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Lena's Oasis

~*~ Hello There! ~*~
For the next week or so, my page will be TOTALLY under reconstruction! haha So don't mind the totally messed up appearance for a bit! :)
Spring '04 is already done! It's all flying by so quick, it's hard to believe. I'm keeping busy, and trying to have a good time and keep myself out of trouble. I'm having a GREAT summer! I hope the rest of you are too!
I hope you enjoy these lovely pics of me! lol To the right is me when we visited Mount Vernon (Washington's Mansion) in Virginia. I went down to DC to visit my aunt and uncle for the July 4th weekend. To the left is my fave pic of me. I think it's the best one ever taken of me! haha It's one of like 3 pics of myself I actually really like. haha

~*~My Other Cool Pages~*~
Hey guys, this section is currently under reconstruction! As of today, the Music Links, Froggy's Advice Pages, AND NOW Vaca Page are able to be seen now. Vaca Page is still under major construction, but at least it's able to be seen now! haha I'll keep you updated on the pages and how they're doing!

~*~ Cool Poll ~*~

~*~ Lena's Life ~*~

Hey everyone!! Here's a part of my life for you to see... I have to search for some other pics I have, but here's the ones I could find so far...
Over to the left here I have a pic of me and my two awesome former roomies! I'm on top, with Nina in the middle, and Christa on the bottom. I'm RA this year, but I'll miss being roomies with them.
The first row are my pets, well most of them. I hafta get in a pic of my bunny! haha The two ends are my kitties that I love! Parker is the darker and bigger one, and Amber is the smaller one with orange spots. Aren't they so freakin cute?! hehe And in the middle is my doggy Quincy. He passed away this past October. I really miss him sometimes.

The next line is some pics of my friends, well, friends I have pictures of! haha First is my bestest friend in the whole world, Cheryl. I've known Cher for like forever, and I miss her a lot, because I haven't talked to her in like forever... I only hope that she's ok... On the right is my friend Dustin. We've been friends since freshmen year, and he's one of the few people I can count on now to help me out when I have a problem. He's mad I used that pic, but I think it's cute! so there :b haha

On the second to last line, first is me all dressed up in the graduation stuff right before the ceremony, with my Carney Medal and everything. Next to that are the pics of my roomies from the Semi! I don't think they could have put three weirder girls together into one room! lol But that's ok, because we had a great time!! lol And next to that is me and Jer that I took recently. He's a cool bro to have, and I know I'm lucky.

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Thank you for visiting my page!! Make sure you come back soon to check out all the changes! And be sure to have lots of fun this summer!!
Click the beautiful oasis to email me!! teehee