//This is a function that computes the average pressure per day // Created by Emily Weckback and Julian Salai 1/28/00 #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <iomanip.h> void pressure(ofstream outfile) { //defines all identifiers ifstream input; float jday, tmp, temp; int loop_count, day; float pressure, press_sum, pressure_average; int error_count, non_error; //opens input and output files input.open("89381099.txt"); //ignores the first 2 lines of code input.ignore(600, '\n'); input.ignore(600, '\n'); //print header outfile << "\n\n\n"; outfile << " Day " << " Avg Pressure " << " Num of Errors" << endl; day = 0; input>> jday; while (input) { //reassigns all identifiers values loop_count = 1; press_sum = 0; error_count = 0; non_error = 0; //loops as long as loop_count is less than or equal to 144 while(loop_count <= 144) { input>> tmp>>temp>>pressure; input.ignore(50,'\n'); if(pressure != 444.0)//if, else statement { press_sum = press_sum + pressure; non_error++; } else error_count ++; loop_count ++;//adds one to loop_count input>> jday; } day++; pressure_average = press_sum / non_error; //prints the information to the screen outfile << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); outfile << setprecision (2); outfile << setw(2) << day<< setw(15) << pressure_average << setw(14) << error_count << endl; } }