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Remembering the “Old Days”…



Doesn’t it seem so yesterday?

The way we used to joke around and play.


How we put thumbtacks on teachers’ chairs,

Put gum in our classmates hairs…


Doesn’t it seem so yesterday?



Today, now, we’re all grown up.

Found out Girls don’t have cooties,

But better yet, we discovered that they’ve got booties… (c:


Guys, all we think about are girls,

And Girls, all they think about are guys.

Are some of the things happening now in our lives.


Today, now, we’re all grown up.

Finding out new things along the growth of our lives.

The good and the bad that’s happened, we learn from and go on,

The dreams we’ll pursue, will soon come upon…


As we mature day by day, year by year,

Getting closer and closer to Marriage and Kids,

A family I’ve always wanted, the kind with the Mom and Dad both there.

I know how it feels to not have one, and the other not really there… )c:


As I pray everyday, every night…

I always pray about the day when everything will be all right.

Me, Graduating from the Air Force Academy,

Having a career and Marrying the ONE I Love so Dearly…


This is how I want my past in the future

How do you want yours?


Take care, and God Bless!


Mark Padilla










