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Most Likely to watch over...

disclaimer: all things said on this page, as on any other page on this site, are said merely in jest
comments on aj's treatment were made PRIOR to him entering rehab
utmost respect and love ALWAYS to AJ, may he have a speedy recovery...laugh now...

Remember all those yearbook superlatives?'s some that Nina's Feet thought we'd present to our faves...

Most likely to become an ordained minister.
Most likely to refuse posing with naked women.
The Weakest Link.
Best Franco head movement during More Than That.
Most able to build an entire colony on his jawline.
Least likely to have a wife who stars as a lesbian on Broadway.
Most likely to thank God for each and every one of the stones tattoed on his arm.
Most likely to go to heaven.
Longest Nose Hair.
Most likely to thank God for any given reason.
Most likely to be OUTSIDE.
Most likely to wear black for a year if one of his dogs dies.
Most likely to make fun of you behind your back.
Most likely to live in a gated community that doesn't lock it's gates.
Most likely to make contact with you during a concert.
Most likely to outlive us all.

Most likely to date a stripper.
Dirtiest Mouth.
Most likely to become a championship bowler.
Most likely to visit rehab sooner than later.
Most likely to name his dog after alcohol, then tattoo his body.
Most likely to buy a car just to haul his jet skis.
Most likely to tell you teh secret of the universe while you're drunk.
Most likely to join the circus and become a trapeze artist.
Most likely to get nose cancer from lighting cigarettes through such orafices.
Most likely to find a dancing beat in any song...ANY.
Most likely to throw out his pelvis while doing a thrust or humping the floor.
Most body art
Driest Hair
Most likely to become not only a member, but president of Hairclub for Men.

Holiest underwear.

Stinkiest Garbage.

Most likely to grow out his hair, cut it off and donate it to charity.

Keeper of the Spirit Stick.

Most likely to dance like your father.

Most likely to have a helicopter pilot's license.

Most likely a reincarnated Civil War Hero.

Most likely to have stiff grass.

Most likely to steal Faith's sharpie.

Most likely to be incognito...but not really.

Most likely to have his eyebrows crawl away and join the circus.

Most likely to be seen smoking a scoobie doo bowl.

Most likely to fall asleep during a conversation.


Most likely to get hurt.

Most likely to own stock in Pillsbury.

Most likely to reincarnate as the king of his very own Trailer Park kingdom.


Most likely to singlehandedly save the ocean.

Most likely to get a toilet bowl seat for his birthday.

Most likely to talk to fans just to get presents.

Most pervertd father.

Most dysfunctional family.

Most likely to move 8 times in one year.

Most likely to think he's good at som ething, but he's really not.

Most likely to play Ishmael in the CBS airing of Moby Dick.

Most likely to have the audience say "OMG, what is that thing????" during a performance.

Worst grammar.

Most likely to make the NBA based on looks.

Most likely to forget his own name.

Most likely to rip the ass of his pants.

Most likely to have a fan club soley for his royal winkeyness.

Most likely to invest in thigh master.

Most likely to stop on a green light.

Most likely to put a pool table in the kitchen.

Most likely to be in therapy by the time he's 25.

Most likely to have watched the Matrix 250 times.

Most likely to star as Lennie in the TV version of Of Mice and Men.

Most likely to forget your name.

Strongest drinks.


Most likely to shop generic.


Straightest Hair

Most likely to fall out of a van when coming out of a club.

Most likely to be in AA by the time he's 30.

Most likely to scream "andale andale" during sex.

Most likely to scream "Fire in the Hole" at 4 am in the elevator!

Most likely to be caught screaming like a girl at a Culture Club concert.

Best arms.

Best oneliner in a television series. *It has Begun*.

Most likely to be mistaken for having Tourette's Syndrome.


Willa: Most likely to make your ears bleed when screaming "come on" at a concert.

Leighanne: Most likely to tip over if a slight wind crept up.

Kristen: Most likely to not exist.

Billy: Most likely to be in a movie about one bad ass mothah...shut yo' mouth...starring Samuel Jackson.

Marcus: Most likely to be on death row for bludgeoning fans with rocks.

Tommy Smith: Most in need of corrective vision surgery.

Denise McLean: Most likely to dress like a 15 year old.

Houston and Willy: Most likely to soil on your white rug.

Carmen: Most likely to get into a locked gated community.

Nikki: Most likely to be seen sneaking off with a bodyguard, band member, or maybe even one of the BSB.

Faith: Most likely to sleep through Nuclear Haulocaust.

Courtney: Most likely to own stock in a wig company.

Angie: Most likely to have the balls ot get all up in a bodyguard's face.

Neysa: Most likely to have a pit.

Neysa: Most likely to be looking at your shoes.

Kelly: Most likely to blow kisses at Nick.

Linda: Most likely to run in front of cars.

Callie: Most likely to show off her pootie to anyone who so desireth.

Courtney and Angie: Most likely to look into each other's eyes while dancing.

Carmen: Most likely to hug AJ while not wearing a bra.

Linda: Most likely to have Mylanta in her magical purse.

Carmen: Most likely to be pregnant and eat dry toast.

Sandie: Most likely to run the other way.

Sandie: Most likely to break a bone.

Aaron Carter: Most likely to turn you into a pedophile.

Leslie Carter: Most likely to have an album that bombs.

Jane Carter: In it for the money.

Guy Walker: Most likely to take a picture with you that you or he are taking.

Dennis Gallo: Most likely to do the dolphin with you during a concert.

Courtney: Most likely to not get a buzz from an entire bottle of white zinfandel.

NinasFeet: Most likely to walk barefoot in the snow to meet the BSB.

Mandy: Most likely to have the vocabulary of a truck driver.

Nikki: Most likely to NEVER MISS a BSB show.

Brooke: Most likely to get a picture of Nick by dropping her camera.

Lora: Most likely to knock on Howie's door three times in one week.

Kelly: Most likely to get skid marks from a van that has hit her.


Thanks so much to everyone who contributed ESPECIALLY Mandie, Brooke, Jade, Linda, Nikki, Faithers, and anyone else who may have come up with some good ones!