and limitations set forth by outside forces. Well this is the future we are heading for and we are falling deeper into a more suppressive state of community where we as humans are unable to speak our discontents with the hypocritical laws that supposably bind us to our humanity. How is it human to enslave humanity for growing or smoking a plant, not produced by man but by nature meaning "NATURAL" not poisoned and bloodied with billions of deaths and disease like the governments funded plantations of death products. The only thing law protects is the assholes making them, that way when they step out into the streets no one has the right to put them away for life for infringing on a few million humans lives daily for however long their pathetic run in office was for. It is even more disturbing that just because there are three names on a ballot for voting in new dictators to a free land but sad to notify everyone that, you don't have to vote for one if you don't want to! This fucking system is a joke, its in place to keep reality at bay, well "they don't have the right". Live life free or die fighting for it, take all you want of my material possessions and I will still have my mind, these are the true threats. Individual thinking should not be suppressed, it should be exploited so the whole fucking world hears and sees what else goes on in a real world, not one covered up by bullshit propaganda and straight out lies, but fact and real life accounts of legislation gone wrong. Get off your asses people let these shitheads in congress know your pissed, tell them you want your right to life, to choose for yourself, to be FREE.
Stay up stay high, keep up the good fight.
Peace pot & prosperity

just a line


So far as the government digs deeper into our personal lives the only thing to come from it is more legislation involving loss of privacy in the home.
I am deeply disturbed by the fact that a cop has the right to enter your home, your place of residence, the place you think you pay for and own, because they have a feeling you are doing something inside.
How would it feel to be sitting there smoking a joint in your house and have the door knocked down because someone said they thought marijuana smoking was going on. They could be thinking you are a drug dealer when in fact you have never sold a joint in one day of your life and have never been arrested for anything. Seeing that most pot users will have marijuana and paraphernalia everywhere "it is your home that you pay for and are taxed on to prove it" are now finding yourself with a 10 year prison sentence because they find your bag of grass and plants out in the backyard.
How about as your sitting there in your home and you happen to have an argument with a spouse and someone calls the cops, did you know you lose your 4th amendment right to privacy and then you right to freedom simply because of a neighbors phone call.
Domestic is what they call it when you raise your voice in america before 10 o'clock at night on a weekday, invasion of your home and privacy and raping of your constitutional rights as an american citizen is what I call it.
These people making decisions in congress and legislative powers need to understand, they facts gathered on drug use on teens and under are not and should not be a viable way to base judgement on a society that is of age and of sound mind and body.
Statistics drawn up by questions answered by children on a school survey should not be the basis for legislation involving adults, nor should a question involving a child be asked without a legal guardian there to provide fact that these children ignorantly answering school surveys with no clue what they affect with their immature lies.
Stop lying to these fucking people, ignorance will never be overcome if everyone has their head shoved so far up their asses from propaganda.

just a line

For the Narrow-Minded

I would like to dedicate this entry to my fellow humans who have a problem with my bad language and poor taste in social topics.
I would to like to point out that while you sit there writing me offensive little notes about how bad I am and how much you disagree with what I am saying apparently missing the underlined objective of my site itself.
You see, being that it is set up for one purpose "to invoke thought" I am achieving just that, even when receiving ignorance as feedback because of something mistaken or misunderstood or just not read at all!
The disturbing part of being criticized for my opinion, is the fact that those who do judge are using the same damn right I am and in that being our right to our opinions and right to speak freely.
I don't see how censoring people from literature is neither logical nor understandable, how would one know what was, without seeing it for themselves? I don't tell people to not speak, I am open to opinions and open to new truths...FACT not here say!
Presumption and suppression, criticism and domination, these tactics won't work in a society of individuals.
If we the ones with true respect and equality in mind are wrong for our decisions then so be it, but don't claim to be or know better than another without first humbling yourself with some humility.
Please take responsibility in the condemnation of the human race and destruction of this fine planet, for your judgements rule and limited values are already at hand and working hard to demolish community.
Open your minds, close your eyes, dont believe everything you see and never eat anything you didn't kill!

just a line

Poke Fun

Poor little piggy fell down while chasing a mule across an open plain of grass, through a field of emptiness only to break his ass. This is a metaphor left up for you to decide, I hope you like it and it makes you giggle.

just a line

Think Damn It!
I wonder to what extent we as humans are actually free?
Where is our freedom when it comes to marijuana and equality in the consuming world?
By what right do they possess that we don't?
By who's orders are THEY able to withhold our constitutional rights?
How is it possible for these topics of freedom to arise in conversation in such a free land?
Where is the logic in imprisoning the citizen population for consuming an herb?
Why is it so hard to live with individuality, why can't we live differently?
Where is the scientific data that the government uses to produce their anti-marijuana campaign propaganda?
When is the truth really true, when they say so, or when you find out for yourself?
Keep it real?

just a line

I know I am not the only one in this fucking country who can read, so why is it our right to free speech remains under fire continuously?
I am so pissed off at the fact that everyone in this conservative shit hole of a country feels it their place to force their ways and beliefs onto others?
HEY IF YA DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK, DON'T LISTEN, DON'T READ AND DON'T WATCH, but don't complain when you remain ignorant and uneducated.
Proper speaking people are no better than anyone else on the face of this miserable planet. For you people to run to our legislatures over other people's way of speaking this fucked up language, then you are obviously flexing your right to free speech by using your voice, your opinion and your way to convey the message, thus turning you into a hypocrite.
I am baffled by what these assholes are thinking while sitting there writing new dictatorship-like legislation to a free nation. It is scary to think about, and I am more worried for future generations that will live under a militant/police state controlled by government officials with weapons.
Stop voting for these pricks, old farts and corruptible puppets?
Make a difference by letting your congressional asswipes in on your thoughts as an American citizen you are entitled, possibly let them know you exist outside of prison walls?
Don't let them take away our voice, for if we don't have this tool we are nothing but mute monkey's.
Keep it real?

just a line

Why is it the best things in life that claim free are usually riddled with cost? How come in this day and age we as humans are expected to create revenue for a branch of legislation which otherwise would rather see us in prison than on their streets? I don't see how it's logical for us as citizens of America, or any other country for that matter, to be subjected to single-minded dictatorship. Dictatorship disguised as democracy, leading people to believe their singular participation within the system of legislative democracy works, it's not valid, it's not true, and no, your vote doesn't matter. The candidates are already elected. Your vote is a disgusting punchline, and for us as free-thinking individuals to consider claiming part of the conspiracy against the people of this great planet would be the greatest mistake ever to take shape. I see a volunteer-based government which has no say in our homes. I see a government led by individuals with nothing to gain or lose. I see a government free to communicate truth to its people, not of one country but representatives from around this planet that we all share. I see a government that will be human, not a puppet with so many minds pulling the same string. It's no wonder things are as bad as they are. I'm baffled by the inconsistencies of democracy. All the corruption, all the discrimination, all the inequality, and this just leads me to believe that the system in place is wrong, unjust, and undeserving to a race of beings that claim to be more than mindless monkeys awaiting death.

just a line

Open Up
Seeing that the government will never hear my voice, I am forced to use technology to convey the messages of our culture. We the marijuana users of the United States of America should be free in this land our forefathers established 220 years ago to consume cannabis marijuana and cultivate it on our own land for our own personal use. I believe this to be our right as citizens of the greatest country on earth. That's not saying much when 70% of the prison population is made up of non-violent drug offenders. I believe it our right to consume what we see fit without government legislation making my food and medicine out to be a criminal act for having nature supply the demand. I see the government working against the people not for, and when stated in our Constitution in the opening heading, paragraph one, first three word, "We the People" is not what we receive for believing in the dictator-like scenario. The government belongs on the street, not in our homes, not in this land which states freedom to all. Freedom to those who can afford it, I guess. The government has its priorities backwards when thinking of the American public and what is good for others. We are all individuals, not just numbers. We have minds and bodies all our own, and they should have no say as to what we decide to put into our bodies. As long as we are not hurting anyone around us nor ourselves there is no problem. The government supports the rights of alcohol and tobacco, along with their biggest money making machine -the Rx industry- so why not marijuana? The medicinal values are uncountable and the qualities of its bi-products are immeasurable, so why not? I believe it is because they are working against the better interest of those whom it concerns. They are not affected in their decisions. As far as police and political figureheads are concerned, they are above the laws they pin on us, the ones who are withheld their rights everyday because of blind legislation. END THE WAR ON MARIJUANA, FREE THE PRISONERS OF WAR.

just a line

Let it be questioned
As a activist working for the decriminalization of cannabis marijuana I am continuously confronted with this one revolving issue: Who will receive while the other does not? Who will have the right to consume, while the other does not? Who will benefit while the other does not? These questions can be answered with some troubling truths. First is the fact that the tobacco industry would take a huge loss in revenue. Second, the alcohol industry would have major competition. And, last but not least, the taxation of a plant that grows naturally anywhere in any climate is unfathomable and therefore an issue for public consumption. Marijuana users live longer lives than tobacco users, and decriminalizing marijuana to the public would only ensure a collapse of this murderous industry. I personally would be one of the first to quit cigarettes the day cannabis becomes legal. The alcohol industry is producing more deaths yearly than natural causes, and this is just one more piece to the government's translucent puzzle of deception.
While contributing to so many deaths, they claim to be saviors with the Rx industry, which in turn has killed and ruined more than they would like to take claim to. While the government supplies the public with these junkie makers, they withhold the rights of those who choose differently. It is not in social equality's best interest to subject one end of society to hypocritical legislation while allowing the rest of the world the freedom to consume what they feel they should. The similarities between alcohol and marijuana, tobacco the same. Not in any one of sixteen years of consumption have I ever felt uncontrollably dizzy, fallen down or thrown up, or violently assaulted friends and then claimed an alcohol-like form of amnesia. The government has one too many concerns for their money making machines, while generating billions of dollars off of people's deaths seems to be the only thing the government will allow to the public. I mean, hey, if it kills someone, give it to them all! Not all of us want to die, not all of us drink alcohol, not all of us are like you, nor do all of us want to be. Why should we be forced into submission by legal threats on our freedom because of our right to choose our consuming habits? These questions remain unanswered, not by us, the people who starve for our freedom in this "free land," but by those in legislative power. Those who write the law have the opportunity to correct their predecessors mistakes, and right a wrong so unjust, so unequal, so disgustingly hypocritical, that it turns many humans, stomachs to say they are "Americans" free and strong. We are slaves and we are weak. We need to unite, rally, and overcome these legislative obstacles. We must fix these mistakes before more are imprisoned. We need to correct this before one more person's life is ruined by the so-called legal system. If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line


What is it with people that feel it necessary to infringe on every ones life around them?
How can one person voice their discontent with another persons opinion without first voicing theirs?
I don't understand this shit one bit!
I don't get why it is necessary to hold one persons life down while letting the other coast by unscathed, I can't see how it is relative to the social fabrics to light communal fires.
I hate the fucking fact that these dickheads in congress feed this fire daily, with every stroke of their pen totally unaffected by their our rights sink deeper into the abyss, one by one, till we as slaves are all that remains.
I am having a hard time keeping my opinions in my head.
I see so much and wish for others to do so as well.
I personally see us as so much more than just the stereotypical potheads they make us out to be. I see us as productive members of society, some hard workers and some not, but there seems to be plenty of non-smoking non-working people as well so keep that in mind when considering equality.
We don't need more laws to rule us, we don't need more closed-minded propaganda to divide us, we need solidarity, we need the now!
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line


Once again more and more I see it, again and again, racism and stereotype's...when will we learn? When will humanity wake the fuck up? When, no time soon I bet, considering the realism's that are at hand...society at the boiling point, governments on the verge of losing control, and humans starting to realize their worth "not in dollars".
People need to start with the one responsible action in mind "RESPECT THOSE THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE RESPECTED" I don't see how that is so hard to obtain, yet here we are all on the one same commonality "MARIJUANA & PERSONAL CHOICE" so why, WHY THE FUCK are you bickering about color? No grounds for reason, and the ignorance of one can poison the structure we are trying to assemble, like fruit rotting on a vine. Sad to say "I don't think all of us get it" which is sad, just sad!
hopefully something said makes someone think, who knows maybe even wake some people's slumbering minds up....or whatever, "as long as we all have our opinions and are free enough to speak them"
anyways, keep it real people, don't play their game....stay high, stay free.

just a line

The day the government fell.

A day will come where we as an enlightened species shall provide our own judgement and social structure. A day will arrive where we as free citizens of planet earth will be able to unite without legislative persecution.
This day will only appear to those who glance hard enough through the bullshit and hypocrisy, some day we will prevail. A day will come when the governments tyranny is no more and their limited minds are of no concern to reasonable people of sound mind and body.
Why can't we live in this society now you may ask yourself?
The government refuses to disarm and disperse, that in turn creates the hesitation for freedom. One ruling party trying to compete with other ruling parties within the same globe of others trying to rule eachother, this is a no win situation and I am proud to say "I have had nothing to do with its construction, but with it's deconstruction".
Hopefully someday our dreams will come true and the government will fall to it's knee's and beg forgiveness, "not likely", but we can hope can't we?
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

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support free speech on-line

I have been asked several times for my opinion on what type of government, if any should be in place, what type should exist?
First I start off by answering that all government is a mockery of what freedom actually means and then second the motion that the government is responsible for more deaths than cancer.
I see a government "if one should exist" made up of willing volunteers that collect nothing but self-satisfaction for their daily routine of overseeing legislative implementation.
I see majority parties and minority parties a racist way of legislating to a specific race and consider it to be an unworkable way of thinking when looking at the human race as a single species without characterizing like a racist fool.
For the existing government to think their way is THE WAY is closed-minded and a very narrow way of putting a perspective on a human.
I see the human race as more much, much more, and for this limited way of life to be restricted from our own selves by dictatorship is just an unbelievable. To actually have to say THATS WHAT FREEDOM REALLY IS makes me more sad to say I am an American by forced birth, not by the rights of individual choice.
Our rights to choose are so far gone that the presidential candidates fall off the ballot simply because they do not have enough money to own that amount of power never mind be able to have supporters of what the believe.
I am questioned continuously on these issues of government and legalization and always turn back to my answers from within. Once again our opinions are all we have, seeing we are only the minority party we will never have equality so we must gain our grounds through education and knowledge, not dollars and corruption.
Some day humans will realize we are all on this bubble of stone and water together and we need not have dictatorship by conflicting authorities ruining healthy lives created with freedom in the heart.
Money needs to replaced with humanity and compassion, not fines and taxation.
Money is responsible for as many deaths as the governments of the world.
Money will drain even the biggest ocean dry.
Stay free and keep on thinking.

just a line

11th annual Freedom Rally Pictures

click here

just a line

Rally gone awry

After being witness to this years, 11th Annual Freedom Rally on the Boston Common in Massachusetts I have noticed a certain misrepresentation and misconception as to what it was set up to be all about.
Standing there watching the crowd of heavily stoned 13 year olds and the media eating it up and as the cops ran around arresting and harassing anyone and everyone that looked too stupid to defend themselves, I could only think to myself "what's this about again"?
I don't believe people care enough to get educated on what helps when trying to make change. Obviously it isn't going to be the ones who can't vote or for that matter even spell decriminalization to begin with nor will it be the adults who already have their stabilized future and bruised past, it will be the 18-30yo demographic and statistically here folks the numbers already add up against us.
As these children light up and laugh into a camera aimed at showing disturbing pictures to a blinded society of propaganda saturated people just plays into more "moral" stereotypes/stigma's. Having so many able to vote constituents gathering in one place for one cause would make one wonder exactly why weren't they over there filling out the petitions?
I talked to a lot of people while there letting people know exists and had a lot of conversations with just about everyone friendly enough to come up and speak their minds on the issues with me. Topics such as medical use, law reform and outright Legalization were the last thing on most of their minds; more like "where can I find a bag" or "do you know where I can get a bowl" were the questions of such concern.
I don't understand how so many people can be there attending a protest situation and have so little a clue.
I had one or two good talks with a few very interesting people while sharing the curbside with U.S Senator candidate Carla Howell and U.S Libertarian Presidential candidate Harry Brown. Many other helpful organizations which had carried a lot to the stand when confronted with questions on the future with decriminalization and the end of the drug war were in attendance to help provide a brighter aspect to the ridiculousness taking place behind us.
I couldn't help but to feel overwhelmed by the fact that the only reason people were there was to smoke pot outside. Why couldn't these assholes that were doing nothing but screwing it up for the actual purpose of creating a new justice for our indulgences. We are not there to smoke pot, we are there to make changes, getting thrown in jail isn't the change we were trying to convey, and smoking pot outside wasn't on the agenda.
I can't get past the children staring boldfaced into a news camera and taking a nice big hit with no relevance to life other than getting more legislation wrapped around what's left of our freedom. Every arrest made (70 in all) went on a little note to more government statistics, which help keep things like decriminalization from becoming a reality.
We have no choice but to stand by, we have no choice but to watch what we fight for go up in smoke, we have no choice because we don't want to make the right choices.
If we were to have our consumption habits legalized a small portion of legislation would be involved for it to work in society. Having Personal Marijuana Responsibility in hand is a must as with personal responsibility with alcohol and tobacco along with many other over the counter drugs. You don't see drinking in public legal, you can't drive around drinking and driving and you wouldn't sit in a park and throw beer at a cop and these are all legal for consumption. So why the hell would you think doing something like smoke pot in public when it is still an illegal act? Why would you blow a lung full of smoke at a cop when it is not legal and known to be considered assaulting a police officer? How the hell can you honestly think what you were doing was helping what was supposed to be a pro-marijuana protest?
The cops filled Massachusetts residents in on what would happen to them, the news camera's were on and not for taping the happy go lucky side of being a stoner and the radios had nothing purposeful to say about it
How was change to be made when all these facets working against us were there in force? I couldn't see how our future was being represented here, I couldn't get past the ignorance of the majority being taken to heart while the knowledge of the true activists unfortunately the minority goes on unnoticed.
Our lives depend on what others think in today's youthful society of non-thinking individuals and where there is thought there is stereotypes and misconceptions of what is to be for yourself not the other.
We as individuals seeking happiness in this world need our private needs to be our own, we need our rights and we need to think of how to make it become a society of non-judgmental individuals who legislate to themselves what they should and should not indulge in.
Having the government spending billions upon billions of our tax dollars on the Drug War isn't what our money should be going to. Having these funds rush in and out of congress with imprisoning our brothers and sisters in its sights isn't what we as citizens feel our lives should be turned into.
I don't see how change can be made though, especially when the majority isn't considering anything but staying behind closed doors and hiding from the truth. I don't see legislatures being nice one day and just handing us the right to get stoned, so what the hell is a person to do?
I say we stand strong, stop being stupid about it and start organizing. Let our battle be known, let the world know 25% of the WORLDS prison population is made up of NON-VIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS. I know 25% doesn?t sound like much, but this is worldwide, millions of people in jail and some till they die all for enjoying their right to choose.
The government is the leading cause of death from ages 18-35; the government is destroying our communities and disrupting the natural order of things to come with immoral distributions of ignorant injustices. We as activists need to embrace enlightenment, overcome these obstacles all to beat the system that is beating us so badly.
If we stand together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line
The harder we try!

A community of social integrity and intellectual madness, what a concept to try and grasp in an existence full of double standards and outright lies, I wonder how we have survived this long without self-destructing?
With all the restrictions placed on personal choice and individual beliefs it's a wonder how we as a species maintain ourselves in our daily struggle to live free. Oppression seeping from one side of democracy into another form of dictatorship while legislatures continue on with their law making, while never noticing what's being lost in the process.
Our freedom is not tangible yet we see it within our grasp, teasing us like a rodent chasing its food around while its stuck to its ass. As we seek for truth or as some would consider "more lies", we find it misconstrued with more infestations of others beliefs and what they may or may not think is good for the other while never considering what is good for themselves.
I wonder what exactly do we as a society of thinkers want to do with the world once we figure it out, how will we damage the little bits of land left, how will we demolish the next piece of real estate, how can we enslave the next race?
I am slightly sickened by the fact that so many people in this world are so caught up in the all mighty dollar that they neglect to notice what the true value of life "real life" actually is. Even worse are these fuckers who claim to want more freedom while voting for more laws, or less issues with money while scurrying about for more useless artifacts of their daily routine.
I am baffled by these concepts, these simplistic people making it so damn difficult to get along in life with life. I am at a loss when it comes to what will be, will it really be as they say or just the way we think it will turn out or do we just let the shit fly and wait and see who it hits next?
The government is setting out on a fast track to wiping out our rights one by one while the activists stand there arguing over money that isn"t theirs and regular old simpleminded civilians go on paying their taxes and never stop to wonder why the politicians are getting rich.
This useless pettiness amongst friends, brothers, sisters and family has to stop. We need solidarity in today's complicated society. If we can't find peace on this planet then I suggest its time we fly to outer space where we can just suffocate in our little ships and get our lonely lives over with.
I hope to see the human race wake up one day within my lifetime and as expect it would most likely go unnoticed by everyone either way. I mean, what would you do if the fight were over, how would you handle your daily routine if you didn't have to struggle?
I wonder'is anyone listening, is anybody out there, does anyone care?

just a line

11th Annual Freedom Fest

Meet up with myself and over 80,000 attendies on Saturday September 16th, 2000 for one of the countries largest Freedom Rallies. The 11th Annual Freedom Festival will be held from High noon till 6pm on the Boston Common at the base of the Massachusetts Statehouse to generate awareness to our cause, to register voters for the up-coming ellection, for music and speakers as well as venders and other activists. MassCann/NORML sponsored event click links below for more info.

will you be in the crowd

Picture above is of last years 10th Annual Freedom Fest

Speaker schedual

Band schedual


lets change this sort of attitude:

"Casual drug users should be taken out and shot." Daryl Gates, Chief of the LAPD, before the US Senate.

just a line

Will you make the difference?

For the past few years the Annual Freedom Festival in Massachusetts held by MassCann/NORML on the Boston Common has been scrutinized for its actions and thoughts on the hypocrisy of the War on Marijuana.
The police in Boston and surrounding towns have made it their personal duty to search and arrest whoever they see as a potential marijuana user/buyer or seller "via, while riding trains, buses or even walking but more at the rally itself".
I myself have been on a few trains over the years that were stopped on route to North Station Boston because the conductor thought there was drug dealing going on in the train. As we seen person after person, after person being dragged out and cuffed to the fence along the side of the tracks... everyone began to wonder, just how many people were actually doing something wrong?
Anyway, back on track of what I was saying... knowing the police are doing this and are going on TV saying they are going to do it isn't just half the problem. The people who know and go ahead anyway with doing stupid shit that under any other circumstance they would never do, do it right then when it counts against us as a whole.
Having been to every possible rally in Boston held I have seen the same lame trend kicking the dust up with the rulings on decriminalization and minors using it openly. The media is eating up the fact that they can walk around in a public park and see a 12 year old smoking a joint saying "fuck you" to the cops, only then to be carted off to the pig tent where he gets processed for $25 and charged as a criminal, while never asking a true activist who's there for more than just smoking pot outside in public.
The statistics add up when people are arrested publicly for simple marijuana possession. In a crowd of on-looking partakers I wonder why, "don't they change this madness" absolutely nothing is done only more encouragement for the police activities. Having our rights invaded and your right to protest, not your "right to openly break the laws" for now there are wrongful legislative acts still on the books, until that gets changed contradictions of protesting users shouldn't fall victim to a few hours of enjoyment and community.
The sad part is, is the fact that many who will show up at the rally on september16, 2000 will most likely be carrying quantities of marijuana and other drugs thus doing exactly what the fucking cops want you to do anyway. The fact being is too many people fall victim to their own undoing and this could all be avoided if you would just open your eyes and see the change from inside, not necessarily from the out.
Cops are playing a psychological game with its citizens and protests are the perfect opportunity for testing out new ways of subduing large crowds while in riot gear and armed with tear-gas. The police want you to bring your illegal drugs, why not fuck with them and bring your legal ones as well, what can they do if you have a case of cough syrup even though you can trip off of its effects when consumed improperly? What could they do if you walked in to the rally with over the counter caffeine pills and started handing them out to everyone? There is no law being broken if they are legal... yet marijuana is to be a criminal act and to be sentenced for ridiculous amounts of time for harming no one.
Don't allow bureaucrats to run your lives we are the ones who have to deal with their ignorance and threats on our freedom. We can make the changes that are necessary for freedom and equality to actually exist and only by standing together, united in our cause, screaming in one voice, will we overcome the hostilities towards our live's.

just a line
Last one standing

I have found more times than not, we as humans existing to die are subjected to the pathetic attempts to subdue our individuality by government-made puppets. We as a society of individually thinking humans need not be stereotyped as criminals for the narrow-mindedness of the legislatures.
Our right to live, to die & our right to choose all of these points are continuously compromised by some asshole senator/politician trying to make a name for themselves. Incarceration doesn't lead to reform it leads to revolt, seeing just how many humans can be stacked on top of eachother within the prison system isn't educating anyone, just proving that what one thinks as BAD the other does not.
Sex offenders roaming freely to rape again, alcoholics go on undiscouraged, while pill popping pharmaceutical junkies go on unregulated. Marijuana has not killed nor ever will have claimed a life as long as the government has nothing to do with its NATURAL GROWTH.
Marijuana has the potential to overwhelm the stock market with its millions of dollars generated from the masses of consumers who feel it their right "not privilege" to be able to consume without being treated as a criminal.
As I watched the news last night I found myself deeply disturbed by the outcome of a conversation taken on by a media rep of FOX and an Albany politician on the (Hypocritical War On Marijuana) and how the facts keep piling up against the machines propaganda.
While 72% of prisoners were imprisoned for first time non-violent drug offences, simple marijuana possession and or growing, drunk drivers who claim lives, destroy families and themselves go unpunished. Rapists receive a "get out of jail free card" as long as they raped a child or helpless invalid, but hey sure fill up the prisons with non-violent drug offenders who have done nothing but enjoyed themselves without having to harm another human in the process.
A growing number of pissed off civilians are mounting, a revolution is in the making, as Thomas Jefferson said "we need a revolution every 100 years". Well... times up folks, let the shit fly and hit the fan hard, it's time to unleash our discontent onto the legislatures madness that has been released on us without provocation.
Its not just a question of country, the world is in this together... the governments of each little country fixing to fuck us all with one mighty blow, each combining their political hypocrisy are all working so hard against us, its about time they met up with some friction.
If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line

Who Started It?

While protesting the government's uselessness within our society, we are continuously confronted by police in riot gear. They say we are violent, they say we push them, they say! Where is it written down that we are not able to protect ourselves "even against the authorities", how are we "the ones not wearing guns" portrayed as violent?
When standing there with you're hands on a picket-sign and chanting for freedom and change "while not being allowed into meetings of our political puppets" violating the constitutional rights we were given over 200 years ago?
When cops dressed to hurt enter the show everything goes upside-down and as they forcefully push their way through a crowd "to keep order" they say, "to disrupt unity" I say they are truly the violent ones! In case you reading this weren't aware we were given another constitutional right just for this occasion "the right to lawfully protect yourself from harm by any means necessary, including by means of deadly force"!
When a battle pig steps into the arena dressed in plastic armor, carrying a loaded gun, a baton, mace, cuffs, small sidearm "just in case", teargas and a stun gun makes you wonder...who started the violence, who starts the shit, who threw the first punch.
Cops are breaking the law by carrying loaded weapons in crowds, schools and in public, yet go unattended because it's their job. Cops smashing peoples, heads in with clubs to get their attention is ok by political standards "it helps focus the individual more", they say. Cops shooting teargas into a crowd just makes for a beautiful scene when all the flashing lights and screaming people start to blend in a horror filled night.
These motherfuckers need a taste of what's coming to them, civil disobedience has not yet begun to disrupt that which keeps us down as free people. These bastards will push too far one day and humanity will arise and overcome these wrongful acts that continuously plague us.
We have the right to PROTECT OURSELVES and by that we have the right to DEFFEND OURSELVES, our right to rally, protest and scream against the legislature's ignorance isn't wrong nor violent, "Its our Right"!
The police are threatening, they are war machines brought from the battlefields into our homes not to protect you, but to protect the legislators from you. A person carrying a weapon is threatening, a person carrying any one of the ten things of violence a cop carries makes me feel "threatened". By these actions I am justified to instantaneously protect myself from any harm that could erupt due to the "individual armory" standing in line with me at McDonalds.
Stand up people, don't let congress shove these mindless fuckers down our throats, don't allow them to continue, don't think it's all to protect you from them, because its not even like that. We are being misled by the fact that the police are there to "protect and serve", more like "protect and serve those who are above you in the democratic order"!
Our constitutional rights are being infringed upon and our individual rights are being raped, as with our right to unify, so now that we are slaves without a voice or foot to stand upon "what are we now"?
Don't let this happen people, don't just let your rights fall into oblivion, stand together united against this hypocrisy, if we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line

Pissing into the Wind!

As non-productive one may see "pissing into the wind", I decided this to be the best and most accurate metaphor I could think of for having a government or ruling party dictating to peoples consumption habits simply because they have the power to.
I and millions of others don't take part in the alcohol industries onslaught of drunken murders or the cancerous wrath of the tobacco industry or even contribute to the Rx industry which has been responsible for just as many non-natural departures from this planet. We as humans are entitled to be free, without dictatorship destroying our freedom or limiting ours while freeing others.
Rapist's, child molesters, violent offenders and politicians seem to be what the norm is for social equality, if you are not on drugs prescribed to you or drunk you are wrong and should be imprisoned for it.
As non-productive as pissing into the wind is, having a congressional party voted on, to destroy what we wish to have changed is exactly what the route of the metaphor is based.
Voting in dictators to bitch about being dictated too, having your rights fucked with while another's rights goes untouched, having unequal taxes, unequal representation in congress, having ethnic and religious battles, even down to dollars and cents?
Our society is riddled with hypocrisy, a metaphor in itself, as unable as one is to figuring these wrong doings out, we will create more hypocrisy in the process, help fight the wrong and make it "RIGHT" again!

just a line

Nucking Futs!

Wow are we living in a hostile world or what? Armies at every boarder, governments ruling generating wars, civilians racially divided and not to mention the ignorance, disrespect and disregard for human life.
It's no wonder at all why humans are so socially inapt! No wonder people get violent in crowds, no wonder people get offended when told what to do, it is an absolute wonder we haven't totally wiped eachother off the face of the planet yet.
I get so mad everyday at all the wrong, all the lies, all the hypocrisy, all the things that being free isn't supposed to include. I get so anxious when I wake up to find out if my rights from yesterday are still intact and luckily secured for one more day.
Freedom is not for the weak, I know this, fighting for it means hurting for it, remember in every conflict there is a loser. By always being on the defensive means always having an edge, considering all that actually gets fired at one person for being a truly outspoken individual with more to say than the everyday chit chat.
These actions should be respected in it's own ways and the struggle to be heard shall, not to be fought with and discredited simply because the governing body states we are wrong but by grabbing them by the ears and making them listen.
We can't continue as a society of mass crowds faceless and nameless, we need structure and solidarity to prove we are a force to not worry about but respect for the opinions gathered within.
We can't have individual governments within a single form of government as we do here in America where each state is its own ruling government with the federal government watching on.
We can't have contradictions within our ruling parties and expect the social structure to mend itself without first seeing our leaders do it first. Live and learn, experienced teaching the inexperienced,,,passing our knowledge from one generation to the next, to evolve without fearing devolution.
We must collectively reach one point in humanity where we are all equal, where we all can exist together as one for one, not I, me or them...but we and the us for now and ever.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Make it or break it!

Seeing as we are such criminals in the eyes of congress, I have to wonder where they gathered their assumptions and even where they could have possibly accumulated such facts to support their claims of wrong doings set forth by marijuana users.
Never once seeing proof of a violent outburst because of pot-smoking, makes one wonder...what exactly are we doing wrong when we get sent to jail for 15 years for growing a plant that is naturally growing world-wide without man's help?
I don't see marijuana users as the criminals in this game of chance. I see these legislatures who give alcoholics the right to drink themselves into a shit storm as the true criminals. By supplying the means to kill or harm others with very few real prison terms served for homicides while drunk is not justice, but hypocrisy...these are the true criminals.
Marijuana smoking does not inhibit your abilities to reason and recognize ones true responsibilities to themselves, nor does marijuana impair the brain to the extent of alcohol seeing that people blacking out and puking on eachother is not really associated with marijuana use, only that of alcohol and heroin.
We are criminals for choosing differently, we are criminals for refusing dictatorship, we are criminals simply for the fact that we wish to be free of oppression. We as humans need to be free enough to consume as we see fit, we should be free enough to have the right to our unique decisions, we the criminals have done nothing wrong, only wish for better.
If we are to take our lives back and control our own homes we must first stop letting ourselves be guided by ignorance, racism and stereotyping. These simple little characterizations are the catalyst to war's and oppression. If we stand as one for one, one species for all...we shall overcome these hypocritical obstacles being thrown in our path to freedom.
The war will never be over, not until we are all equal!

just a line


Standing still in a world of motion, some would suggest "this is what life is all about", I would probably agree considering the majority of people in the world don't know or even want to know what the true meaning of their existence is.
It's all rather disturbing when you decide to take a moment from your "busy little penciled-in 9-5 life" to pick your head up long enough to realize what the true nature of life actually consists of.
Seeing how easy it is to disregard, ignore or even pass life by without ever recognizing what truly makes a life worth living. Happiness shouldn't be stereotypically distributed among those who can afford it, it should be for all and everyone alike to join in on.
Society has left society hanging in the wind, no one cares and no one cares that no one's all a vicious cycle of ridiculousness. Society claims individualized yet remains controlled and separated from the true nature of life.
Community, unification among all social classes and above all "Equality", we must first put aside our bullshit differences that divide us and seek eachother. Seek communal communications to voice opinions about our social issues, seek eachother and bring forth knowledge some may not be privy too & always seek the truth!
If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

just a line


Seeing society metaphorically, as a functioning machine with its faults and solidarity, we stride so hard to make it work, to keep its parts free of obstacles and scurry like ants when it breaks down.
Society, working together for the good of society is more of a dream than a reality. The fact being that the majority of people work everyday towards destroying lives and nature. This machine we all think we want is exactly what we are fighting against.
We are dealing with a paradox. As it goes we have what we want on one branch and what we need on the other, all we have to hang on to is whats been given to us and if we stretch to cling on to either option we chance falling on our ass.
Having our lives torn between dollars and happiness, nature over substance, life over death... is no way to try and accomplish a peaceful unity between socially inapt legislatures who create more diversity within a structure created out of human beings.
One word "FREE", one thing "LIFE", lets not allow the government to separate whats left of our brother/sisterhood, if we stand united we shall prevail.

just a line

Yes, you!

Who the hell gave these people in the world the right to destroy our planet along with our essential human rights? We as a destructive species are destined to battle eachother into oblivion, seeing how our roll models in legislative positions distract civil peace efforts with adversity, propaganda and racism plus weapons, war and lives.
We are being ruled with weapons and racism...violence never solved anything nor has being judgmental, so why would more guns, more police and more laws bring peace to a world struggling against oppression?
These legislatures who feel it their civil duty to scribe more laws into their bible of hypocrisy need to be reeducated when it comes to dealing with humans that want peace, instead of money, war and death!
We as a society spanning globally need unity and compassion, understanding and open-mindedness to the fact that, we are all individuals! We are unique in our own and unique in a crowd of a billion, as we are the same in species we should be attempting to acknowledge these qualities of humanity that are being subdued by money, legislation and war!

just a line

More lost

Same issues, old topics, no triumphs, just more disillusioned people thinking they know whats happening in their day to day lives when it comes to their Rights. How could we be so blind, when humanity claims such superiority in the animal least animals know how to live without destroying their environment.
We have these ruling parties conflicting with eachother while trapping us the citizens who choose not to be involved directly with legislative injustices, yet to find ourselves the target of these hypocritical dictators onslaught to subdue the free thinking individual.
Legislation is not the last word, congress has no say in our homes, unless you give up your right to live free and in peace. These bastards in congress have no ground to stand on when it comes to our backyards, front porches and inside our homes.
The job of a politician is to be in an office, listening to their constituents, dealing with making sure their political brothers and sisters don't try and rape the rights of another human being.
That is not what we see or receive for allowing these dictators into office. They sit writing more laws, they invade our privacy for consumer information and they have infiltrated the schools of the youth with censorship and propaganda.
These outright attacks on the Constitution of the United States of America must not be allowed to persist, we must take back our homes, we must not let our freedom end in such ignorance.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Propaganda is not a must!

We as humans, thinking and conscious, should not have to have the truth spoon fed to us from a government that is supposed to deal in fact and justice. We as an enlightened species should be capable of comprehending fact from fiction.
As it is, the government has drown the public in so many lies and propaganda, half truths and bent realities that no one knows or has any idea of what exactly is occurring day to day with themselves or others around them.
Thanks to the facts and true science the majority of the government implemented propaganda has been reevaluated. Now it's a matter of time before the parties involved with distributing lies and sentencing will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
These dictators who are in office are doing nothing to better man or woman, child or adult. The only thing the government is concerned with is making sure we fall in the grooves set out by them for us to follow like cattle being lead to slaughter.
If we want more, we should receive more, not watch millions suffer because some are too limited in their ways to see past their own ignorance. If we wish to evolve as nature intended us to, we need to put aside such petty differences as to color, race, age, sex, beliefs or consumption habits and remove money from the equation.
Money creates inequality, money generates wars, money corrupts the best of us. So why I have to ask, "why is the most important thing to the world, the amount of money and material substances one can accumulate before death"?
I hope someone understands these issues? I wonder if anyone does or can make heads or tails of them? I only know, "these are my problems", not about money but about the right to live free and be equal and if we are to make it as we must, we have to grow as one for one. If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

No More!

As we battle our way threw congressional oppression we find ourselves in a more individualized situation. Now having separate opinions and beliefs as most individuals do should understand that not everyone thinks and reacts to the same things as others do.
We can not have our lives and freedom compromised simply because we can't or just aren't allowed to display our discontent because a few people out there that just can't communicate properly.
We can't have our lives put in jeopardy because the government or another individually minded person doesn't see from another persons perspective. We as a society trying to become something better should fully understand what that first entails. We as individuals trying to make this world a better place to live need our freedom, beliefs and communications to sustain our productivity.
These goals can't be obtained if congressional leaders are able to strip us of our rights every time they don't agree with whats being said. Who agrees with everything the government has to say, "not I for one" and I am sure millions of others out there are just as upset about the fact that these horrors are a reality.
If we can't discuss or communicate to others our opinions and beliefs without legislative action taken what kind of country or world would we be in then?
Dictate not to the masses of the free, for your legislation falls on deaf ears.
Please get involved and help end hypocritical legislation, contact your local representatives and make them listen.

just a line

Just think

Imagine if we were able to cross borders without having a hostile threat towards us because of our countries government? The possibilities are endless when you tear down the walls and open your minds up to something that would help us all in the long run.
Humans are closed off from one another and societies have propaganda forced down their throats by the governments that control them. We have no life but the ones we are given or simply allowed to have till it becomes inconvenient.
We as people, humans, friends and strangers all need to make peace our priority, not more legislation that forces war onto another country for no other purpose than for fuels and land.
I as an American have nothing to do with anything that this government has done to other countries yet I my existence is threatened along with millions of others when it comes to world travel because of what this and their government have done in the past or present.
Death over land that isn't any of ours and fighting over fuel that ruins our breathing air just seems unproductive, even monkeys have a longer life span, "well until they run into man".
We as a species need our communities to combine and overturn ruling parties for their outright attacks and atrocities imposed on humanity by these so called leaders who send their civilians to fight battles they are too fucking scared to fight themselves.
Just think and keep in mind, some day it will be ours, freedom to roam the globe without fear of threat from people mad at that persons government.
End hostilities towards civilians, government parties are to blame for the land and fuel wars, they are to blame for millions of deaths, they are to blame for ignorance and racism in schools and in public, they keep the candles we wish to get past as evolving usually calls for.
Just think, someday it might happen.

just a line

Don't Be So Aggressive!

Why is it every time there is a new conflicting interest within the social order the first to reach for their aggressive nature is the police? How is it in our best interest to show force when, none was being put forth by the attendees? How can society be tamed by a person swinging a nightstick or better yet standing there screaming while pointing a loaded shotgun at you!
How can the government see it as a justified means of crowd control when the cops are the ones assaulting the citizens? Is it me or did these assholes in officers uniforms never read the constitution of the united states, in any case they are out right attacking our freedom and then blaming the violence on the protesters.As far as we the citizen are concerned, we have the right to remain silent! As for justice imposed by hypocrites we have the rights of a slave and if we voice our discontent in numbers they have the right to attack us with teargas and rubber bullets.
How can this shit happen in this day and age where we claim to be an enlightened species? Enlightened of our own demise more like it, I guess destruction is all man is good for in the first place!Please folks, get involved, help end this war on our freedom, help end the war against humanity, end dictatorship and we shall prevail!

just a line


A revolution is in order I believe, I think that the government and all congressional/political leaders of the world should turn in for the rest of their days as humanities friend. The governments of the world are pitting civilians against themselves when the true beast is in the machine.
The machine of legislation is breaking down our culture of peace and community, these aren't profitable for a government bent on making money for more destruction so they can build again to destroy it.
Our society needs to defend itself against these genocidal dictators trying to erase us from the face of the planet. No prison can hold a mind, not even one set forth by the same fucking government, which states we have the right to speak our minds without persecution or fear thereof.
I don't live in paranoia yet I am paranoid, knowing my life is threatened because they don't agree with me, what if the tables were turned, then would they feel the same as I, or would they fold and take it in the ass like they want us to?
The government needs to be disbanded it needs to be broken down and ripped apart, our rights as humans are known at birth without legislation dictating what one can consume while the other can not. The government KILLS, militaries KILL, organized religion KILLS, so why are we the cannabis culture the ones rotting in prison?
This fucking place needs to be cleaned up once and for all, let these words come from me first, THIS WORLD NEEDS A NEW ORDER!
Only does an individual know what an individual wants and needs and what is best for them, no outside interference or fear of persecution should fall on a human for making a decision.
Let the government fall where it stands and free the spirit of humanity that is suppressed within, our species is capable of so much more than war and greed, control and death.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

Celebrating being a slave

Today is our Day of Independence here in the United States of Hypocrites and as free as some may like to believe we are, some are in for some rude awakenings.
Massachusetts state and town police forces have been arresting and fining AMERICANS for purchasing and discharging fireworks in AMERICA, to celebrate their independence and freedom.
Now knowing that these towns, cities and states are putting on their own shows that just happen to have fireworks, makes a citizen wonder how free are we? Vendors pay to be at these gatherings, people pay to park and eat at these gatherings, but no citizen may enjoy themselves in the privacy of the own back yard.
While your sitting there watching these hypocritical displays of glorious explosions and flares, remember, those are of our tax dollars. Every firecracker set off is another tax hike for next years assurance that citizens will be too affraid to purchase their own enjoyment from the fear of going to jail for transporting legal entertainment across state boards.
These towns, cities and states themselves are running their own nights of money collecting. Why must a human pay and pay and pay to fit in these hypocritical standards of living? How can we celebrate our independence when in fact none exists?
The fight for our freedom is not over, our fight for freedom is just getting started. We aren't dealing with 200 year ago Englishmen, we are dealing with corrupted dictators that have so much power over us, most are blinded by it.
We need to unite as a unionized citizenship within our own standards of living, to be free and equal. We don't need a government, which openly displays its hypocrisy on a daily basis. We have no need for injustice and we don't need legislative dictatorship devouring our freedom at every turn.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall be Heard!

just a line

Open Your Eyes

Am I the only one who thinks that the present day government is overstepping their bounds? By entering our lives in the home should be taken as an outright attack on our civil rights, to be free is to live free, not have to fight for it when it should already be there.
Everyday that ticks past another hundred or so people go to prison for violation of their laws, their beliefs, and their standards of living. I am not one to fall in line so easily, I like my grass greener than the next guy but, my laws, my beliefs, my codes of life should be considered along with every other individual, not to be subjected to ones simple minded beliefs.
I see this growing amount of concern towards free speaking, free thinking people and I would just like to point out that once again, one can not voice an opinion suppressing anothers without first becoming a self proclaimed hypocrite.
I guess the moral of the story is, all should be taken into consideration when trying to communicate to more than yourself and writing laws that are pure hypocrisy is just injustice at hand and should be remedied as quickly as it formed.
Having a government subject free people to laws regarding their civil rights along with their constitutional rights and having them overturned out of convenience and money sake makes for hostile intentions.
Having a government trying to disarm the civilian, while arming themselves for confrontation is just a whole new war on humans. Logic states disarming would leave civilians depending on a government that has already proven its uselessness. Militaries only create war, they don't do anything other than squander billions upon billions upon billions of dollars paid out for by lovely tax payers who still don't think they have anything to do with it, all to help find and build a bigger better war machine of death.
Having these issues up front may make you question me, I am not the one who should be questioned, ridiculed or speculated upon, I am merely a concerned citizen of a country that has so far lied to me and imprisoned my culture.
If you want change, CHANGE IT!

just a line

P.S.A inequality

As many of us are aware, there are a numerous amount of Public Service Announcements (P.S.A's) that pertain to smoking cigarettes, but never calling on, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, caffeine or even industrialists who ruin more lives than these hypocrites claim tobacco does.
These fascist, discriminating, pieces of dung, need to stop oppressing others with their beliefs and moral judgements and let people make their own decisions on personal consumption. These people are no better than DICTATORS trying to rule slaves without a hassle and by having a child spokesperson is not only wrong, but not legal.
Without the consent of their parents or legal guardians these kids are unacknowledged by LAW because of the fact that they are BY LAW not within their right to speak freely seeing they are not of voting age.
As I watch the news on TV only to be interrupted by a child speaking of rights the government doesn't recognize till they are of the mature age of 18, preaching of how we the smokers are withholding their breathing air! Well, as you reach 16, you rush to drive a car which in return destroys my breathing air. So by your own condemnations I should be within my rights to withhold your driving privileges?
As I walk this planet noticing all the pollution in the air and trash on the streets and shit in our homes and cars everywhere and industrial plants burning waste freely planet-wide, I can use only one word to conclude this argument when it comes to these P.S.A's, "Priority"!

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In it or running from it!

How are we as humans trying to live free supposed to believe whats true when the majority of truths out there are nothing more then well built lies?
Isn't it disturbing to anyone out there that the governments of the world are conspiring against us? Isn't anyone mad at the fact that they are able to with hold ones rights while implementing differently for another?
How can the government not be held accountable for millions of deaths, millions of wrongful imprisonment, millions of destroyed lives and yet continue on this destructive path?
How is society to live peacefully when we are controlled with guns and fear of imprisonment? The government is a contradiction to what peace is and we will never know of true peace while such factions are in control.
We must ban together, justify our discontent and make them listen, make them understand and make them change, If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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Scream it!

As an activist for the decriminalization of marijuana I am frustrated as to what and how to do it when it comes to how to get involved at times...I mean, I work almost all day getting the words out there but are people actually listening?
Is anybody out there "I wonder", is it just me thinking like this? I know there are a lot of activist working harder and some not doing a thing but are they thinking what I am, I wonder if they all see what I do?
How is Marijuana still in the books as an illegal substance when there is nothing wrong with it scientifically or medically, plus the facts that remain unaltered...Marijuana is Natural, non-tainted by man-mad poisons and addictive agents. Marijuana testing and government cultivation has proven that it has no side affects unless you considered the munchies as a bad thing?
I throw seeds down every time I go out and pass flyers around to everyone, plus on-line action and nothing, no answers just more questions. How can I do more? What can I do to be more effective without going to jail for it?
I bust my ass to retain my rights to free speech and the right to print whatever the fuck I want plus the fact that we are in war with the government that blankets us with propaganda and hypocritical legislation. We our just defending ourselves and within our constitutional rights we have the right to defend ourselves at any cost from ruling parties and government dictatorship.
I refuse to let my freedom go without a battle, of words or more...but I will not go quietly into that good night "to coin a phrase". I hope everyone is with me when I say, "I will fight till dead for my right to free speech", if we can't speak we are nothing and if we do nothing but listen without ever questioning we are fools.
We must not let the wool get pulled over our eyes by the government folks, this would be a grave mistake to discount the powers that be. I can only hope I can do more someday when it comes to my freedom.
Please get involved.

just a line

Injustices Passed From One Generation To the Next!

Here we are, on Earth, ever going in perpetual motion, only to be riddled with the same ignorance and prejudices our parents and their parents all the way to our forefathers and beyond have been riddled with.
How is it possible for everything around us to evolve yet, the human race moves backwards ever so slightly at every turn of the calendar? These illogical methods of deconstructive social orders and binding laws of democratic ignorance need to be put to pasture.
Generations need to be born free, to live free! None of our past generations nor present day generations have given eachother the respect they deserve. Racism rules, society is broken down by government statistics and characterization is the only way most people know who they are.
To obtain sanity in this generalized hypocrisy I have been writing my thoughts out for others to see, in hopes that maybe someone out there is reading this and feeling the same way I do, or even question the same stupid shit as I do? As it seems, not many people care enough, not many people feel it their place to stand up, not many people see it their civil duty to ensure justice, truth and freedom...I DO!
Our generation has the means of communications that none of the others did, now that we have this power, most can only create cyber sex and porn, but others out here have made a world of new thinkers and brave new people willing to speak out.
Our generation will be the one to open the eyes of not just American dictators but the rest of the worlds governments as well. We have the Power of the Mouse, the WWW and all it's glory, so what will you do with it?

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Get with it!

How is it possible for a child to claim part on issues they are not of age to be included within? These children have the government ramming them into the publics asses with anti-pot and anti-tobacco campaigns but never using the real people or topics that are affecting humanity to make changes, just more hypocrisy.
How is a child age 13, going to make a better world by helping propaganda platforms out in subduing human freedoms? These kids are answering questions by law that are illegal to ask them, like drug statistic data forms in schools where everyone answers, YES to everything because it makes them out to be cool.
How can legislatures see this as productive? I only see a counter suite taking place where now you have managed to abuse the publics emotions! When seeing a child plea for something they not know what, everyone sits back in awe and demands change, yet never actually seeking the truth within the campaign that they are witness to.
These pathetic attempts to wrong the people will not sit well once someone more than me wakes up and notices the pattern. These congressional assholes are spending millions of our tax dollars for children to speak against their own families along with people they do not know.
These leaders in the political imbalance we call democracy are taking advantage of your rights, emotions, schools, churches, kids, minds and homes...what more hostilities against humanity does one need to defend themselves rightfully according to the constitution of the united states?
We are within our right to dismantle this bureaucracy! We are within our right to consume as are you without legislation discriminating against one while others do just the same, only they are free to do it.
These double standards and the way of the paradox can't help, they can only do more wrong and by adding to the madness by tossing children into the fire is just immoral.
These kids haven't had enough time on the planet or real world experience to make the decisions whether or not to consume something, that's hwy the law withholds their rights.
So why the fuck are we being scrutinized by children for something they have not the right to scrutinize over?
Wake up people, don't let them take your family away, don't allow them to feed you kids heads full of propaganda, it didn't work for you, us them, what makes you think it will work for these kids?
If We Unite Together As One Voice We Shall Be Heard!

just a line

The Many, not the few.

Well I think some people use the phrase free speech to protect their anger and hostilities...Forcing ones opinion onto people who voice they don't want to hear it makes it wrong, not free but oppressed. I feel bad for all of us, seeing how we are all so different and have so many different views on the issues. It makes it hard for us to get along as we should. Mindless bickering back and forth when all this energy could be put forth towards decriminalization and freedom. Individuality is hard to keep once found and hard to forget once lost, we can't subject people to censorship but at the same time we can't be walked on when trying to serve a purpose..."it's the perfect paradox", which side do we choose? "Hopefully the one that's right"?

just a line


How is it logical for the medical community to indorse alcohol consumption for health reasons, when in fact it is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths world-wide yearly?
I can't see how it is possible for the public to except the Rx community and governments scientists definitions as to what can and can't be consumed by the public. As unequal as one may not see this as, I for one see great hypocrisy within this structure made for them, not me.
I can not agree on consuming something that "KILLS YOU", as for marijuana, it has never happened and is physically impossible thanks to these scientists trying to prove their propaganda to be fact.
The lies are and the lies will remain and keep growing, as does the request for truth and freedom. Legalized prescription drugs and government implemented anti-campaigns on potential competition is the root of discrimination and inequality.
Why should one product monopolize the trade market when in fact industrial hemp and cannabis marijuana could take over within hours of its hitting the stock market. Cotton trade would be lost, lumber stocks would fluctuate and medical stocks would plummet, not to mention the fuels, oils and enjoyment that can be made from its byproducts.
The government has no right to withhold our MARIJAUNA!
Fight for what is rightfully ours, given to us directly from mother earth, sustainer of all life on this fine planet.

just a line


So it's the year 2000 and still we fight like we were back in the Stone Age, not only is violence an issue but racism and ignorance run ramped throughout society. No one is safe from the savage ways of our history and no one is pure or better than any other calling themselves human.
Anti-Semitism and radical displays of outright atrocities against the human race should be a forgotten mistake of the past. Yet some ignorant people claiming to be superior simply because of the color of their skin, only proves that once again "teaching racism breeds racism"!
I am sickened when confronted by a child portraying a nazi-skinhead or better known as an all out race hater. I am more sickened by the fact that their parents who claim better only teach the ignorance of a belief already dead.
Having one race claiming superior only breeds a new bunch of race haters and more violence towards a society just trying to live in peace. African- American's building gangs to protect themselves from the White's building gangs to protect themselves from black's, while Asian build their gangs to protect themselves from Hispanic gangs all while trying to accomplish the same goal, "supporting their right to live without oppression".
Obviously I am not the only one in the world who sees the flaw in the pattern of events taking place right before our very eyes. Racism is leading our culture, our people, our nations, our lives into the ground.
We as one race equal and human alike must stand united together with peace and trust in heart and mind to beat these odds stacked up against us set forth by everything that has come before us. If we are to defeat history we must create new history, new tomorrows, a new society.
Society shouldn't blend, it shouldn't have to separate, society needs it's individuality to survive as the human race was meant to. Having our lives buried in ignorance based on what others have done and then to cling to such madness as if it were our own is only beyond me.
I had nothing to do with slavery, I had nothing to do with the murdering of the Jews, I had nothing to do with the billions of deaths caused by the good name of the lord. I am just one individual of many who just want peace and freedom.
I shouldn't have to be scared simply because I am Jewish by blood, not to live in fear because some fucking twelve year old with his head full of his parents teachings of Hitler has a grudge for he knows not why.
No one is expected to take the blame for something we, they or us had absolutely nothing to do with, unless of course you are of the many still bent on backwards evolution. I can't see as far as tonight nor can anyone, but if we are to survive we must coexist, not resist community while expecting it in return.
Please, be human, trust and love...stay up, stay clear.

just a line


For the hostile and racially consumed people driven by anger and ignorance, this entry is for you folks.
How can you see yourselves as anything but the fucking root of the problem? How can you see yourself as a productive member of society when threatening the existence of everything different around you? How the fuck can you go to sleep at night knowing the things you do affect every community, not just the race or races you are against?
I can't stand you race hating ignorant little assholes so scared of individualism that you cling to a deadmans morals and a belief system set on violence and exploitation of other races to benefit your own ignorant supremacist asses.
Where has society gone wrong here folks, where we as pot smokers are imprisoned for smoking a plant while these pigs roam free to oppress every race they come into contact with?
These violent members of our community that decided they are better than others for the color of their skin, are in fact no better than the fucking people they are against. Not saying anyone is good or bad, just that humans are haters and spiteful and that seems to be where the work needs to be started, not by killing eachother and hating every generation from then on after.
The government plays a huge roll in the white race playing societies guardian and making blacks out to be the bad guys while never recognizing the other 70 or so ethnic backgrounds covered globally and housed within the United States walls.
This kind of unequal mentality is the basis from which ignorance is breeding, if the government portrays ignorance and racism, why not the people? Well the government is wrong and the assholes who follow blindly with these hypocrites need to be slapped in the fucking head and woken the hell up.
The world shouldn't be characterized and colorized, we are all of one race, one species, one familiar structure, we are all HUMAN! We need to put aside these insignificant quibbles of past generations and move forward with our social structure, not devolve into a mass of race haters set in it's ignorant ways.
Haven't we as a species grown past such indifferences, haven't we moved clear of white and black, man and woman, or are we still stuck in a time where we can't eat, sleep or shit in the same room together?
I hope you fucking people with nothing but hate in your hearts and minds hate everything I say or at least learn something from whats said, maybe even start changing your ways, if not...remain useless, we shall prevail. To all humans alike, stay free, stay individualized.

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Fear nothing

I can't see past this shit we are given to live with in this fucking country. What is there to fear about individuality other than the recognition or acknowledgement of the lack within?
As a race of individuals I see it as a counterproductive measure to ensure the people from ever exploiting intelligence. Congressional leaders can't have their constituents running around doubting their laws and questioning their authority, so they make us out to be conspirators against a government conspiring against us.
I can't see how these puppets can consider themselves as "productive" when imprisoning the population with more wrongful legislation. I can't see how people can subject themselves to these binding laws, "which inhibit our rights" and consider it as a justifiable means of government implementation.
There is nothing to fear from individuality, the only thing to fear is the suppression of it! If we are to survive as humans should "FREE and within COMMUNITY", then the government needs to get the fuck off our front lawn and back in the office where they belong.
The government invading our homes is not government, nor civil service, but vagrants and corruptible mental midgets impersonating political leaders. We must not allow this invasion of our privacy to sink into oblivion. The government needs to have its boundaries brought back a few years and reminded of their duties.
Having a single-minded, self-centered, egotistical, law writing fool in congress isn't for the better of a nation, but for it's downfall and destruction and now taking into consideration the fact that the majority party is comprised of these hypocrites we now know where we lay within our political structure.
Enemies of the state, criminals in our own homes, this is not the life I choose to live but the one I have been forced to lead. I have no choice in the matter for my choice has been stolen and dictated to me, for now I am the puppet, who will pull my strings?

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Chaos is Rule

Let those who rule with weapons be under-minded by those with weapons.
The mind is the most dangerous of all weapons ever created and to suppress an individuals means of self-expression and right to speak would be like asking a bird not to fly or a fish not to swim.
A human is communications, movement, emotions, sound and visual acuity all which help our species learn and evolve along with the conscious decisions that compiles our intelligence into an environment which can not be controlled.
The mind is not a machine, the mind is individual, the mind is unbeatable and no government can do anything about that, "except shoot us one by one or arrest us". Their duty is to make sure real words never fall on the ears of those who have no fucking clue what this world of bullshit is made of. It is our duty to make sure someone somewhere sees something that sparks individual intelligence.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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How far can censorship go, when posted on the doormat 1st amendment FREE SPEECH-FREE PRESS.
How fucking contradictory can one form of dictatorship be in a land sheltered by such simplistic beliefs? No justice is being served to those who bare freedom on the chest and no one will ever listen to the stereotypically guilty individual caught using their mind.
I think holding ones personal abilities to communicate feelings openly without suppression is immoral and that there is the true crime. Having our say is the same as them having theirs, how can we have equality if only one side gets heard? I speak for myself and others who stand with me, I have no fear for which can not harm me, in my mind I am free and no man can take that from me, but in death and thus releasing me from this mortal prison.
Censorship is the embodiment of all that is bad, covering up truth to fit with their selective tastes, censorship has no life in my home, my country, my world.
Scream for equality, Fight for your RIGHT to be heard!

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Just My Opinion

Is it just me or does everyone wonder why that some just don't, and probably will never get it?
Lately I have been confronted with an interesting yet repetitive topic of discussion, my opinion, I see it like this, my site is about myself, my own experiences and my own knowledge, plus everything I find on the way and help bring it to light.
I believe if everyone were as open with their complaints and discontent with the government as they are with my opinion, a lot would be changed in this world and for the better not the worse. You see, opinions are what accumulate an acknowledgeable function, which in turn proclaim its usefulness in a social order such as our own.
As it remains, few of us speak against the government, never mind scream in outrage! No one wants confrontation with the prospects of losing more of what they think their freedom is. The government has instilled this fear into every opposing thinking person with devastating results.
As for my opinion, I am just one more fish in a vast lake of ignorance and selfishness.
Our society is run by invalids usually too fucked up on their own medication to know what is good for themselves never mind a country.
I am an individual not a machine, we are all humans thus retaining us the right of being called unique, if we can't agree on being different what can we agree on? How is a society made up of so many different people supposed to act the same when their leaders in government are starting wars on that very premise.
There is no justice for the weak and no glory for the strong, we are all together in this personal war against our rights to be free. We need to put aside our legislative ignorance and close our democratic closet, function as one globe for all humanity. Why should there be a tiny government in every backyard, why should we live under rules written for children, why should we be punished for wanting freedom?
I see this as offensive, not my opinions, but the truths behind these opinions.
I am not the only person in the world who goes out and witnesses, I am not the only person on this planet who has eyes and ears, I am not the only person with an opinion.
We need to fight the system, not ourselves or eachother, that's just what they want, they have no reason to be afraid if we can?t stand and function as one for one.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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No End In Sight

Troubling issues arise while away in my mind, I see so much shit and nothing I nor anyone can do about it and it all makes you question, "just why the fuck do we fight"?
I care so much for my freedom, even though I have none! I fight so hard to remain controlled and subjected to ignorance on a daily basis, but I never see anything being done about this atrocity against humanity.
Police with the right to do as they please, politicians who answer to no one, a military that protects other countries from countries like us and citizens all brought up on the same pipe dream of a belief that they, we, us, are born FREE!
These dreams should have been a reality long ago, yet government, religion and money destroy communal humanistic demeanor, corrupting justice, blinding better judgement with propaganda and distracting the population with mindlessness of astronomical proportions.
We need a better way of living, we need our species to act for the better of the species not for the better of the one or two who choose to horde or gain what others refuse or just can't obtain.
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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Opinionless world

Imagine a world where conversations were comprised of outside perimeters and limitations set forth by outside forces. Well this is the future we are heading for and we are falling deeper into a more suppressive state of community where we as humans are unable to speak our discontents with the hypocritical laws that supposably bind us to our humanity. How is it human to enslave humanity for growing or smoking a plant, not produced by man but by nature meaning "NATURAL" not poisoned and bloodied with billions of deaths and disease like the governments funded plantations of death products. The only thing law protects is the assholes making them, that way when they step out into the streets no one has the right to put them away for life for infringing on a few million humans lives daily for however long their pathetic run in office was for. It is even more disturbing that just because there are three names on a ballot for voting in new dictators to a free land but sad to notify everyone that, you don't have to vote for one if you don't want to! This fucking system is a joke, its in place to keep reality at bay, well "they don't have the right". Live life free or die fighting for it, take all you want of my material possessions and I will still have my mind, these are the true threats. Individual thinking should not be suppressed, it should be exploited so the whole fucking world hears and sees what else goes on in a real world, not one covered up by bullshit propaganda and straight out lies, but fact and real life accounts of legislation gone wrong. Get off your asses people let these shitheads in congress know your pissed, tell them you want your right to life, to choose for yourself, to be FREE.
Stay up stay high, keep up the good fight.
Peace pot & prosperity

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So far as the government digs deeper into our personal lives the only thing to come from it is more legislation involving loss of privacy in the home.
I am deeply disturbed by the fact that a cop has the right to enter your home, your place of residence, the place you think you pay for and own, because they have a feeling you are doing something inside.
How would it feel to be sitting there smoking a joint in your house and have the door knocked down because someone said they thought marijuana smoking was going on. They could be thinking you are a drug dealer when in fact you have never sold a joint in one day of your life and have never been arrested for anything. Seeing that most pot users will have marijuana and paraphernalia everywhere "it is your home that you pay for and are taxed on to prove it" are now finding yourself with a 10 year prison sentence because they find your bag of grass and plants out in the backyard.
How about as your sitting there in your home and you happen to have an argument with a spouse and someone calls the cops, did you know you lose your 4th amendment right to privacy and then you right to freedom simply because of a neighbors phone call.
Domestic is what they call it when you raise your voice in america before 10 o'clock at night on a weekday, invasion of your home and privacy and raping of your constitutional rights as an american citizen is what I call it.
These people making decisions in congress and legislative powers need to understand, they facts gathered on drug use on teens and under are not and should not be a viable way to base judgement on a society that is of age and of sound mind and body.
Statistics drawn up by questions answered by children on a school survey should not be the basis for legislation involving adults, nor should a question involving a child be asked without a legal guardian there to provide fact that these children ignorantly answering school surveys with no clue what they affect with their immature lies.
Stop lying to these fucking people, ignorance will never be overcome if everyone has their head shoved so far up their asses from propaganda.

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For the Narrow-Minded

I would like to dedicate this entry to my fellow humans who have a problem with my bad language and poor taste in social topics.
I would to like to point out that while you sit there writing me offensive little notes about how bad I am and how much you disagree with what I am saying apparently missing the underlined objective of my site itself.
You see, being that it is set up for one purpose "to invoke thought" I am achieving just that, even when receiving ignorance as feedback because of something mistaken or misunderstood or just not read at all!
The disturbing part of being criticized for my opinion, is the fact that those who do judge are using the same damn right I am and in that being our right to our opinions and right to speak freely.
I don't see how censoring people from literature is neither logical nor understandable, how would one know what was, without seeing it for themselves? I don't tell people to not speak, I am open to opinions and open to new truths...FACT not here say!
Presumption and suppression, criticism and domination, these tactics won't work in a society of individuals.
If we the ones with true respect and equality in mind are wrong for our decisions then so be it, but don't claim to be or know better than another without first humbling yourself with some humility.
Please take responsibility in the condemnation of the human race and destruction of this fine planet, for your judgements rule and limited values are already at hand and working hard to demolish community.
Open your minds, close your eyes, dont believe everything you see and never eat anything you didn't kill!

just a line

Poke Fun

Poor little piggy fell down while chasing a mule across an open plain of grass, through a field of emptiness only to break his ass. This is a metaphor left up for you to decide, I hope you like it and it makes you giggle.

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Think Damn It!
I wonder to what extent we as humans are actually free?
Where is our freedom when it comes to marijuana and equality in the consuming world?
By what right do they possess that we don't?
By who's orders are THEY able to withhold our constitutional rights?
How is it possible for these topics of freedom to arise in conversation in such a free land?
Where is the logic in imprisoning the citizen population for consuming an herb?
Why is it so hard to live with individuality, why can't we live differently?
Where is the scientific data that the government uses to produce their anti-marijuana campaign propaganda?
When is the truth really true, when they say so, or when you find out for yourself?
Keep it real?

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I know I am not the only one in this fucking country who can read, so why is it our right to free speech remains under fire continuously?
I am so pissed off at the fact that everyone in this conservative shit hole of a country feels it their place to force their ways and beliefs onto others?
HEY IF YA DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK, DON'T LISTEN, DON'T READ AND DON'T WATCH, but don't complain when you remain ignorant and uneducated.
Proper speaking people are no better than anyone else on the face of this miserable planet. For you people to run to our legislatures over other people's way of speaking this fucked up language, then you are obviously flexing your right to free speech by using your voice, your opinion and your way to convey the message, thus turning you into a hypocrite.
I am baffled by what these assholes are thinking while sitting there writing new dictatorship-like legislation to a free nation. It is scary to think about, and I am more worried for future generations that will live under a militant/police state controlled by government officials with weapons.
Stop voting for these pricks, old farts and corruptible puppets?
Make a difference by letting your congressional asswipes in on your thoughts as an American citizen you are entitled, possibly let them know you exist outside of prison walls?
Don't let them take away our voice, for if we don't have this tool we are nothing but mute monkey's.
Keep it real?

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Why is it the best things in life that claim free are usually riddled with cost? How come in this day and age we as humans are expected to create revenue for a branch of legislation which otherwise would rather see us in prison than on their streets? I don't see how it's logical for us as citizens of America, or any other country for that matter, to be subjected to single-minded dictatorship. Dictatorship disguised as democracy, leading people to believe their singular participation within the system of legislative democracy works, it's not valid, it's not true, and no, your vote doesn't matter. The candidates are already elected. Your vote is a disgusting punchline, and for us as free-thinking individuals to consider claiming part of the conspiracy against the people of this great planet would be the greatest mistake ever to take shape. I see a volunteer-based government which has no say in our homes. I see a government led by individuals with nothing to gain or lose. I see a government free to communicate truth to its people, not of one country but representatives from around this planet that we all share. I see a government that will be human, not a puppet with so many minds pulling the same string. It's no wonder things are as bad as they are. I'm baffled by the inconsistencies of democracy. All the corruption, all the discrimination, all the inequality, and this just leads me to believe that the system in place is wrong, unjust, and undeserving to a race of beings that claim to be more than mindless monkeys awaiting death.

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Open Up
Seeing that the government will never hear my voice, I am forced to use technology to convey the messages of our culture. We the marijuana users of the United States of America should be free in this land our forefathers established 220 years ago to consume cannabis marijuana and cultivate it on our own land for our own personal use. I believe this to be our right as citizens of the greatest country on earth. That's not saying much when 70% of the prison population is made up of non-violent drug offenders. I believe it our right to consume what we see fit without government legislation making my food and medicine out to be a criminal act for having nature supply the demand. I see the government working against the people not for, and when stated in our Constitution in the opening heading, paragraph one, first three word, "We the People" is not what we receive for believing in the dictator-like scenario. The government belongs on the street, not in our homes, not in this land which states freedom to all. Freedom to those who can afford it, I guess. The government has its priorities backwards when thinking of the American public and what is good for others. We are all individuals, not just numbers. We have minds and bodies all our own, and they should have no say as to what we decide to put into our bodies. As long as we are not hurting anyone around us nor ourselves there is no problem. The government supports the rights of alcohol and tobacco, along with their biggest money making machine -the Rx industry- so why not marijuana? The medicinal values are uncountable and the qualities of its bi-products are immeasurable, so why not? I believe it is because they are working against the better interest of those whom it concerns. They are not affected in their decisions. As far as police and political figureheads are concerned, they are above the laws they pin on us, the ones who are withheld their rights everyday because of blind legislation. END THE WAR ON MARIJUANA, FREE THE PRISONERS OF WAR.

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Let it be questioned
As a activist working for the decriminalization of cannabis marijuana I am continuously confronted with this one revolving issue: Who will receive while the other does not? Who will have the right to consume, while the other does not? Who will benefit while the other does not? These questions can be answered with some troubling truths. First is the fact that the tobacco industry would take a huge loss in revenue. Second, the alcohol industry would have major competition. And, last but not least, the taxation of a plant that grows naturally anywhere in any climate is unfathomable and therefore an issue for public consumption. Marijuana users live longer lives than tobacco users, and decriminalizing marijuana to the public would only ensure a collapse of this murderous industry. I personally would be one of the first to quit cigarettes the day cannabis becomes legal. The alcohol industry is producing more deaths yearly than natural causes, and this is just one more piece to the government's translucent puzzle of deception.
While contributing to so many deaths, they claim to be saviors with the Rx industry, which in turn has killed and ruined more than they would like to take claim to. While the government supplies the public with these junkie makers, they withhold the rights of those who choose differently. It is not in social equality's best interest to subject one end of society to hypocritical legislation while allowing the rest of the world the freedom to consume what they feel they should. The similarities between alcohol and marijuana, tobacco the same. Not in any one of sixteen years of consumption have I ever felt uncontrollably dizzy, fallen down or thrown up, or violently assaulted friends and then claimed an alcohol-like form of amnesia. The government has one too many concerns for their money making machines, while generating billions of dollars off of people's deaths seems to be the only thing the government will allow to the public. I mean, hey, if it kills someone, give it to them all! Not all of us want to die, not all of us drink alcohol, not all of us are like you, nor do all of us want to be. Why should we be forced into submission by legal threats on our freedom because of our right to choose our consuming habits? These questions remain unanswered, not by us, the people who starve for our freedom in this "free land," but by those in legislative power. Those who write the law have the opportunity to correct their predecessors mistakes, and right a wrong so unjust, so unequal, so disgustingly hypocritical, that it turns many humans, stomachs to say they are "Americans" free and strong. We are slaves and we are weak. We need to unite, rally, and overcome these legislative obstacles. We must fix these mistakes before more are imprisoned. We need to correct this before one more person's life is ruined by the so-called legal system. If we unite together as one voice, we shall be heard!

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What is it with people that feel it necessary to infringe on every ones life around them?
How can one person voice their discontent with another persons opinion without first voicing theirs?
I don't understand this shit one bit!
I don't get why it is necessary to hold one persons life down while letting the other coast by unscathed, I can't see how it is relative to the social fabrics to light communal fires.
I hate the fucking fact that these dickheads in congress feed this fire daily, with every stroke of their pen totally unaffected by their our rights sink deeper into the abyss, one by one, till we as slaves are all that remains.
I am having a hard time keeping my opinions in my head.
I see so much and wish for others to do so as well.
I personally see us as so much more than just the stereotypical potheads they make us out to be. I see us as productive members of society, some hard workers and some not, but there seems to be plenty of non-smoking non-working people as well so keep that in mind when considering equality.
We don't need more laws to rule us, we don't need more closed-minded propaganda to divide us, we need solidarity, we need the now!
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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Once again more and more I see it, again and again, racism and stereotype's...when will we learn? When will humanity wake the fuck up? When, no time soon I bet, considering the realism's that are at hand...society at the boiling point, governments on the verge of losing control, and humans starting to realize their worth "not in dollars".
People need to start with the one responsible action in mind "RESPECT THOSE THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE RESPECTED" I don't see how that is so hard to obtain, yet here we are all on the one same commonality "MARIJUANA & PERSONAL CHOICE" so why, WHY THE FUCK are you bickering about color? No grounds for reason, and the ignorance of one can poison the structure we are trying to assemble, like fruit rotting on a vine. Sad to say "I don't think all of us get it" which is sad, just sad!
hopefully something said makes someone think, who knows maybe even wake some people's slumbering minds up....or whatever, "as long as we all have our opinions and are free enough to speak them"
anyways, keep it real people, don't play their game....stay high, stay free.

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The day the government fell.

A day will come where we as an enlightened species shall provide our own judgement and social structure. A day will arrive where we as free citizens of planet earth will be able to unite without legislative persecution.
This day will only appear to those who glance hard enough through the bullshit and hypocrisy, some day we will prevail. A day will come when the governments tyranny is no more and their limited minds are of no concern to reasonable people of sound mind and body.
Why can't we live in this society now you may ask yourself?
The government refuses to disarm and disperse, that in turn creates the hesitation for freedom. One ruling party trying to compete with other ruling parties within the same globe of others trying to rule eachother, this is a no win situation and I am proud to say "I have had nothing to do with its construction, but with it's deconstruction".
Hopefully someday our dreams will come true and the government will fall to it's knee's and beg forgiveness, "not likely", but we can hope can't we?
If We Unite Together As One Voice, We Shall Be Heard!

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