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The Lodges Minutes


Welcome and we hope that this is an informative stay for you. If you are a member of this Lodge then feel free to use your user name and pass to enter and see the Lodges minutes.If you are a member and you did not get your user name and pass in your e-mail from me then go ahead and email the wiz now and take advantage of this oppurtunity THE WIZARD. If you are not a member of this organization or Masonry yet then also drop me an email and we will take care of you too"2b1ask1" or simply click on the next button at the bottom of the page. For all the Masons out there Please join in and take a look at what we are doing in Vilseck to make your fraternity a little bit better.We only hope that for you Brother's who are far away from us that this brings you a little closer to home.