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So my travel page is not really where I had planend it to be in the 5 or so years I have owned this site. I have only updated it VERY little...

I am in the process of looking for a scanner so I can post pictures of all mt best adventures. Some of the places I have travelled to in the near past have been to Utah, Washington D.C. (about 3 or 4 times a year, consistently for 2 years..), and a hiking trip up in Franconia New Hampshire. The latter was by far the most spectacular. It almost killed me. It was such a blast!! This year, I am going on my first real out of the country adventure to Nicaragua in March. I also plan to go up to Montreal this summer.

The biggest dream of mine is to someday backpack around Europe. I would like to visit Ireland & the UK, France, Germany, Austria, The Czech Republic, Amsterdam, and Russia.. and wherever else my wanderings lead me! I have every intention of planning this for about 3 or 4 years from now, after I graduate college.

Below are some neat travel links! Check out my section on Ian Wright, my idol. My plans to marry him have been foiled, however, as he is just recently wed. Oh well! He was too old for me anyway... sniff.

The Travel Channel

Lonely Planet
(official site)

Pilot Co.
(unofficial site about the show, with lots of info)

My Ian Wright page

Art of Travel (backpacking)

Backpack Europe! (great site, tons of info)