//This is a funciton that computes the average temp per day and for the month //Written by Ben Hogan and Diana Moore #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <fstream.h> void temperature (ofstream outfile) { //declares these identifiers float temp, avg, sum, time, avgmon, tottemp; int loop_count, day, jday, errtotal, findays; ifstream temp_file; //declaring temp_file temp_file.open("89381099.txt"); //opens racerrock1099 to read in info //initilize variables tottemp = 0; day = 0; temp_file.ignore(100,'\n'); //ignores first 2 lines file temp_file.ignore(100,'\n'); outfile<<"Day"<<" "<<"Average Temp in °C"<<" "<<"errors (out of 144)"<>jday; //reads in jday while (temp_file) //loops till end of file { //initilize variables loop_count = 1; errtotal = 0; sum = 0; while (loop_count <= 144) //loops 144 times { temp_file>>time>>temp; //reads in time and temp temp_file.ignore(50,'\n'); //ignores rest of line if (temp != 444.0) //if then statement to find sum and number of errors sum = sum + temp; else errtotal = errtotal + 1; loop_count++; //adds one to loopcount temp_file >>jday; //reads in jday } //end of loop findays = 144 - errtotal; //computes number of days that the temp was recorded avg = sum / findays; //computes average tottemp = tottemp + avg; //computes the total temperature day = day + 1; //value for day avgmon = tottemp / day; //finds the average temp for the month outfile<< setiosflags (ios::showpoint | ios::fixed); //sets precision to 2 outfile<< setprecision (2); outfile<< setw(2) << day << setw(15) << avg << setw(19) << errtotal << endl; //displays values } //end of loop outfile << "\n\n"; outfile << "The average temp. for the month is " << avgmon << " °C."<< endl; //displays average temp for month }