Welcome to
G. I. G
Greggs Independent Graphyx
I have been creating these designs for no other purpose other than for my own personal enjoyment...I hope you find as much in them as I have.
These images were created for my business, I am attempting to appeal to the correct crowd with my art work...I mean come on, not everyone likes my stuff!
click these images for larger view
Here are some new images I have been fooling around with.
Thanx for your support.
Feel free to e-mail me for
design work, conceptual, business...
contact me: Herbal@surfree.com
Don't forget to rate my site Ya-Hooka.com listed under (Welcome to Herbals Head)(click here) Thanks to all the support my site has now made the TOP40 at YaHooka.com come check out all the other informative sites that have made the list (click here) MORE TO COME AS THE DAZE GO ON