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The Wright Stuff

Ian Wright is one of the hosts of Lonely Planet, which is probably my favorite show on t.v right now. I'm trying to get every episode he hosts on tape... but I got set back a few weeks due to technical difficulties with my VCR. But I got a new one so all is well in my world! I'm not obsessed TOO much, eh?

Ian Wright is 37 years old. He was born in Suffolk, England in 1965. Before becoming a host on Lonely Planet, he spent 3 months in Guyana with Operation Raleigh, 3 months in Egypt, 7 months travelling aroung India and Nepal, and 6 months around Europe (including Poland and Romania).

Ian is also an artist and a theatre perfomer. Some of his paitings can be found in an exhibit in Chats Palace. Ian also writes plays in school's for 9-11 year olds, runs drama and art workshops for 3-11 year olds at the Children's House in Islington on weekends, and he also works with children with behavioural difficulties in special schools.

Ian has won the US Cable Ace Award on 3 occasions for Best Magazine Host for his Morocco, Central Asia and Ethiopia programs.


American Rockies, Alaska, Ireland, Fiji,
Southeast Australia, Russia, Arctic Canada, Nepal,
Japan, Romaina & Hungary, Romania and Hungary,
Northwest Africa, The Deep South, Morocco,
Greenland & Iceland, New York, N. Thailand & Laos,
Iran, Norway, Mongolia, Bolivia, Jamaica, Baja CA,
Corsica, Sardinia & Cicily, Rio de Janero, and Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan

Ian is currently host a program similar to Lonely Planet called "Globetrekker", which is on American public television stations. To check out more about the show and when it is on, visit (I will put it as a link down in the "Ian Links" section as well).


In Outback Australia
At a poetry contest...
"I'm a virgin poet so you gotta be gentle with me...
Sorry I was late, but I was bitten by a snake,
Nobody told me it was wild out here,
Yes, there's only one cure for snakebites when you're bitten on the bum,
and you get it in big glass bottles, and it's called bondi rum!"

In Mongolia
"...and this is the best supply of all- [pulls out Mars bar] I love you. [kisses the Mars bar] I love you. I love you. I love you..."

[while eating smelly meat] "I feel like i'm eatin' me Granny!"

In Fiji
"The lyme works wonders on your teeth... if you want to separate them from your gums".

In Tanzania
"It's called the Saranghetti, which means endless planes. There's a lot of wildlife here, but it's not all sex and violence, like you see on those wildlife shows".

In Kenya
[Ian watches the sun rise over the Saranghetti from the top of Mt. Kilumanjaro]
"It's been a six hour climb to get here, just to see the sun rise. And you know, it's been a really hard climb, and it almost killed me. You know that sense of achievement when you get at the end?... Well, I haven't got it at all! I hated it, it nearly killed me, its not better than sex, and I feel like dying".

In Cuba
[attempting to speak spanish] "Ay, seen-yore, seen-yore, c'mon mate!"

In Norway
[Thunder roars in the distance] "Oh, i've upset the gods! I must have said something wrong! [looking at sky] I'M SORRY!"

In Southeast Austrailia
"Easy-peezie lemon squeezie!"

In Uzbekistan
"So, they've got this statue now of this dead geezer, who was... well, a mass murderer. But hey, at least he was a local lad!"

In New York
"Now that's a sexy building!"

[While at the Empire State Building]"It takes 10 minutes to get up and 5 seconds to jump"

Ok, that is all I have! If you come back again, there may be more!!


Disclaimer: If there is any material on this page that you do not wish me to have that was originally yours, please tell me. The pictures I got from various web pages, and I am not making any profit from them. If you scroll down you will see I have given you credit for them!

Picture Sources:,

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Ian Links

Gullible Travels!
(An article about Ian from TV Week magazine)

An article about Ian and a couple of his pals

Cambodian Tales (article about Ian)

Globe Trekker Tv (official Pilot Co. site)
