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“My Sister”




The girl that'll always be in my life,

The girl I'll always Love with all my heart,

The girl that'll be close to me even when we're apart,

My Sister.


The putdowns and laughs we shared when we were kids.

The hugs and I Love yous' now when we're teens.

We're growing up before our own eyes.

Soon we'll be living our own lives.


The lectures I give you, I give you cause I care.

I want you to be safe,

Whether or not I'm there.


I know your growing up,

You're more like a young woman,

I just don't want you to end up being with the wrong man.


I don't want to see you pregnant at the age of seventeen,

You'll end up paving a path for your future that is unclean.

I think you know I care about you,

I know you care about me too.

That's why God made us Brother and Sister,

To show each other what's right to do.


So little sister, listen to what I say,

I'm not trying to take your fun away.

I just do not want you to be in harms way.


By: Mark Padilla


