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This Cut and paste IRC is very simple and very easy to add on to. Cut & Paste these sections 1 step a time into a home page account in the same order that they are displayed. All the fields that need to be changed are listed like this for example ___TITLE___ erase everything and put your title in. also where it says __FILE_NAME__ that is where you want to put the URL or File name of your IRC
Example: (chatURL="irc.html")

Step. 1

The Command popups below are also very easy to edit and addon to.. EXAMPLE:
else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/slap") {
var slap=prompt("Slap who?");
txt("/me Slaps "+slap+" in the face with a large dead trout!")

Just make sure where it says var slap=prompt and "+slap+" are the same and make sure there are no doubles each popup should have its own name and command

else if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "/hit") {
var hit=prompt("Hit who?");
txt("/me hits "+hit+" in the face and runs away LMAO!")

Step. 2

Change colors in the last step to fit your liking

Step. 3